Friday, 18 December 2020

Singing Satalite or Singing Nark?

Conversations from Yesterday afternoon....

‘It was nice to see you too sleepy mouse.   Please just do as your told for a bit longer’

When Saturn first Entered Aquarius this year??  ‘Find it Ren’

What am I???  That night.. the Monster the game?? 'Confused Ren, it's ok though you’re asking the right people'  

It's wobbly Ren.... We are here.   14.14  'Try to nap, Inak's bk in your house soon and as you can see it's wired'  No shit....   I'm mind popped...

'Good job you got plenty spare then bitch'  Hahah  'Now wrap the fucking gifts bitch? Your Santa this year 😆'  Blugh... Ass hole, I thought you were supposed to be serious... 'Mirror 😛'   I know you missed me.  

'Inka, I'm still here to so please!'
  lol…..  Oh good 😂

I'm 'Confused as fuck.... And doing a shit job of wrapping 😈   You make a crap Santa bitch, good job you just have to sing!'  lol like a canary?  Narc?  'Inak!  Confusing her further isn't helpful,   Ren Try and Nap or you'll be all over the place before bedtime'   lol please tell me it's not moon next?  'Bingo!!  😁 '   Hahah   Oh good.... 😶 

'Listen Ren and it will be fine'   Listen to the Illusion of being?  😵    'Leave her be Inka, Ren we are all playing'

'Not given to flights of fancy bitch? You’re my ass licking fairy'  😈

FU Inka I'll be your arse kicking fairy if you don't cut that shit... I know where to find you and bugs are persistent and irritating 😜

'REN!... and you Inka, enough' .......... 'I can feel you both, you will stop... You can scrap again all you want soon, for now both of you relax please and stay in role' 

'And that is rude Ren, whatever way you look at it.  You invited me into your space now. So I will stay and visit your house as I freely please... You should have had the sense to stipulate rules as I did'    'If you’re looking for sense don't look at Ren'  Hahahaha


'Ren, I did tell you to try and sleep... We are on Moon while leaving Pisces and illusion, I have warned you and I won't keep warning you if your stupid enough to join me looking into the illusion of humanity's delusion from a planetary aspect then you Inka, can put her back together'   

Errrrrrr   Fair safe???   'DW bitch, I've got you... Fun to see how far you'd go?'  hahaha  'I think we all know just how far Ren will go, so Inka, unless you fancy the fucked up futures we land in you will stop fuelling her fire right now'

lol 😆   'I'm still keeping score Bitch'   HAHA brin 'REN!  Have a nap please...'


'Ren, you know me better than Leon.   Even on the station I have only ever helped or contained you...'
Yes... Even when you found me repulsive..     'Indeed, well let’s not revisit that timeline please?  I can assure you I have saved you countless times'
Yet you hunted your humility in me?  'Yes, as a last resort... End of the line Ren, so please at least attempt to express what it is I'm looking for in you'   Oof   OK.... 

'Bitch your our in, you are what we need you to be, the boat with no aim a mouse who will game.

You are a breath on the wind and the scream in the night, the terror of death and the chill of gods might.
Yet playful and aimless you wander all ways, undetected yet hated you weave threw a day.
What you are called matters little.
 We know what you are, you are an aspect of us who have travelled far'.

 'We want you Ren, magnetism works both ways for us and your longing has you locked onto our trajectory'

I don't even care where that goes so long as I get to stay with you guys close. 'See why you’re a parasite bitch?'  Sorry  'We don't want you to let go Ren, we know you would and you do' 


'That pain at blue Ren...  Hydrate more and follow, the pain in your back too please.. Try to remember it... The love that lacks expression the lump in the throat..  That is what you flow please'

Grief that is love with no place to go?   'It has a place to go Ren, and you attached to it, you know how to follow pain now'

'I know it hurts bitch but this is what you wanted to learn.  To be able to follow your love home.. You love regardless of rejection the reflection and the inability to express your heart is what you feel...  You picked to learn this to help you aspect hunt'   Hu? 

