Monday, 28 December 2020

Long Games

Inka help please 'We are Ren you dumb bitch, stop upping the stakes ffs'  The long game in astral?

'You know him Ren'  I don't 'You don't know what you don't know bitch, we have perspective you have amnesia'

Why? 'To avoid a trajectory a strong attraction like this threw the planet is stronger than you understand'    

I wake again at 23.23 O.o 'yep Ren you get me!' Fuck....   'Too late for that squeaky, listen up and do what we say'  ok 'It's big crazy games you are wanting to play' lol yep

'We know this cause we made it we ripped it up and then we played it, now freaking balance please'  I really am nuts! 

You are a voice in the darkness, a song in the night, a sway in the movement my ripple in time.

You dance to my panpipes, you call ours who roam, you are dancing back into my heart and your home.

'We have told you, Witch, you are ours and we want you back'  


I got up and made bread.. then back to Zzzzz

So a bug life, I'm a grasshopper gone wrong??

Told to find 5th Nov dreams??

lol..  (Game deves & Viruses)

Others too? Errr ok...

lol... Eve's and Apples, Viruses 2019😛

More Babes and Journeying from 2018 & cattle carriage? 

Closest on 2017... 3rd Nov, wow where I started to learn to hear you guys! Signal box... lol The horns Hippocampus - Capricorn Horn of plenty... plenty of info 😆

Nov 4th 2016.. Fools, a black and rainbow serpent DNA? Hybrid creatures and a soul fragment... 'Longtime fool bitch'  💜

6th was where I agreed again to game this shit hu? The night before void manifestation the one after being in circuitry!    'Less bored?'  Hahah yeh!! Hehe the all the game boards, first on the level? 😆 

WTF! GG... IMPressed again 😏 Especially given where the rest of the info leads too!

Bk to us now plx..

The dryads, the broken male totem.  I'd been a massive data flow again.  More gaming agreements.

I gave it to Illeth in the story to look after as I didn't know how to look after it yet she fixed it.  Oh.. taken back to the dream too (It was Loci)  more herd/dairy.   Kids playing with light toys. Then the weaponised emotion...  people being taught hate.

I'd been in my new dream hub, we were dream sharing as 4 in a cross all heads pointing in this time like on Leons Island in the story when he was teaching us co-creating dream worlds 'And you'd fucked off to eat strawberries missing the rules?'  lol yeh.  😏  I'm opposite Inak and Malico opposite Loci

Lots of crown energy and purple centre.

It felt wired... 'DW bitch, your seriously grounded!' haha Inak.  'Come back now'  

Pinnochio? wtf? 'Made from wood to witch' Wish on a Star? Hu??  'Come, here again, stay and dream with just Loci' 

lol comes from Pine Eye! My soul tree a Pine, the ogham for farsight!  

Hung from a tree... like Odin!

Inka merges with me as an ego aspect. I dream share with Loci. A red deep red earth a house like my roundhouse but the walls are red earth soil. Red chakra? The mud roundhouse but this has windows like dragonfly wings like living stained glass same as the lamp & living hub in my story the rainbow light is inside the red hut.

'Bk, please Ren' Me and Inak swapped hearts... we were red, the same red/earth. 'Yes Ren, we are all one energy Gestalt come here please fast' It's 404 Time? Location Loci, & Fate/Fortune? Where are we in the deck?

'Here Ren now ffs' lol ok..   


An insect in Pinocchio?? Eh? 'Tomorrow come back' I jump back.

Oh a Cricket too...  


'Unpack that now please Ren now'  

Oooo errr wow, I was 

The dream Ian was male but I was splitting there and sleeptalking.. I was also looking threw the layers between the reality at the underlying source code they are being rendered from.

I can question and see the code.... Ian could ask things threw me to or I could use an ego aspect piggybacked to do the same thing. That's why we bring here and embody it?  
'Yep Ren for them with vehicles open for possession'  lol robust circuitry hu? 'Yes and you're nearly re-wired'  😏

The dream share had been from this new Red hut Inka me are one entity and I'm dreaming with loci only it's different I'm laying on my stomach on the earth and his hand is on my spine. This is the new hope for an earth chakra?  

I'm awake again O.o 'Hahaha Ren sorry you keep upping the fun!' 'Try and sleep again though please, and find tomorrow the dream where we argue in Japanese' Ok 

Wake at 444

The male mind aspects project the reality real time around us from the code! lol you told me that 'And now we show in a pretty house!' lol the lantern windows... 'You SNAIL, keep up' 😏 now Brian on the Magic roundabout 😏Hahah

Errrrr hu? The Fable Game Ian made - Big Blue Box was eaten by Lion Head that was eaten by Micro-Soft?

Big Blue Box logo? first, a blue box eating a red box, Lion Head...  Lionhead was named after Webblys hamster!! lol   Rodent!!  

Microsoft next gates again! 

Webs weave gates separate? 'Find that too plx Ren' The key codes? I was resetting the doors again? 'You play both sides at once Ren to balance and weave' Hummm ok.

