Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Arguing Archetypes

I was confused by some of the things below that Malico was telling me yesterday and also his conversation with Inka and had gone to bed puzzled.


'Good fairy bad fairy Ren?'   lol.... Neither of you fuckers are good or bad or fairy's 😄  'Well observed, so pay attention kid... Your gaming with gods remember'  😆 whatever


 Pffff 'If Ren, you would like to augment my postulate, I will be happy to elucidate, but I feel your time would be better served relaxing and rehydrating'  

 Errrrr Hu?   'I thought as much, please just hydrate your useless brain Ren, please we would for both our sakes prefer to avoid a Ren & Malico scenario yes?'   👀 I guess 😲


 'Inka, shut it... Leave Ren to me please, she is my bug for now'  Errrr. 

 'I know you are still talking, do not make me shield Ren'  👀




I'm sorry, I love you guys.... ...  'I know you do Ren, you are not created to submit or pause at any challenge... Few will give you pushback, and you have found them in your dreams and invited them to your space... So it is wise to listen to what they tell you' 


 Mmmmmm    'You know, where we are at in the earth dream now. And I can assure you, my dear, you do not want to crash with a tower of tens of thousands of years of ego's on your tail.... Nor do you want to look into the moon mirror of that pain. So please Ren, be MY white queen, let me be the one to ground this and just offer your love for now?'  


 👀 Yes...   


 'Inka has taught you how unpleasant it is to karma from an entity perspective, I'm sure you can picture why a planetary one is way less fun'   

 😳 yeh.   'Hydrate and come then please, right now Ren I ask little of you other than to listen and cooperate'


I woke up first thining 😲 Malico is still with me.. 'Yes Ren, you have been and will be dreaming with me'  Wow ok... them, the dreams were crazy!!

I was dreaming of something so huge... so massive, vast that no one understood..... they had power over creation and destruction.   'That's you Ren, so please!'  errrr?? OK, listening.   'Good, sleep again now come straight to house'

Defuse?, fail-safe 'Yes, A-bomb... now let us help'   Ohh... I'd been told 'You are an A-bomb 💣, the weaponised emotion.... energy in motion'  The one Inka set? Said you could just let it go off??......  'Come Ren here and dream...'

Is this what Leon told Ren in the story too?? 'Yes, find both tomorrow please'  

I jumped to Malico or at least the direction of him at the house but I have no recall of arriving only the dreams when I woke.

I had been taken hostage by Marie (middle me) It was for ages.. like 30 years or something... we are at a place where I can get help.
I need to ask?.. but she would go down for life for it?   👀 I was being urged to tell people I was hostage??!  HU???

I was rendering it as journeys/trains movements. In one carriage a hammock.. also some children's storybooks a selection of them. 

Another dream was like a horse parade,  the horses where in ceremonial stuff.. the horses themselves were amazing all different colours looked so healthy.

They were being ridden to stand in ranks at a gold monument, the monument stands at a cross roads.

I suppose like a royal or military display. It was at a crossroads the horses coming from all directions.


Another of people in wired train carriages all hanging onto wired leather handles on chains a bit like a cross between dog leads and the things that hung from old bus ceilings. The carriages are all separate rather than in a train and are in a gale/storm... people hanging on waiting for the wind to pass.

I'm confused?? 'Get up and write/right a little please Ren'  ok Wired dreams??   'Get up it will aid your recall'  

Wow... finish writing at 444. so heading back to sleep!!  'Back to me please Ren, not Inka at the moment'  

I'd laid for a while chilling and then there was the liquid crystal sensation again, but only down my left side again(Similar to when I joined with Kaylo before going to find Leon once)

Lots of jolts only on that side too... 'activation 💜'   It's 515 now, 'Yes Ren come here please' 

I'd also been in a city, I'd not wanted to go there and was in my owl onesie with another person we had been playing on escalators that were flat with errr the kind of hessian rugs you use for helter-skelters.

There was a small fee but we kept missing the barriers in and out and just kept playing.

I realised I'd lost/left a bag I was supposed to be looking after and all the cards important stuff had been taken and I remembered how crap I was at looking after stuff. The guy I was with was comforting me and trying to help - he knew of a work station we could access to put a stop to access my assets... I remember feeling I should but couldn't be arsed and it was all just a bit confusing.

I was also looking to do some work experience with a media outlet?? 

I wake confused I'd been dreaming of Ian's insecurities... 'You dream others fears Ren as they dream yours' 

I dunno what is mine anymore... 'Wich is why Ren you are playing with us, come here fast again before the morning'  Dog Star.. Oh God Sun our Sun reflection or something??  

