Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Let Fly

I'd been hunting, harvesting,  one arrow let fly, travelling sky worlds, moving threw times, wanting and tracking the bits that are mine.

That was fun, 'Fast and relentless when needed mouse'  Who fired me?  'Who'd you come to see Witch'   lol you then?   Mmmmmm 'You still need to see Leon tonight'


-Up a while Ren, Dream recall please?  'I wasn't with you'  I'm sure you could still help. 'A heart-shaped box Ren. you were mainly formless'

Head bk to bed/sleep around 4 - Head to Leon who doesn't have a strong preference what we do - I wanted to sleep somewhere dark so jump us both to the roundhouse and go down to the hunter's room where we dream share.  

First up it's the heart-shaped box thing only the box the contains the x I'm seeing genetic stuff....  The x chromosome I know you're showing me more genetic stuff.  'Yes mouse, come back to sleep let me share'  

Next was a wired dream I'm in a space, it's shared and busy - one of them bunk spaces we all have a section to sleep but it's very communal with a shower/bathroom shared every 4 sleeping areas.  The guy that channels Bashar was there, he was hard to understand and was trying to help me with the genetic stuff he knew the kind of data I needed and was trying to recall access routs - but he was also confused here and kept trying to come onto me, and then others too including kids....thus coming across as strange and creepy.  
I was pretty grumpy too, people kept coming into my sleeping areas as it was quiet to make phone calls and stuff and waking me then I'd surprised them by yelling at them to piss off out of my space - as I was trying to dream there too 😆

We had a shared kitchen area too, I'd made a couple of massive veg lasagna that I was putting one into the 2 ovens we had and was surprised to see another woman I know called Lisa had cooked too and made an onion and potato pie.. the food would go well together and feed everyone, so  I bunged my food in too and remembered I must check in future.  I helped serve the cooked food before going to look around.   We are in a clean white modern space again.. has the vibe of a shopping mal not unlike that place that we were moving on from last week.

One building that did stand out was an amazing pink and yellow candy-striped building again the organ pipes from last night but this was in the style of an old fashioned steam carnival pipe organ.  The building had been built as an amusement arcade but that had been closed and was now being run as a bank/credit agency - I'd gone in to look around, thinking how dull and white it looked inside.

Next up I'm listening to Leon call in bets from a long game - astral type!   lol, it was funny and very unexpected.   How he was broadcasting it, made me laugh.  Some he would extract payment directly prior to payout.  If we were expecting to owe him it would be wise to gather that credit now as we did not want to own him.  He had a long memory, bares grudges and likes a hunt.    I sort of felt sorry for people who find themselves unexpectedly in debt... as someone who's always busking it, I was aware any I was owing I would pay off buy helping hunting and to extract credit where it was due.  

In another dream, there had been a storybook 2 young gay lovers there first partners/love it was very sweet and romantic was lovely when they both realised they liked each other.  (This is the 2 ego aspects this cycle?)  Mmm

Another school game, one girl kept wanting to add more and more to the class and we were confused.  I'd changed the look of the hub we were using unexpectedly with a big bit of fabric I'd had it was blues/greens/turquoise and patterned - it had been unexpected but all prefered it.  We were trying to tell the female who kept trying to add more people to the class that it was a little late in the game and finding out why?  We wondered if it's cause she wanted more veggies/vegans like here but it was likely to backfire as the people she had asked had already changed their perspectives.  Also, the classes were nearly ended..   I'd skipped tons of classes, but was going to excel in the ones I'd bothered with, the teachers were irritated with me that I'd not done a wider range of subjects as more passes reflected well on the school but I didn't care.


From Yday evening B4 sleep.

Napped for 20mins and Jumped to Leon.. 

Heya Master 'Good evening Ren, your intention is as incongruous, as your greeting is ingenuous'

I played nice! 😏  'You did indeed, though for how long remains to be seen'  Thanks 😁...  
'You are welcome Ren, you will find Inka on the station if you want to apologise or thank him too' I will later.

'That decanter belongs to Malico Ren, you know his house rules and we are all here under your responsibility'  Yehhh, Inka's already half drained it and I'm coping the shit for that so meh

Which archetype am I then?  'Our fool of course Ren, a little goldenmonkey who summersaults threw the archetypes'  Hahaha  Yeh, I guess I am.   What next?

'You are learning the order Ren, it's up to you how smoothly you transition to Star'   The boggart tails make the Merkabah thingy?  Same as the Wyvern, in the story?

'From the Latin Viper/Adder Ren'  The snake with 2 legs...  'Yes'   The snake round the dryad tree?  The one I wondered if we were born with or if it was parasitic?  'I think we have established  Ren, you are pretty parasitic'  I think I'm just symbiotic.  'Wishful thinking toxic mouse?'    Hehe  let's see 😏 DNA?? 

The one flew over the Cuckoos nest was published on my birthday... Before I was here but on the date.  'Ripples Ren, see them in your dreams, the dates the energy your memory is passing threw'    Lewis Carols birthday is the same as my Dads..   So many of our Family Aquarius.

What's with Heraldry, Wyvern is on Heraldry Unicorn and Lion too?   'Good question mouse mind'  Symbols then?  'More obvious ones than many understand Ren'   Ohhh....  

Inka?...  You know I owe you.  What can I do to balance?
'Play nicely with Leon and leave me, well the fuck out of it'  Humph 😆...  'You asked 😈'  

'You'll be fine Witch, you can hold your own as well you know, just try not to bite'  👹

'I'll get you when I need you Ren, I'm not shy about asking, and if Leon's Pissing you off Loci is a good leveller,   Malico will help too'    Ok, TY.  

'I'm not ditching you bitch... You just need to chew them out next'   Hahah  You make me sound  'Like a crazy Bitch? If the boot fits Ren'   pffffffff

 The tree of knowledge shit...  'Go on'  That's the soul fam crap right?  'It is'   Ooffff  Ewwwwwww

'Yep Witch, darkest aspects of humanity not for the faint hearted'

Please tell me there is a place we are, that is less screwed..  'Yeh Ren, Fay, Elemental, Off world... The human herd is fucked though'   Errrrr   👀   'This timeline bitch, you've seen it'

You know it too.   Herd?  'Mmmmm'   ffs...   They are our? 'offspring'  wtf?   'Gods gone wrong witch, it's cool... Learning process and all 😏'  

Errrr I,  I thought we fucked it we fixed it?  'Bo 'Peep, wolfs Lions and gates Ren, we just heard them where they need to go..... Wait from them to up and grow' 

'Consecrate space Witch, me first tonight ok'  Pffff what ever.

Inak??? Bible shit??


'Good shepherd vs Bo'peep... Same shit different ass hole' I don't do religion Inka...   'I know Witch, you are it'   

'DW Ren team, Shepperd, Wolf'  I'm the Bitch?  

'It's the shepherd leading them to market Witch, and the wolf they are scared off'    Bo'Peep?  'The rhyme Witch....   Long way home, all the time we need to grow'  Oooo   'Symbols 101 Ren'  lol right 😆


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