Friday, 4 December 2020

Adrenal Tickling

What's up with our totems biting? Me Leon & You and then the snake?

The Turtle, Cat Bird? Other totems eating each other?

'Sleep Ren let Inka bring you to me'

Ok... wake 22.22 confused, time seems all wrong.  I'd had strange huge well-formed ideas - it felt like something important happened but also that it was going too. Like the now was a table cloth fabric and a point of it was pinched up and that was now and the other fabric all flowing from it.  


Next wake.. again I'm seeing the same thing, half the torus?? 'So come here, be mine, we jump Leon, go look inside'  lol Inka 😆

There had been another dream too, long and very funny too.
Robots entities, all kinds of things. Some of them I recall where pre-programmed at there creation and  they had no self-determination.  Like giant robots, there were sort of vampiric entities too, others drones, all sorts of different things - We were trying to work together to a common goal.
Also, someone was leaving to the 'other side'? We had all met up to say goodbye.

Only 23.33 still early  I'd been in geometry again... Is Leon like the ace of cups? The point in the centre of the tours? the x + Cross / Criss?

2.22 'Yep get up for a bit....' 😴    'You're dreaming and sleepy Ren, your recall is poor' Blughh 'Do as your told bitch, you are our car 😏'  Haha Inka, ok.  

I wake, write/right and do stuff. 

Humm... It's hard for me to get? 'We are showing Ren... will be easier for you -Come back to bed sleep at 3.13 do stuff for a bit longer'💜

Wake at 404 I'd been with Inka and Leon just healing it was all sensation.

Before they had asked if I could love Leon, I told them yes.

Was to meditate as they wanted to join me/here rather than me go to them.  Inka first DL like crystal shower feel him inside awareness sharper and body fizzy them told to love Leon, reach for him with my heart.  I wasn't sure what exactly Leon, I was aiming for as I know him as Wizard/Architect Archetype  and was shown a series of archetypal symbols, Ra, Sun, Christ, Logos, celtic cross...

They flashed in front of me, I settled with the sun with a spiral centre that I'd painted on my ceiling as a kid and feel what I know as Leon and connect to it.. the sun I visited, the archetect father.
As I pictured the sun with the spiral Inka added the cross to the male linearity/trajectory/ quarters??    
'Boundaries, scattered-brain'  💜

Huge flow of healing love.. The above and below my whole body especially my sides and adrenals, Heart and then lower crucible too. 

Then I'd fallen into many dreams.

I'd done a dream re-entry too into this dream earlier in the year... last one on the page..

Intreasting Outfits, Bombs and Performances.

Only this time Inka is with me in my main dream space.

We were on the main street, with the males arguing.  Waiting for the part of the dream where the dancing begins.

It's wired as people are staring at us as we are oddly out of place and he's being an idiot, then he just randomly hits me.. I ask telepathically as we were chatting that way anyway 'wtf you do that for?'

He found it really funny saying 'Chill bitch, people expect to see a Witch slapped by her daemon... it makes them feel better about hating us'  Which makes me laugh too and more people stare at us. 

He has come this time to change the male energy and arguments and so the men join the dance again too. 

Oh... the arrow in there again, that was one of the Images Leon showed me.'Yes'

In another dream I'd been with some other females we were breathing and our breath was condensing and mine was forming amazing clouds fractalizing out... there was a low rising sun hitting the clouds and my breath looked like dawn. Some of the other women were complaining that they couldn't breathe and that I was lucky. I wondered why they didn't learn to breathe.

Another dream I'm in what was like a strange old fashioned department store and I'm behind the till. It's a square-shaped counter were 2 of us work.  

All the goods were in brown cardboard box's and people are pilling their stuff on the counter in various heaps, it was like a sell out I guess or end of year sale.   

I'm at the till totalling peoples piles and a woman is really angry at me, each time she brings another box to add to her increasing heap she has another go at me. I let her and then said something to make her think and she looks at me again considering like she's properly seeing me now and I smile and tell her 'Look, I'm not responsible for this - But you can blame me if you like, I don't give a shit and I have incredibly thick skin' She smiles at me as she thinks.