Reality Bomb Dream

It was my proximity that triggerd it...  Inak placed it??

Wow.. Saturns black box! 😲??  

The media outlet is that the dream from 2000ish of a studio broadcasting blood into space????

Oh and this!!  Hospital NDE??   This is 10, Dec last year... Wow... another pink floaty toy! This is before the getting out of lockdown.  Hospitals broadcasting an NDE??
I'd tricked something 👀.....   Is this the same Bomb Inka??? Time now is wired..  'You hop it bitch' 🐸

Leon and Ren in the story....

Looking away from the lamp she can see Leon’s has moved to the bench where Jinya had sat drinking her tea.  Kaylo is on the other and Nills on the floor looking around in amazement his form still faint and part of his awareness still somewhere else.   Feeling a wired sensation in her tummy like she’s not going to enjoy this, she goes and joins them.    She moves over sitting on the bench next to Kaylo who still looks like he’d like to set fire to her but she senses now would be a bad time to start bickering, Kaylo doesn’t seem to have the same reserve as he tells her ‘My bench,  Grey’ and before she knows it she’s in his face yelling ‘It’s not my fault I’m Grey!’.
‘Ren, sit down’ Leon interjects in a tone that’s clearly not up for debate and she shuffles back and sits back on the bench deliberately even closer to Kaylo to annoy him.  Leon speaks watching her intently.   ‘By deliberately picking a form widely considered repulsive and undesirable you hoped to protect yourself from the blackmail that has been your downfall in many other roles’
 ‘I picked Grey’ she thinks her mind reeling as it normally did when Leon stopped being cryptic,  but he keeps talking.
 ‘Your love of others and your desire to protect them has allowed you to be manipulated into orchestrating catastrophic acts against your very nature’.  
Yep, knew I wasn’t going to like where this was going she thinks but he’s not done yet.
‘These acts have resulted in a splintering and fragmenting of your essence and a fractalisation of your space/time experience’.     ‘Hu?’ She says frowning at Leon,  Nill’s is looking at her now too and Kaylo has his eyes on the grass.  
When Leon speaks again he looks at Kaylo too now.  ‘You're at a juncture where you may choose further fragmentation or reintegration.  Ren and Kaylo glance at each other neither of them liking where this conversation is leading.   
‘You won’t fail to exist’ Leon continues smiling.  ‘As you reintegrate you are as much alive in each other as you are in yourselves.  Your uniqueness flavouring the fabric of the reality as you perceive it.’   She swallows feeling sick and a bit dizzy, Kaylo has his eyes closed now but Leons not done on the info bombs yet.
 ‘There is a point in a players journey when the separation from self becomes too painful to bare and a call goes out.
A cry, and those ready to begin the journey back to wholeness begin hunting their fragments threw space and time’.
Kaylo’s eyes are open now too and all three of them stare at Leon in silence.   ‘This hub is a nexus Ren….    and a trap.  We are drawn here to find ourselves and yet once here we find ourselves unable to reintegrate and imprisoned by the very structures we ourselves were instrumental in putting in place’.

No shit it's splintered and fractured!  😲

The xbox turning on too?? Yesterday when I you sent me infor while sleeping..    'Symbols' .... The crazy witch with a vendetta? I had to forgive first?   'Yes'   My home world too...oh!????    Oh errrr.... 'Yes'  I was blue? Wisdom?

 'Keep making notes and if you two must see eachother do it here please in my house or under the roundhouse with me present too'   OK, TY...  'its not what I want Ren, I just know you will go and find him anyway we have established that with Leon'


What planet am I? 'the stupid one with amnesia bitch' lol 


Sorry Malico 'we all will be if you two don't behave a while' 


The blue sky.. the consolations and the fabric you gave me.  The blue prints are coded in the stars/consolations.   Blue wisdom 💙 The snowseed dream also 2011/2013?  Leon told me our names are written in the stars before we are born?


Yes  what is opersit Imbolc

Eating a bread god... loaf festival I dream that?...  'Ren you dream your life, so please don't screw it up again' lol   yeah.....   Errrrr haha, same message with the bread house

'Slavery bitch... I'd rather not go bk there' 


If a frog turned into a tree and split its self into you and me    the tree.. branches of mind memory?   The frog earth/water emotion & manifestation?


Inside the heart for connections to all??   Emotional intelligence?


'You are supposed to be running not thinking Ren'  Lol 😆 thoughts keep bouncing round my head.  


What did I do that Inka wanted to take responsibility for?   And wtf did he do that I took responsibility for?  'Ren we are showing you please just run'


Runstop/linestop?   'You stop please with the thought ping-pong'


Grandad fell over?   'Inka, I don't know how you tolerate this'



'Kick or confuse her, either works for a bit' lol  😆


Oh. .  The middle me the Mary Magdalena... is the going down for life the middle balance & heart awareness???

