Thursday, 6 December 2018

Nov 2018

Oct 23rd..  first there was a ghost/shimmer anomaly that only I could see... then it changed into a black crow and then a woman...  it was kind of all 3 things/   crow/woman/shimmer   it landed on my left hand.

It stayed with me, sometimes could turn into a pen with witch I could write and also a carrot.     I was walking with the bird down a long hallway on the walls were pictures and each picture was a painting from a scene in my dreams.

Oct 25th one dream was of being in a bay/cove  there was a huge shallow sandy bay with bright blue sparkling water in the water were 100's of dolphins all different types  more that I've ever seen.... different sizes and colours.  There we a few sharks in the water too.    At first I was watching from one of the dunes/ cliffs to the right side of the bay looking out to sea.      The bay was filled with people too enjoying the water with small craft, sailing or surfing.

I walk down to the waters edge the tide is high in and the dolphins are doing a sort of swim past coming close to the land and swimming past us.   I'm with lots of others on the land lining the waters edge and enjoying the interaction.

26th Oct
Last night I was a bit rubbish about writing anything to remind me what I was dreaming.   One thing I can recall is a big residential building but instead of bed/dorms there were kitchens.  Corridors lined with doors leading to small kitchens 1 person to each.  It was busy and hot,  hectic not natural light or windows and the kitchens were old fashioned   with built in shelf like dressers filled with the occupant cooks ingredients and equipment.  -  Each small kitchen had a 'distinct'  personality of the resident cook.

We were leaving too - it was a bit like my communal dorm school dreams but I've never had one with kitchens rather than bedrooms :stuck_out_tongue:

My kitchen was messy, very full and a bit old-fashioned and grubby - It had so many ingredients elements I wasn't sure how to shift it. (edited)

4th Nov
 I was dreaming of chewing on some wood.... like a chopped log.   I chipped my teeth so called a dentist,  it was in my main dreamarea and the dentist was where a bingo arcade used to be.
The dentist try's to put me of saying it's to stormy but I tell him I'm close will come anyway.

When I get there all the enamel from my teeth have gone so I just have the pink dentine left.  It's not painful  and I'm not bothered by it,   I'm waiting for my dentist to arrive and chatting with other people there - it's very busy in the place.

5th Nov
I'm in a department store.  The displays have moving walls the area I'm in is a baby thing/  very modern cots and stylised baby clothes I keep getting confused as the walls move closing it in.

There is a woman who's dad is a famous actor and she's showing us images of him in shows and on a stage - sometimes acting, sometimes dancing ballet.

Next I'm taking acid with some friends from now and past... we are sitting talking and playing with bubble wrap - the dream experience was very much like being on acid.

Next buildings on fire... very old buildings like a whole town.   It's been a dry summer and the straw roofs and big timbers are dry and the fire is spreading from one roof to the next.

Last dream,  I'm getting the London underground but it's an above ground station the train is wide and flat and open more like a cattle carriage  I struggle getting on and once on sit down on the floor leaving the friend I was with.   It's a late night train and I'm heading into and returning to the city for dawn.   I chat with some men on the floor who have been to a gig they are still in work suits and shirts from the day before.     On the floor are 'spots'  there like white heads but filled with like pva glue I pop them while chatting to others in the carriage.

The guards are announcing that the train is very full and people should make full use of all carriages at the front and back of the train to find space.   I stand up and move to the carriage side looking out onto pre-dawn London.   It's misty and smokey  kind of smoggy as it was years ago.   I look ahead and see I'm right at the front of the train and the guard and driver are just in-front of me.   I decide to get off it's not my stop but I want to walk.

On leaving the train I wander threw dark damp streets, the light is blue and black shiny.    I bump into someone who is a mix of 2 people I know  (both are similar shy, small quiet spoken females)  they are in London visiting a dying mother and are upset I hug them and they cry on my shoulder for a while, I walk with them to the hospital.

On leaving them I'm heading to a place I remember, I visited it the first time I arrived in the city...   I want to watch the dawn there :slightly_smiling_face:
In the dream I've been to the place before (It's a place in my dream London  my dream London is mainly based on the river)

The place I'm heading for is a bridge in the city the river flows under it then falls down below at a wired angle   sloping down hill in a way water only dose in dreams :stuck_out_tongue:  I stand on the carved stone bridge watching the river flow under.

It's a hazy autumn dawn  orange threw the mist. (edited)

9th Nov
Last few nights dreams have been like my brain defragging.