Next up this strange printing and pressing machine it had wired arms that came down and stamped sort of like a mechanical printing octopus, something was misaligned but the machine kept going, it was hard to reset the disk that was stamping off course. There was also an errr pay/credit checks too. I owed something on earnings and someone was freaking cause they had lost the totals... I tell them to chill, I kept the original payslip.

Another space I'm in is very modern it's a weave of corridors like a hospital almost service corridors wide with many doors. I was resetting the codes on the doors.   

I woke from the dreams to the Round-house, Leon is there sitting out by the fire and looks like shit, Inka helps him into the house and lays him down.

The bits were making sense Leons parasites.. all the shit done in his name, the stuff cast out on him, or in his name, him being a saviour. - More clean up!

We were short of time and Inka wanted to hurt me so I could jump into Leons from fast as we were short of time I agreed and then was inside Leon like fire flowing threw him a form and just awareness. We were dream-sharing I was in the centre and stuff was passing threw me from Leon back to Inka and back into me. I was seeing this geometrically - flowing energy.  

-- I understood the Ba'al Anat stuff, the Minetor and Ariadne. Leon being like the Ra/Sun/God mind matrix/ logos for this system. Archetypal Gestalts 

The adrenal tingling. That's to do with the agreement to help heal a controller? Also Inka had told me exchange. Both Leon and Inka were linked to my adrenals on each side.  Inka Left where he first attacked me and the Snake bit him... Leon on the right. 

I can let entities feed on me as I have an endless flow of that energy.

The adr3nochr0me is a block/lack of the sacred feminine/earth mother energy - The fear of the power of the feminine aspect inside us. I can share it freely as it recharges.. that's the exchange? 'Yes, Ren 💜' Wow 💞

The dark crystal..... Oh! that's the violet flame I used earlier in the year too, to burn up that toxic sex energy?    

With the stuff flowing threw me Leon got brighter and better, It was parasitic and hungry and familiar and happy to pass into me I thought of all the parasitic dreams going back years that class, where I was pulling them out of me for students? Oh then I pulled out a fish? Pisces? also Jesus and criss/cross? Leon too energy too?   'Yep Bitch, long games hu?'  Hahaha no shit Inka!!   'It's 717 up lazy mouse'  This is Sun again.. 'Yes and your lab work up's almost done'  Heheh 💜 Wow!!

I know I'm the fire dragon/ serpent .... Why is this so hard to remember how this fits awake.  'Chill Bitch, it's fitting and weaving, getting lucid enough to manipulate the earth dreams not supposed to be easy, not at the level you want to fuck with it' 

I... Just want the fun ....... 'It's cool, witch, intention... we know'     

I just found this!! Leon & You too! 'Ofc, Ren' How??   'We told you the ticking is the energy exchange and it's what wakes you laughing'  The sides Adrenals too??   It happens to Neil Gaiman too..  '😈'  But then the wheelchair too!!  And the ticking the night I took the shit for my Bro again!! 👀... also that first dream  I'd been trying to squirm out of it....   Inka!! That's what you

'Long fucking games Witch, you're hacking &  dreaming your reality 😆'

The dream of the Wheelchair in the ally to narrow with Leon the other night,

Inka/Trickster and the 3 cooperating disabled females turning into winged things....  'It's ok Bitch, your working your Credit, team work remeber.'  😲😲😲😲

Then Loci pulling me from a lucid wheelchair dream?!?!  More... 👀 The baby 13th Jan the day after the conjunction thingy this year.. crocodile jaw.. Layers and logo/name.

'Prime-directive Witch! Free will and don't poke the dreamers........You've blended you're dreaming big just Row your boat with our navigation plx?'  

lol, like I have any other option now?  
'Allways, but you don't want squashing and we don't want to squash you so nicely please Ren'  Hahaha 💜 Thank's Guys, I love us all.

'Would help your pattern re-cog to re'read Ren' Pffff    Lazy, time now and I just wing it right... I'm sure it will be fine.  I'll try re-read but so much dream. 


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