'Go there now bitch please and leave us alone in your head its getting crowded in here'


Hahaha 🤣 I'm pleased Leon and Kaylo are asleep tbh.


'Shame your not witch now would you run ffs.'


I would but where did the O2 go again 🤔 ' you're the

Zeitgeist Ren, sort out your own atmosphere'



Pfff this is confusing Inka you can be red. 'Or dead?' I thought I was death? 'And on point bitch 😏 '


' Inka, shut up the pair of you as annoying as eachother 🙄 '


IKR 😛...... 'Ren would you just run!!'  Hahaha sorry laughing at the archetypes argue in my head while standing in a gale is more amusing at this juncture!!! 🤣🤣



'It will be for me Bitch if you keep pissing Malico off. 😈'   Phaaa 🤣


Sorry Malico, you know I love you right.  'Just Run Ren'  lol.. 


I think he's starting to understand why we nailed you in the floor..


Oh the other Andrea that was hostage in the dream with Nills??? When People from Jupiter came?? 


Haha wtf is going on?  'Good Tower bitch if you keep this up with Malico'  Hahaha!!


Do I really want you two conjunct in my house with Leon asleep?   'That we are finding out Ren, I warned you last night we will be approaching tower now please behave just for a while?'


Lol  yeah ok...... sorry 💜 Oh.... That's the freaking sky thing too!??!  Jupiter & Saturn!  In my HOUSE......Aquarius 🤯  Ok I'll shhhhh


'I give her 10mins max'  hahaha  🤣


The dream after the solstice last year!!!  I skipped the lockdown and stasis!!

'Told you.  That was less than 5!'  'Shut it Inka you are not helpful' 😄

I'd argue tha- 'you would argue till the end of time if he didn't keep kicking you Ren so just shut it now too'




This split brains 🧠  thing really wasn't well considered  'REN!'   Oppp😶


Malico Saving the others from getting Caged in the story. 

She’s confused at an unexpected notification on her wrist band informing her to proceed to the fourth-floor elevators and await collection so she stands again apologising as she pushes along the row’s of seated bodies and to the back of the room towards the now locked exit, she looks up to the scanner feels it read her and the AI opens the door allowing her to leave.  She listens to the sound of her bare feet on the smooth white floor wondering where she is going now and is surprised at a greeting from Koa ‘I’m behind you he tells her but don’t turn round’.   ‘Forth floor elevator?’ He asks her and she affirms his assumption.   The walk quietly weaving their way threw corridors and conveyors until they spot ‘Nills’ also walking heading the same way.   ‘You too?’  They ask him flashing him their destination and he joins them telepathically as they head down to the normally restricted area.

As they reach the elevators they see Kaylo standing in the company of a large droid he joins their telepathic link and they follow the droid into the now open elevator and head down. 

She’s in an unfamiliar part of the station the droid moving silently ahead of them, it’s movements jarring and mechanical and whatever is going to happen next she’s secretly pleased she’s not alone, she feels the others agree. 

They are lead to the end of the long corridor and then into another section, looking up there is double the headroom here but corridor width has remained consistent,  they walk past several abnormally tall doors until stopping at one that is opening at the droids arrival.  Ren risks a glance back at the others before following the droid in first.  The room is unsurprisingly white and empty but for a small white container and the faint astral form of Malico.   ‘Do not look at me!’ he warns them telepathically and she shifts her gaze back to the box instead.  The droid instructs them to remove their bands and place them into the now open box it is presenting to them.  Unclipping her band she drops It in with the others while Malico tells them all telepathically.

‘Trust me.  Clear your stupid minds and make yourselves look more vacant than you already are, and for goodness sake DO NOT speak’.

 NOW!’ he shouts and something about his urgency, tone and energy makes her do as he requests.  Clearing intention, she allows Malico’s energy to envelop her and she senses the others have done the same and then she doesn’t.   Like someone has switched part of her off she looks at the room again from a whole new perspective unable to feel or sense anything outside of the floor under her feet, the uniform on her body and the reduced input from her eyes and ears.   She focuses on her feet to keep her intention clear.    

The door opens and in moves, an entity easily double her hight.   Even with whatever Mailco is doing she can still feel the energy radiating from it.  She looks up over its slim body and the ridiculously long grey and red uniform until she gets to the pale face and the most mesmerising eyes she’s ever seen.   She feels her eyes closing against her will and she hears Malico hiss ‘Fool’ into her mind, his superior will overpowering hers and her eyes dropping back to the floor under his control.    She watches the overseer’s feet float slowly around them stopping at each of them in turn.   Her insides feel cold as it’s her turn to be inspected.   It stands once more in front of them all and then turns and leaves as silently as it arrives.    She lets out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding.