Snippets of stuff from the day smooshed together.

Night before last it was pear sorbet that they just made at the local icecream shop (With pears from the community orchard) There was also a duvet cover... it was lovely a light brown colour with bright turquoise mandala type print on it  - turquoise piping round the edge.

In the morning there was a dream about my watch battry bursting and getting battery acid allover me  (far more than would fit into a watch)    Also a large room filled with people who were going fox hunting.

Last night was sort of hopping on stuff in space  like big stepping stones.

10th Nove
Last nights dream was cool   -  It was last being on a planet scenario.   I'd been there ages alone.    I'd rigged up 2 ways of making power it was to do with tapping something deep into the planet.    It was a planet that had been inhabited by humans or something similar.   there were houses and plumbing/electricity but everything was different to here.

The other beings found me and wanted to stay as I had made a life there.   There was a wired thing were I got into a bubble and had to pop myself out of it.    I wanted to help them but there energy brought back this sinister AI robot things   (in the dreams these were what had destroyed the original being on he planet)  They were a bit like the ANSIS in Mannings books - that crossed with a cool robot thing.   They had weapons and tracking and saw human/bio's as an infection.     One of the new beings that arrived got instantly killed and I was on the run with the other...    Heading in and out of buildings I knew,   I seemed to recall that I needed to get somewhere quiet and 'shut down' till they went away.. was like a meditation, deep sleep thing.

Woke up around then.

22nd Nov

In one of my dreams last night there was a really interesting moment when I walked out of a door.   A small dark moth flew down and landed on my hand and then almost immediately a robin flew from a near by tree landed on my hand and ate the moth.

I remember thinking, oh I need to remember this bit of the dream.... and I did :P

Didn't sleep Friday night as we were driving up North...   Sat was Zonked.

Sunday  25th Nov

I was with Male me who kept changing playing some kind of game in a group with other people.  My Aunt and Uncle were there too and they were moving to Japan on a buss, I was helping them to pack up there stuff.   My old cat was n the dream too I was hugging him again, all warm and floppy.    There was also a weird grass valley where the ground/grass/Turf was like jigsaw bits all put together to make the hills.

Monday Dream 26th

Sacred geometry  and Escher style art  -  very visual.  In the dream I had a false awakening and went into the kitchen were the radio was debunking patterns and geometry and I was thinking, hu.... that's odd.

Travelling with a bunch of DJ's in a city going from venue to venue... then venues are wired no gravity so people are floating dancing, one is made of smashed bricks another small white pebbles and tiles.   I have a female lover she's small dark skinned we are both young.

I was also running threw an industrial city, a friends black and white dog was there being chased by a boxer dog, it lept from a balcony but it's lead was trailing and it caught and was hanging by it's neck, I was trying to climb to it to get it down.  Wasn't sure if it was still alive but woke before I got there.

4th Dec.

Huge glass biomes,  looking at fossils and trilobites -   Also massive tree ferns still living... as tall as big redwoods.  There was also a jumbel of stuff about tide coming in/ control and forgetfulness and a prison/jail break.

6th of Dec.

One of them visually wow dreams.   First recall is watching 4 suns setting across a desert, I go to a room where there is a huge open window a 5th sun is setting on a rainbow mountain range.   It's made of different colored sands and rocks  - I can see energy we call them microwaves rippling I think they've caused the wired effect on the mountains.

In the blown sands and rock faces there are old crumbling and ancient buildings carved into the mountain sides.

Jumps and I'm in a valley in the mountain range at dusk, we are walking up to one of the crumbling buildings... we climb up onto what is a flat roof and open a trap door.    Inside is totally different and I laugh with recognition,  metal stairs deeply patterned and lazer cut lead down into the metal interior.  There are markings all over it's a language I have forgotten how to read.     I recall how the dwellings were built on old spaceships and we are inside of one now.

In the ship are people I know and people I don't -  it's very eccentric and eclectic - it's been made into dwelling areas.    I chat with a old gent with white hair who has an area like a junglow study,  old red chesterfield sofas, loads of potted plants and walls of old fabric bound books, he makes tea for us.   Other people are there too, we are waiting and excited as it's nearly time to take off.

Dom is there and is excited about music he's bringing  -  The aliens arrive back and are powering up the ancient ship it's alive too with lights and humming.   Last bit I recall was walking down a huge long corridor deeper into the ship.

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