Sunday, 20 December 2020

At Least Something Knows the Score!

This  is all so obvious from 'The right perspective witch!  We told you 😈' 

I'm Aquarius... lol... my moon is right on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces... the OLD wanted me and kept trying to give me jugs and I kept splashing them or squirting water at them.... cause Aquarius with no Saturn dose what the fuck she wants!!  


It's only now that Jupiter's home too that me and my twin aspect Saturn can balance and behave to bring the new age!

That's why we swapped hearts! So we don't fuck it up this time. I'm Saturn's ass hole 💩  Uranus 😆

Saturn and his upside-down little sister who adores him... but they would both burn a world down for shits and giggles

Jupiter is in the house too to make sure we don't fuck it up!  'Yes Ren, and as your in game it is you I'm watching'  

'I'm the rear gard of the shit show train... you ass hole are supposed to be folowing Pluto, kicking out the maid and bringing the mama...... not hiting me over the head with your jugs bitch!' 😈
  Hahahahaah  💜  Chooo chooo!! 

Stunned guys!!   This dream below so freaking obvious now!  Symbolic reality, we all make our own!!

The horns how they are the receivers in the brain!!  No longer under the controll of the controllers 😛 'You wish Bitch, we jut got back' house though 😜 You made me Santa 😂  'I also let you time hop   Flea, to not fuck this up... you bitch owe me 😈'   😍

And then when my book wasn't a book anymore but I was writing/righting time...  from the 4th Oct...

A story chapert I wrote on waking,  and the fact you dragged me from book on an astral re-ed station into a HOUSE!!!  😆😆

Loci manifests into the room taking in the chaos.  ‘What the hell happened here?’ He asks shaking his head.  ‘Don’t ask’ replies Inka opening his one functional eye from where he is slumped in a chair.
‘Where is Kaylo?’ Loci asks next and Inka nods to the far side of the bed.  Loci moves around the room kneels to the floor and checks Kaylo’s cohesion.  ‘I think I’ve stabilised you all now’ he tells Inka looking angry and tired.  
‘I’m sending Illeth to heal you guys, please DO NOT do anything else in the meantime’ he adds vanishing again.   
When Illeth manifests it’s Kaylo she heads to first.  While his form was less involved in the physical aspect of their battle, he has taken the worst of the emotional damage from watching his friends try to destroy eachother,  thus leaving him the most vulnerable, so she tends to him ignoring the others completely for the time being.  
Once she’s happy he’s aware again she moves to Ren fixing the fractures in her astral form first and then shaking her awake and glaring at her.  Blinking and groaning she opens her eyes to a furious looking Illeth.    ‘Hey’ she greets her with a barely functioning voice,
not knowing what’s worse the pain or the way Illeth is glaring at her.   Illeth shakes her head frowning, drink some water and look after Kaylo Illeth snaps at her and then turns to Inka telling him ‘You can just suffer’.  
Ren hears him chuckle as Illeth asks him where the others are.    ‘Shit’ Ren exclaims feeling hellish.  Looking down at Kaylo who Illeth has moved onto the bed beside her doesn’t help her mood and she reaches for him emotionally and then wishes she hadn’t but stays anyway to keep him company and share his suffering.   
 ‘What happened?  She asks Inka mentally as Illeth vanishes to go and find Malico and Leon.   Inka laughs, ‘You don’t remember?’ he asks dryly and then she dose and sighs…   ‘Shit’ she says again as she remembers the volatility of the discussion descending very rapidly into the mindless violence that most of them seem to relish.
‘Blugh, Poor Kaylo’ she thinks looking down at him.  ‘Was a good fight though?’ Inka laughs and she can’t help but laugh to even though everything hurts, ‘I don’t recall much after biting Leon’ she admits.  ‘Yeh he knocked you senseless as you tried to set fire to everything’ Inka tells her with a grin, lighting his pipe and starting to smoke.  
‘Oof’ she sighs as the disjointed memories slot together a little.    She wants to smoke too but she wants to move less, Inka chuckles and floats his pipe towards her, taking it she inhales thanking him before asking ‘How is Malico here?’  
‘We aren’t on the station here Ren’.
He informs her standing to take back his pipe and pouring some water into a cup from the one remaining unsmashed jug and then she remembers breaking one over Inka’s head.   
‘Where are we then? And do not give me some cryptic bullshit, I’m seriously not in the mood’ she replies as he refills the cup he’s finished and then sits down beside Kaylo too.   ‘In a lower astral realm’ he answers her handing her the cup and inspecting Kaylo.   Not even able to recall how they got here she swallows some of the water and asks him ‘Who’s lower astral realm?’.  With a smirk and a shake of his head he replies, ‘Yours Ren, we are in your dream’.
‘It can’t be MY dream I don’t even know where or why we are?’ she snaps at him.  ‘Yeh Ren, that’s why it’s such a shit show.’ he tells her laughing at her.  
‘Fuck, Inka.’ she sighs bemused passing back his pipe and laying down on her back staring at the unfamiliar ceiling.    
Leon looks at the scene on the bed Ren, Inka and Kaylo are all sleeping again.  ‘I’m starting to think there is little hope for them’ He tells Illeth who has reappeared beside him, she smiles lovingly at the group and embraces Leon.
‘They are creatures of the void Leon, the more they recall the more they crave to re-join the chaos they are a part of, when we are done here I will take them home’.
‘They aren’t broken, they're just tired.
Remember it’s been a long game from their perspective and they play hard’.
Leon hugs her smiling ‘Of course, I sometimes forget’ He tells her, ‘It’s been a time since I recall the bliss of not being’.  ‘They won’t not BE for long’ she laughs ‘We can’t help but create.  Right now, though they long to be lost in the love of home………They still feel the separation that we no longer do’.  
‘They don’t have to’ he says quietly shaking his head.  
‘I know but try to recall how confusing unity is from their perspective, empathy is enough for them at the moment, let them dance their own way home’ she chides him.   He nods at Illeth, ‘Your right my Dear.  They will be woken on the station shortly, and reform their astral bodies once inside them again.  I will keep an eye on Kaylo’ he tells her and they both vanish again.

Dark & Light... Dancing threw time.
Lost in love ever divine.
Hiding behind masks
yet deeply entwined.

Meeting and Parting,
moving once more
we grasp and we let go
and forget who we are.

As planets dancing,
drawn to a star

We wonder why we have circled so far?

Cells inside, we join we part,
dividing, beginning
ending to start.
revolving away, lost in a day

Dreaming a planet,

Wanting a star.


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