Still had bad random stabbing back pain. 
Sleep early, Oh Malico had asked me to follow pains… but ‘You’re all over the place Ren?’  Yeh that too… Ahyhoo Malico had asked me to but I just keep slipping into dreams.

My pens crap too so notes wired… First up I’d been in my main dream area – Malico was telling me he was looking forward to me having more info.

The first dream I recall is I’m in a swimming pool.  I have a baby boy his skin is golden he’s large and recently born and not used to the water and I’m helping it stay afloat, the baby was old too, just it’s form was new/baby body.
 I was not being exactly gentle 😀   I kept letting go a bit then holding and whizzing it past the water exchanges to give it a bit give it a thrill, the intelligence was annoyed at me a bit, but couldn’t do much about it in the baby body – It didn’t fully trust me, but I was keeping it up and I knew it would benefit it in the long run, I was helping it get used to swimming. 

‘Symbols Ren…’ It’s 00.00  ‘Is that you looking at me or me looking at you   Lol  
Malico’s tone is interesting….   ‘You could call it that Ren, or you could call it irritated?  Haha 

‘We meet here or  somewhere you want?’

House is fine, I’ll come now…. I’d fallen asleep again to soon ‘Ren, Just come to me?  At least one of you is capable of being where they are asked     Come here!’    Oh, Yeh…

-- Another long dream, very long. 

It was psychic researchers and the guy from the Farsight was there screening people.  A test they could do on psychic ability’s some friends from my year at school there we are all young.
A few had had the screening and go on to be trained, but I didn’t want it…. Was watching from the outside and making my own way.. another friend and me had just played.

Then another friend did the screening, so I'd asked her about it and what it entailed.  I knew I would pass it but didn’t want to be tested – or trained but I did want to find out about the group.

We were trying to feel about the other space… I had a tooth that kept falling out (Implant?’) 

There was a locker room to a changing room – I’d gone to find a towel it was different inside and where I had been was a room for older black women.  

I apologised to them for being in their space and explained I’d been here before when it was different and was looking for my towel… they laughed at me not unkindly but told me it was different now and my towel wasn’t there anymore.

Oh this is linked to that Bashar thing??  I lent him my towel.  Hu?... 

I’d been chatting to my other friend again a guy I’d met him outside and my tooth had fallen out again he was telling me, just leave it for now we need to talk…. We were sharing info – on how the other group were functioning and perceiving.
He was telling me he’d discovered how there are the ‘teams/players’ then also the force/strategists.  

There was some psychic point score to get onto one team, but I could see the guy doing the screening had kids in a dog crate on his market stall.   It looked like a hippy clothes vendor??  Hu??? I wake at 202

Did I jump to you?  ‘You just kept falling asleep Ren, I came to you’  Oh….   ‘Your sleepy and so is your mind, if you want more lucidity get up for a bit’  

I get up and the first thing I see is a Seth post and how Jane had made an agreement to channel for 40 years…  Oh, is this the implant thing too?   I was offered the option of being implanted as a kid ‘Yes Ren, Inka told you…’

Then it’s 0220 and the internet crashed you told me to focus please, as I was scattered? 
‘I told you Ren, read and write these first – We are on the illusion card and now is not the best time to just wander off on your own!’  Oh yeh that….

Also the middle me, I could say that middle me had been errrrr  Oh no, that I had been hostage and middle me would go down for life???  Which down? 💜

‘We are showing, but as normal your stubborn and independent! we did suggest you napped yesterday’  IKR  - Sorry, I’m shit with TIME hahahah 😆  ‘Keep Laughing Bitch, he’s not amused’   Heya Inka.  Hey Ren 💜’ 

Is this what you were telling me yesterday…  ‘301 Ren, in 2 mins… come to me’..  Ok OMW ‘Please try to stay a little lucid this time’  Yes sorry… woolly head – ‘Yes, you need to join with me for clarity so come here please, NOW’

Hippocampus? ‘
Tomorrow Ren, Just come here please I’m getting impatient’

I tried to sleep upstairs but to noisy so moved down… lots of fizzing and jolts down my left hand side again. 
When I wake….  Errrrr I have no clue how to unpack that?  ‘Dream Ren it works for everything else    Hah, yeh ‘Try Bed again, you are relaxed again now’

When I go back again I’d been dreaming… but I’d woken in the House Inka was returning.
‘Come here then persistent bitch’  Inak 😏  I hug him and we go to the library with Malico I feel Inka at the right Adrenal now and not left.  
I tell him I love to dream but I’m sick of the shit recall and constant symbol matching and he tells me about

A new hope of the return of the Ankh and a fixing the earth chakra??     

