Monday, 21 December 2020

What Trajectory am I Alined with?

It's only 11.30 and I've had way too many dreams for the amount of sleep 'Remember who you are dreaming with Witch' 

Hahaha I'd been looking at the sky! 
'You learn fast when you want'  
We were outside the roundhouse, we were supposed to be sorting it before Malico/Jupiter arrives. 
 'and not dreaming Ren?'  I'd gone to see Leon (Leo/Sun) and Kaylo (ego) who are sleeping in the room below ground.  

'Here Ren' It's still not One yet?

I've been dreaming all of this... 'We told you you were Ren!' The symbolic rendering of your reality..'You can call it what you like your still dreaming it!   'Pretty Much' 

In the dreams I'd been set up again🙄 , the control was coming but I still had stuff to do.

The main one I recall was a titration equation I had a metal flat spoon and a pot of white powered chemical and needed 3rds I was weighing out 3 x 33.3

WTF?? Last Dec 2019 on the moon, before I skipped lockdown....   Titration Equation   'And you doing your own thing again 😈'
I don't know math?  'You don't know shit from that perspective Ren!' lol 😆

The building was strange people were coming to get their hair done and the person cutting it was a dog/man....    Oh Like the one I washed

A medical facility too... Someone was warning me I was being watched and stuff heading my way.   Male me was Jack... Errrrr Malico is the one heading my way?

'Wait and see naughty mouse' lol ok... More lab workup? 'Yes, back to sleep, come join me your recalls shit'   Yeh I keep meaning to but Zzzzzz

Oh there was a massive sleeping dragon too? Oh? Is that Neptune?  

Or Draco and the dog star?  The Dog/Star ? Doing Hair? 

Anway the dragon was sleeping and I was looking at it's teeth! 

'Keep dreaming Ren'  I was looking in it's mouth for something?

Wow... I'd also bitten Leon/Leo in the story I wrote too... and smashed you Saturn on the head with a jug of water!?!?! How dose this work???
 'Cause were smarter than you'  lol no shit!  'Come here Ren'  

That Les told me yesterday.... 

Oh the elucidate! Haha that  O.o  'Yeh Ren, your slow sometimes bitch come here ffs' 

Elucidate my postulate 😜 'lol Ren, he's going kick your postulate allover your stupid messy Aquarian  house if you don't let me help you put it back in order, now come here'  Pahah ok...

'Ren, I'm not fucking about....'   I know I'm taking MY TIME! lol  'See why we need Jupiter bitch?'  Yeh 😆

People going to the Authorities about me! Oooo all the people pissed off cause I made the same mistake twice..  😵

OMW... I thought it was a midsummers nights dream?

You're in the illusion world upside down, come here before I come and drag you here crazy mouse' 

Is this the squaring the circle??? The pyramids were square base king/queen chambers. My house is round and pointy! Leon and Kaylo are asleep below! The king/queen champers flipped?? 

I'm supposed to be above?  'But rarely anywhere you are supposed to be Ren'  lol Heya Malico 😆 yeh about that, ironically I'm really not sleepy!  

Ironically... that's Iron, Fe Ferria another of my gaming characters and also Mars! One of my dominant planets. 

'You might as well get up and right/wright witch' 😜 It's 121 lol  'Yep.... don't tell me I didn't try to help'  😏

Yeh it's cool, my responsibility 'Crazy'  💜 anyway, you are here I'm possessed remember!!

Oh that fight in the house was the Vallhalla dream too!  Also Dragons...

Ok, reality keeps swivelling around my head.. I'll sleep oh it's 232 😛

What is going on 👀  'You're not listening again Ren, come here' OK.. I'll try sleep.. I'm so awake!! 

Head back to Bed/sleep...  

I chill for a bit with the crazy visuals and fizzy stuff on and wooshing stuff too.  

Then I jumped back to Inka at the roundhouse and we tidy up a bit. I remember I'm supposed to have a white avatar atm so swap to that too.

I'm seeing the space differently now a ball in a box? 'Like a bug in a box?' lol yeh, perhaps... Why can't I recall dreams 'We were chilling, chatting sorting and clearing... come back now' Oh it's 404.  

Oh the bit that our astrological train is missing!!/ Chasing... The Virgin & The Lion. Leon my opposition too... what ever Ego is currently in the other side of my head 😆

'Yes Ren, the ones you keep expanding and popping threw' That's the many-petaled lotus/flower thing?? The skins on an onion in our out... 'Yeh' The layers of reality depending on our egoic perspective.

Ah I remember more now, you'd wanted to take the shit for something I'd done! 'Like you do for me' lol Yew the Accused! & Joint Responsibility ...'The rear guard of the train to stop Jupiter kicking your dumb ass out of the system!'  Hahaha  💜

That's the planetary stabilising entity stuff too? 'Yes, Ren' Oh yeh, all the other games where we help/play/save/trick and cheet and then rescue! 'Perspective improving?' Mmmmm TY.

When you know you are one there is no STO as all is one, only STS but self is all 💜 They are all you as you are all them, 'Yes Ren, balance and service,  for them stupid/game enough to volunteer'  

The squaring the circle is also the Celtic cross 'Mmmm' the loci?  

What's the 33.3 'I will show' 

Ah, the Holy Island to the Devils Punch bowl..

The female crucibles   Vesica Pisces, Witches Cauldren also inside!

Maiden/Mother/Crone Or Matriarch Matrix.

In our train, Virgo was in the way of Leo, 3 moons squished into the mother aspect, That's why you told me that the mother will be home by Christmas, Aquarius Saturn Return is maturity.

'That Ren remains to be seen in your case' Heya Malico lol at least I have a failsafe now.. where are you anyway. 'For now Ren, still watching you' lol 💜

Oh I'd had a dream too. Irean's house again.... it's full of sleeping kittens, I was washing litter trays the sleeping kittens kept falling off things, I was opening doors and they would fall out.

A Reddit thread too was in the dream, like the planetary stabilising dream, I can't remember what was said in it though.

I do remember a visual thing, it started small like a yin-yang and to others, it was just a sticker but to me, it was moving and fractaslised changing as I watched it it was getting bigger and bigger expanding exponentially I was wondering how big I could or should make it so I'd flipped it round to see what it's source was.

It was plugged into something. I'd continued threw the house Uncle Ken there again... 

Oh, he was in the after the virus dream? And the You keep getting through to me!  

Anyway he is in a room with many creatures all snuggled, a dog asleep hugging a monkey, 2 different types of monkey a cat snuggled with a mouse... All sleeping peacefully. 😏

Then I go into another room, It is stranger, there is an estranged couple and they have travelled there especially for possibly Christmas they have babies with them but they are tiny, only the size of the palm of my hand.  

The couples are talking about an amicable divorce a time to part ways.... some of them were kind of unusual.    

'Up Ren'  Blugh... It's 606 'OFC and you owe me again'  lol 10 mins mate... 616 😏 Haha, yeh I do recall the times I'm tickled awake.... I'm not sleeping tough just chilling.

Wow that All the planets aligned Vid... Has a Black Box too!   My God's a Missing DJ's

 It came on Twitch??? Me asking for help in astral that day I'd made a game and needed help to split the zombies

👀 lol Wow!!

 'Yep Bitch, write and right now, please'  Wired speakers again 'Yep, witch your crackly' and cackly :P  

 Oh... This card!!    The Universe now!  'Could say that, go for a run Ren and ground please'

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