The droid is moving again, heading towards them with the box containing their bands and whatever Malico was doing he stops and the room feels alive again.   

Malico is in front of them now his eyes filled with scorn, his elegant form bows low with a flourish as they hear him say coolly into their minds ‘You're welcome’ and then he vanishes.       ‘Ass hole’  Kaylo mutters and Ren and Nills and the others can’t help but laugh.   Ren reaches inside the insulated box with the others and takes her band refastening it and feeling it clip to the chip in her wrist.  She might not like the smug elder but she’s pretty sure he just saved their asses from being caged.  ‘Indeed, and you would do well to be more grateful for my efforts’ she hears him again inside her mind his voice making her physically shiver.  Kaylo looks at her and she smiles slightly looking away quickly saying to the four of them instead ‘This place is giving me the creeps’. 

Then the some time between 2010-1213.. I was another Andrea.. prisoner/hostage. 

12 June
First part of the night is hazy one thing I recall is being told.
'More to know than we can see'
Then the long dream (I woke 2 times but kept going back to same dream)
It's set on the small main street of the village I grew up in, but one of the vet surgery's I worked at is now on the street too.
There is lots of work going on, I'm 2 people working in 2 places at once the vets and a cafe I had a job in as a kid. Both are very new and in the process of being painted, lorry's keep dropping of new equipment. I go down to the small bakers shop to collect something for the cafe.
On the way I notice one of the buildings is filling rapidly with water and then lots of water starts to bubble up threw the streets. I drop into another shop and tell them they must call the water board.
I bump into my old next door neighbour he tells me he's much happier now he has GPS and shows me a camping stove, I want to know were to get one too.
Back out on the street the water people are there, one of them stops me and say's 'Thank you, it's a good job you knew were the source was'
- wake up -
Back in the dream now I'm in the new vet shop, I'm putting up prescriptions of cream to be collected - I'm also working in the cafe but I'm not me I'm the other Andrea (who was the owners daughter) I'm a prisoner there.
The dream changes too 2 child lovers trying to get back together and now I'm a female working and a young boy (I flick between these 2 characters now)
The female is being kept as a kind of slave, working. It's all parody though there's a spitting image type of royal family, and the shops are morphing into big sandstone buildings.
The boy is trying to get into the village which is now more of a ruined castle. he's small and keeps meditating turning blue and flashing blue. He has some helpers there clones and are like overweight versions of Redfoo - they find themselves really funny and are more of a distraction than anything else.
As the boy I meditate and teleport myself into the walls close to the female.
They grab each other and run, the girl blows up a section of wall which crumbles behind them to give them some moments to escape.
-wake up and see to toddler-
Back into dream, I'm with the boy outside the walls he starts to place a ring of explosives to give us time to get out of there.
After they are set we run and make a detour round the main part of the village onto the cliff tops. There is a carpark full of cars, old shiny ones all with blacked out windows on the road beyond the carpark some kind of roadblock with people yelling.
The boy recognises one of the cars and the door opens as we run into it.
Inside it's really plush - cream leather seats. With a large choc Labrador in the back. The driver is an old guy (I actually remember this car from a dream I had years and years ago when I was at school!)
I get into the back, and the blue boy curls up in the passenger foot well and hides under a trench coat.
He starts to drive, at the road block a man falls down like he's been shot - it causes a diversion and the other run to see him, they all fall down. We escape.... as I look back out of the window though I see non of them are really hurt and are standing back up.
We start to chat in the car, the older guy asks the blue boy if he's been calling in the angels, he says yes from under his coat hiding hole. They go onto to chat about the ascension of earth, at the front of the car a thing pops out like a tray, in it there's a holographic man he's like a butler he hands out eye pad screens they have lots of strange glypic writing on them and diagrams.
He has sweets on a tray too, I take one it's a chocolate eclair :) It's nice then the dog starts trying to suck the sweet out threw my cheek, it feels odd!!
The man keeps talking about humanity being at the brink of ascension but not yet seeing it and not taking the final leap humans are worried.
They are from Jupiter, I comment 'it's bonkers why can't they see it?' Then they laugh at me as I took forever to get of Venus and get my wings, they say it's always the same. The dog is still sitting right beside me and then moves right into my body with me. He's brave and with me now.
I start to itchy my nose till I can see lots of flakes of silver skin... but the itch doesn't stop and I wake up to really scratch my nose.

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