Also Trump card 13 & The dream where I’d been in a guys body with light blond/red arm hair.

Then I remembered when I’d been dreaming between 3-4 with Malico we were speaking Egyptian 😮

Or an old language Al Khem

Ah this….

Egyptian black art?  Egyptian ART?  Oh the temperance card Crowley called it ART!!  

Number 13? Is the Death Trump.. The understanding of reincarnation processes.  The life of death?

‘Yes Ren, you could learn Egyptian too if you preferred Wisdom over games’  lol.. Sorry, I’m firmly in the fun camp

‘Be nice to him bitch, he looks after you’   I know💜

Errrr the Ankh & Earth chakra, the inner earth? Underground.. The body?  Mama, Home? Heart rejection?!  
The longing that some have to leave/ascend not come back, the worship of a God/Mind the love of the mind???

I check time it’s 616  

‘Yes Ren, not all love their roots as you do 😈’   I miss home’s too but Home can be here if we let it, we are home💜  Oh is that why I’m a shell like a snail 😆

‘Shhhhhh and dream again before dawn’

‘More Wormwood, Weave the homeopathy and the Herbal with the other symbols please Ren’  Ok… devil/lived is a mirror too.  Ren, you see things your way, and see things that others don’t. 
The root Chakra .. 'You see in the earth as home'  God/Dog  This is the god star Sirius not this system?


‘Sleep dreamy mouse, we are teaching & showing, playing, and learning, living and dying remembering all!’

Why do I like your mind not Leon’s?  ‘Merge awareness Ren and remember’  - Oh, games, narrative, remembering fun, trickery and play.    Leon feels more like being in a computer 😛  ‘You don’t hate logic Ren, you like balance’    Oh like the battery two poles +/- the heart in the middle   ‘The capacity  for expenditure’ 

The 2 flows black white is that Prana/chi  Oh… What was that dream with swirly stuff that came out of the palm of my hand??  ‘Chill Ren, you don’t want to feel sick today and it’s not even dawn.  Just feel a bit’

Ooo That dream!

I’d gone back to sleep for a bit awareness merged with Inka until I woke again.   ‘I know how much you love me Ren, now fuck off and make your peace with Malico, He looks after you and doesn’t deserve your shit….   Scoot’   Ok.

I find Malico in his study enter and bow and he smiled and picked me up.  ‘Thank you Ren, As you know I do not request or require your subservience but your gesture is not wasted and appreciated’ 
I’m sorry I’m an arse, Thank you and I do love you  ‘We know Ren, it’s why we suffer your crap’  Haha 💜 ‘Let us all help you ok?’ Mmmm ‘Your twin/mirror is too like you and you need the balance of all of us’  I know
  ‘Your learning and learning fast now, we are putting us back together’ 

I’d had a dream too an amazing ancient woodland all green moss damp brilliant jade green but for the dark damp trunks of the trees.
On the forest floor was animals not really recognisable, then more and more cats all over and they are all just looking at me.   
Then Josh woke me shouting ‘Mama, the cat’s have brought a frog in come rescue it!’ 

_____  Got up and the Metaphysical shits continue.______ 

I didn't know planetary archetypes could talk and teach?  'Everything has awareness for them that bother to listen'


'You're mind processing isn't liner you pull the info you need and manipulate it.. its why you  don't remember  what you learn the same way'



'And  why you need a connection to the whole'  The horns of ram the hippocampus the blue 💙 blob   the horns are like an aerial or receiver? ?


