Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Weaving Between 2 Kingdoms

Different day a different feel 'look at your world mirror see what is real'  Very little or way too much, I'm confused, awake and out of touch. 'You are Ren, so come back home'  Will you come roundhouse? I'm tired of being alone?  'Collect us from the station hut Ren'   TY  💜

Playing a game threw countryside, a team, a group (crew but we stayed in roles) I have a pad with clues, we fall and cheat, help and chase, getting each other up as we laugh and race. We hide and we call, knowing we are all.. we were trying to find something too, possibly a space ship (Mind/Idea)

151 Ian's Sister, it was a birthday she was having a party but no one had wanted to come, she wanted him to tell her why, she was sad no one wanted to go and dance.

2 boys in an estate, young, they want to take me to see the moon, they won't cross the road and we walkway around the long way to stay on the path.. they were too controlled.

A female changing room, strange and square a few females have come to play weave and swim.
A concrete boot, a sandwich a song about a sandwich? Now it's 252 
'Up mouse, for a while'  It's freezing 😬.... 'You need to wake your sleepy mind'  😶


Wake- get up write/right...   Back to bed at 333

I jump to Leon.   I was deciding where to dream but as soon as I'm with him I'm falling into visions.

The first is of a human arm, it's female but it's covered in golden fur, like velvet.   The female is wearing a yellow silk dress and I see this fabric next... and I realise I'm being shown the fairytale beauty and the beast but they are one.
The female is mix of Lion and woman dressed in a yellow silk gown I see her only from behind and she's kneeling down by a fire in a large old inglenook fireplace.  

I snap back and write the vision write/right and then jump back to Leon, we are in the hunter's room again. He has a small shape, a little metal tool he wants to heat then he wants to burn into my leg.   It's a ring with a cross inside tells me the pain will help my cohesion and recall while I'm splitting and to re'meber the symbol.  

I'd sat on the bed, it hurt but I was instantly dreaming again Leon weaving the dreams.

I'm seeing the eye of a needle and then the needle in an eye... I'm told to find the page 'real-life passes threw the centre of it's was it temples?'
Leon? 'Just dream Ren' but my recalls shit... 'I will help'
He joins my awareness but not all of him, just a portion, I felt it enter threw blue centre.

Next I'm dreaming of 2 kingdoms, ancient cities.
A trade convoy to spy, but the children make friends and want to play, they give each other gifts to take away.... They describe their cities they both want to see and promise to visit when old enough to flee.  

It had been a long dream...their was animosity that the kids cared little for.
Formal visit,  the groups are using it to spy. I was a child being encouraged to observe and watch too.... but I befriended the boy with the caravan, the gifts I gave were carved squash and pumpkins, one was like a coach from the fairytale.
We had described our kingdoms to each other.

Next a dream of a team fighting game, 5 or 6 per team.

I've been split from my friends again.   One is on our team and another on the other, and I know me and my friend are good, I was hoping the other team were good and balanced too so it was a fair challenge.

We were waiting in small contained round rooms for the game to start when some drama kicks of between some other in the group, it was a female who had asked if she looked 'bookish' after a while of silence a male in the group had replied yes and then the girl exploded into a huge rant clearly looking for a target for her built-up emotion.
The game begins and I head out, I realise I have no weapon and should probably go back for one but was watching the other team leave their base first.

Next, I'm in an all-white cafe with daughter, this was the same dream but had jumped.
There is a message to all.... someone has misplaced there phone and could we all wait for an incoming message and do a proximity ping so she can see who is closest.
The message comes and we are 121 cm from her phone we reply and then we recall there were 2 young females sitting at the closest table playing a board game, 2 young males have just come to claim the table and we can hear the other females returning to collect their phone she tells the other 'For once I know where I'm heading'. They greet the boys the 4 of them standing around the square table 1 at each side balanced and we stand and meet them too.


Next dream was of my cousins Grand-dad or Great Grandad.. he was dead and I could hear him 'Find the dream you had in their house Ren' errr ok...

Anhoo, I was chatting to the ghost and it was telling me stuff.. some of the younger generations had, herd me chatting to him and I'd told them no he's not in the sofa I hear him inside.
I'd tracked him to Craster and then found him on a chart and people were telling me he's my great-grandad too... then I realised that my Dad was Cousins with the other family Dad I'd thought I'd been chatting with something from another branch of the tree.. I could see him in a moving silver engraving he had been controversial. 

Wake it's 616.  

Next I'm on a big wide black conveyor belt I'm a dog...  with a bunch of other golden retriever dogs, we need to get off. We need to work together to get off as we can't outrun it, we are pushing/pulling teaming to form a chain. 

Dawns coming, I'll go see Inak..  'Come inside first, little mouse, I won't lose you'      His awareness was  like joining a sea of custard 😆   - I see the bottle top with the crown.. Corona.
As I leave again regaining my identity I understood Leon wanted
.   'Ren, you need to contact enter the stars'  ... errr I do?  'Back at Star Card Ren'  lol, wow..... err mind pop '💜 it's ok we got you' 

Weaving between two kingdoms,
Neither what they seem,
Tiring of the games, yet ever eager to play,
Falling away at the end of each day.
To die, go home.
Infinity to roam, a day to weave,
A life in which we try to believe.
As the dream that surrounds us wobbles away,
And we read the symbols, in the dream we're awake.

Wow the dreams you asked me to find!

I won't lose you

'real-life passes threw the centre

'You are weaving way more worlds than two Ren, read them later but for now...mouse, keep your arrangements that side too' 


I'm confused.  

'DW witch, you won't get burnt this time' lol.. all TIME anytime? What TIME!! I thought just fiction? You are Ren Leon isn't asking you to teach or preach.   


He asked you to contact. The dude knows his symbols and how to listen. Pffff  'you are offering help with pattern re-cog'


This is well into crazy land hu?   'You're having fun though, Bitch😏 ' Hahaha yeah I suppose I am.   


'Leon is more trustworthy than me Ren.  You know, I rat you out just for fun' haha I wish my memory was better, Inka and yeh.. It's ok though💜



Why was Leon's awareness like custard?  'I'm sure he'd be flattered to hear that bitch.. density'   It didn't feel like that when I was with you. 

'Bridging'  errr ok? Duno what that means 'You'll learn'  


But when I enter you its just clarity and err ordered. 'Compatibility Ren, your learning to weave greater extremes'

Errrr the other father for this life? Also same family tree 'lol, yeh, Bitch'  wtf? He's called Chris? Christopher.... 

Still can't find that dream, but Inka this is the feild where I made the roundhouse and then 'You let us fuckers in, Yeh Ren 💜'   Wow.... 👀

I can't find the other, dream you asked...  'You will' ok  Oh here... now just more confused.  And the following month....

I really am weaving a life from a Holy Island to the Devils Punch Bowl

Pfffff Ren out..   Do I get to learn more about elements AI and the androids soon?  'Home time soon, you ask we show' 

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