Fabel for every choice a consequence


'Instant Karma, you know you like it!' The real-time manifestation, the instant hot water, we need to upgrade too?  

Microsoft? The logo? Logo/Logos? More system architecture? What's up with brow chakra? 'Exchange, bk your Hub now Ren.. we dream one more before dawn' Ok.

Oh the cross... 4 corners 4 points/directions and energy centers too.

The Mudras?   'Gates to Ren & Locks, you learn that astral when you learnt Drishti'

Oh on point again..  The focal point in or out.  'Here ffs Ren' lol OK! Hahaha it's 505 😛 'Yes Bitch, now come'

Wake again... going forward and back, the stolen history? 'Tecnically it's more misplaced than stolen'  Pahahaha
'You know why I have your heart now Ren?'     Yes, it's harder to get lost can feel it's Loci 'Yes, no escape now squeaky'  lol Time/Space  Space/Time?  
These are like frame 1 frame 2?  Void and projection?  'Up Bitch & Dl enough bites to unpack now'   Hahah Bites/Bytes 😆 'All symbols and patterns witch, get up' 

Was these cards last night - 👀

I headed back to sleep for a little bit. All the others had been round the fire chatting I was leaning on Inka dreaming. Have a dream about being in a kitchen I turn round and all the rings are on full and it's getting hot! Inka appears smirking at me. I wake as Loci throws a log at him making me jump and waking him. After that I was dreaming with Loci, until I get a crazy energy rush the room gets brighter and Inka tells me 'Get up Ren I sent you the sun!' and my pillows all bright it's 919 😆  'Your not in Kansas anymore!'  

- The dream with Loci from Oct


My emotions?? 'Not directly Ren, you are holding them in your space if you chose too' 

 I chop another onion heart!  

Hahah it's one too!  'OFC now be gentle with your Onion hearts' Loci?  'I'm your extra dimension Ren' Nice 💜   'Will be when we are threw' child Ren / Ad Ren...  Inka walls plx I'm 

'Inc Ren'  errrrr 'Yeh, your well stabilised both ways, you may feel me root now' 👀 Wow...

'Need more ask Malico, he is ego aspect I'm holding a visceral energy space'   Oh, that makes sense   'Of course it dose Ren, relaxe  out and let us help'    Stretchy??  'We know you like it'   Hahahaha 

'Enough for now?' yes 👍


'You balance there, we balance here...  think of the void space Ren' 'the lessons you slack on Witch' 


Sorry Loci yeah... This is just the weirdest sensation ever!!  'you're playing Mel ok?'   I errr   oh....  wtf.......😲?   'Bo peep bitch'  


STFU Inka now, just ground eh?   'Game on Witch'   Oh Neil Game-one... I know his dream spaces  'Ren please?'   Sorry gah... he's 'Focus here please'   


I'm a shuttle train to retrieve collect?   'Close enough you need Inka's ground, just try not to fight him and remember what you are doing'   

Why did I not go up first to source like a male? 'Andros Ren and you went down cause you'd been blinded by light one to many times'  'That's why you get to hold a female space 😈'


Wow I'm errrrrr wtf is going on.....

Err the escalators last new year???


'You're a tunnel Ren..   just let them pass'  Wtf!👀


'You did it side to side with Inka and Leon,  This is same different direction.'

😲😳 This is 'YW, btw'  Hahah 😯   Why the fuck not hu???  😐

'Yes beloved, you never say no'   lol ffs... 



'Big root Ren, you've been kicking about for years Ren, just own it'

Ummmmm   'big mama with a tummy full of bugs'  Fuck off now Inka not helpful lol and pack that in too!  


My body feels like a hub exchange why??? 'Cause its what you do Ren'   open my orifices??? 🙄 'Portals and Rings Ren'  


It stopped....   WTF happened???  'you cool?' Ummm  suppose 'good, thanks' 


Yw I guess????   Pfff now yellow?? 'sorry Ren incoming info'    could I may be just cook food??? 


'Jog on bitch, I'm dragging you down'  Inka just shhhhhh plx I want to swallow you, just stay in one place. 


'Harvest witch and you did offer ... You're our valk and we want our expat unhinged home if the want it' 

Under the Combine harvester hu??  


'We all fit where we sit bitch'


Well out of any energy work this is way the weirdest


'Mama ship Ren you're a big bitch'




'You never say no Ren just soul retrieval big style'

I'm not totally sure this is the kind of fucking cosmic gate people had in mind??  Or angel!!


I'm am utterly bonkers!   'Yeh but you don't care Ren and that's what we need'


Just hold it full moon tomorrow..

What 😳 😳.  .   'One way in one way out bitch 🤣'


You fuckers🙄


I dream a planet wanting a star, as it dreams me?? 


'Depends what way you are looking in the mirror.'


IMA going to kick you lot so hard..'ik witch, you can just enjoy the current

For now. 😈'  

This is too wired... 'Ren, you are arguing and talking to planets in your head? What's a little traffic between friends 😆'


'Go with it love we got you.'  Pfffff🤯


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