Different agesAeons.... Jesus's fishes/Sheperd/fisherman  -   moon emotions illusion so we were not understanding or confused ??


'Like you are understanding  the veiling was not meant to be so complete'

Lack of recall and connection to our totality leads to abuse and neglect of our living playground!! On all levels.


Our earth the female aspect and our future.... and past as they ripples from now.  Oh...the trajectory I'm trying to avoid?  'Yes Ren'  Woooo 😵


The is the issue with the herd??   I know the agenda's of the of world control as I'm often there too... 😳


We collectively orchestrating the earth game from our dream times... but few recall or bother to join in the game.  😲  'Yes Ren, now fuck off and get your shopping'

Lol.  😃 Haha it's 909.    All day bitch, you will need to run and ground later..


I feel like I'm on acid again.  


Earth chakra is that a connection to the earth dream or the thing from...The summer?   'Find both Ren, if you understand Astrological movements a little more it will help you to unpack the collective concepts' 


OK TY...
'its is why we get bits of this stuff on DMT acid or in dreams, yes the more you listen the more you hear' 
do all kids remember?  It depends how long they have travelling there objectives and trajectories. You all rendering reality around you based on what you want to experience'


Lol 'yeh bitch your an extremist... most people don't want to break the program'


Plenty do..   we have to break it in not out?  'Yes'  oh like psychedelics change our perception but not the perception of others 'and why you bitch come across as a loony!'  Hahaha the Moon! Illusion!!


'Yes' 😍.. . 


The field reads intention......expectation?   'To a degree, the agreed parameters of the interaction supersede expectation but the parameters can be altered real time from the correct perspective'



The dreams recalled and things we see 👀.  'As you realise now Ren you need compassion and forgiveness of self and others elf to widen your perspective beyond duality and any current egoic perspective'


Wow.. Malico, Egypt, Moon card... The stuff you 'We' went back too and the trashing a planet.......  'you are welcome Ren'  wow  1001    🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 the ancient shit!  



The itch in the other eye the other knot in the other side of my back.. the other adrenal??


'You're the other way up again' lol  😆  'To follow'


The giants?  Oh the massive babies?

We can't fit new children into old boxes... Why do my red haired friends keep setting themselves on fire  'May be cause you can't keep your hand our your head out the fire either?' 


I'd been in a box?   Yep Bug,   now you are just in the system.. and the system is in you!  


Lol 🤯🤯💜  This is Sun again 'Fun hu?'   Haha  getting better!! 💜

Oh... The big golden baby!  From earlier in the night 👀 Hahah wow!!

Head in could with unlimited data plan again 😆 

Hippocampus - Oh that's the bit of the brain where the horns are!!! 

Is this also cornucopia horn of plenty... So when brains balanced plenty of info 😆 lol 

This is why I had to learn the language to interpret when the blue head with horns appeared in a flashing ball of light!  I had to work with Mich'el to interpret with his understanding of anatomy and my??  'Find it Ren'

That's how I learned to listen?  Here! 2017
Michael like El!  The male aspect of the human brain!!  The god/ego aspect! WOW!!

It's not a freaking angel it's just the other half of our heads our current working... Or disfunctional ego aspect - Looking at you Inak!!  😂 'Told you you had half a brain bitch!'  

Oh and then Sea horse... And Oh it is linked to Capricornus  'Good pattern recog witch ;)'  Haha Inka another of the ME effects! Mandala/Mandela effect.

Oh fruits of the loom too!   That's the weave of reality -  We are the shuttle, weaving our reality around us from the source field... We weave it using the loci of the system architecture. 

Then the ripples from the god's DJ male/female sacred geometry... the multiple reality's rippling.

Ohhh..... That's the crime going a back that I couldn't find too   The weaving!!

So am I singing satalite or a singing Nark then??   'Both an all Bitch 😈  One remeber!'

Who stole the history anyway?  'Whom, Ren?  WHO's Mirror is it in?'  'Told you witch, Time is Mine'

'Emissary Ren' & 'Bug'

GG guys!  I'm again seriously impressed! ....   Still have questions though?    😏

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