Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Mirrors and Colours

'You don't need a wall Ren, you need a hug possibly a fight but you can decide that after the hug'

A cold like glass,
an air like time,
a breath so old,
it's filled with rhyme,
a smile away,
from a space that was,
and a kicking off,
another doubt.

Sinking out of the divide in a mind spreading outside of the confines, aware in the air, dancing in the light I'm changed from my being to scatter in the night. 

Wake at 01.10 WTF??? You're serious?  'Deadly😈'  lol INKA! 

'Big dreams in small squeaky mouse'    The dreams was of dreams matter and antimatter... Yin-Yang nature and reality I was mirroring a reality in dreams.. the trajectory of the men/minds planets staying logical based on what was happening... few able to see the bulge.

'Dream again Ren, once then get up we have more to show'  Ok.  

Go back into same dream other way up!! We were looking for a living hell?? Haha Andrea's hell    
'Found it!!'  lol no shit 😏 'Get up and write/right/wright you're worlds got a wobble'

ffs πŸ‘€ I'm nuts!! 'Wake up Ren, we need you lucid' 

After an hr of bonkers energy flow, I sleep again.

'Are you good bitch?'  lol and bad 😈 Ouch! Calf/Calves pain!!  'Hahaha behave & come here!' lol I was 'Inside everything come back' 

Oh, I'd gone into your heart Inak, it was black like the void! 'That's cause it's yours' lol 😁  'Come here Ren, it's 404 in a mo and we go again into Loci next'  

I'm watching a seed, sprout, grow a bud, then flower.  

All inside out I am it to,
born of each other
the dark from the bright,
chasing one and other
threw light and in time.

lol!! You both came into me and we went into Loci? 
 'Bk again?'   What are we doing?  'Having fun!'  Hahaha ok omw.

I'm awake?? 'I know Ren, still come please you can get up again soon'

Wake next at 444 I'd been another me.

I was at the sheilas dream space where we were dreaming as 5?? 
'Find when you wake Ren'  

I was dreaming REAL-TIME splitting enough to see what was coming on the tracks. A tower of rainbow face masks I say will fall it dose, and then I call a ribbon explosion and rainbow coloured ribbons pop up... Dance to all the colours.  
 'Find Lake Titicaca dreamRibbons weave it Ren'  

Ok Now? 444.. 'Yes up a while' I jump back quickly to see them all first then wake again.

'😈 Happy Bitch?'  Mmmmmm  'Good, fuck off and DL then we still playing' hhahaha ok.

That was fun, my calves still have cramp
 'You're still bugged!' Hahaha... ok. 

The dreaming as 5.. Hummm the titration again?   I'm confused!  'Good come here' lol 

__ Head back to bed and sleep again

Ouch 😒  'Sorry Ren, we just need you to feel and remember'  Hearth ache. 

A bunch of kids non-look familiar  Hippy vibe.. free. 
They have a blue VW camper crew van they had grown up together, loved each other 2 were a couple but the female was leaving. I was experiencing the emotion's as the male 

VW camper that's the Vesica Pisces ME?

They were not just a couple they were the archetype of the love within the crew. Blue / White Wisdom/Male vehicle Oh it was a dream share with Malico/Jupiter. Yes Ren, sleep fast again before dawn. The lover's energy parting fractured the group too?  

Touching - Seperate

'Yes' ok..  'Back again'

Wake again..???'Just feel it and sleep'

The next bit is energy I'm seeing but it's all got wyrd/wired/wierd Oh the Wyrd ?? Your path? Or the WTF?    
'       'You're spelling Witch 😈'  

lol anyway the 'dream' I'd been talking to someone who could help, bits of the same puzzle.

I was trying to talk again but then there were kids all over playing and it's noisy and loud and chaotic.

I still need to talk to them and they are telling me to 'meditate/protect ourselves' all this mystic crap and I'm thinking mate, you have no fucking idea 😜 lol

I couldn't hear myself think let alone meditate and boundary Hahahah πŸ˜†

I was trying to reply and just getting annoyed.  I'd been going to say it's way to late now for protection 😁  'lol muppet!'  lol fuckers πŸ’œ  'You just drag stuff in Ren cause the world got to busy and loud'   

Hahah I don't have time to think of nothing, 'Nore do you want to Ren you are nothing and you like creating'

Hahaha Protection? 
 'To late for that bitch we spawned a whole deamon army'  Hahaha Idiot! 'Mirror'  lol  

Boundaries then?  'Ever-increasing Ren..Like we told you... you're big. Not everyone likes there unity inside-out'  Haha the film, with the archetypes in her head... GG guys!! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

'We're good at this shit Ren, and you're crazy enough to play'
  Sheeesh So I need to look up Wryd?

That's the wizard's thing when they got in touch with me in 2016? 

'Yeh Ren, it's not like we didn't try all ways to reach/teach you'

Hahahaha Yeh, but Aquarius with no Saturn is on her own TIME!  

'Saturns back witch, with the crew, get up the sun's coming and you need to run the dawn for us' 

 'You'll like it we promise'  lol good job I trust you ass hats 😜  'Couldn't be any other way Ren we are each other'  

Run first? 'Got it'

Ok, Oh it's full moon! 
 'That's tonight Ren, this is morning Run your program please'  Oh Heya Malico/Jupiter  you too 'afraid so Ren, no indecent noise for now please, try luminosity'  Hahaha yeh whatever πŸ˜†

I feel sick... 'That's why Run... hurry Ren, you need to ground this crazy magic we are busy'    ffs... what have I done 😡 lol the 'Blood Rituals'  Yeh... 'πŸ’œ we love you impulsive, dyslexic, witch let us think' 

πŸ‘€ 'Muic Ren and move, get out of your head as it's getting crowded' lol.... no shit! I'm sure you'll yell if you want anything.    
 'Good Bitch 😈'  ffs I need a drink not a run! now am I a trophy?  'More of a grail 😏'   Hahahah gg, IMA going to run.

Air is thin here.  'Yeh their atmospheric control just came bk online now run.. dance later' 'I keep the sky clear for your mad moon' pffff   'Might not be when you want either 😈'  hahaha



909 'You're going to burn witch' FU Inka won't be the first time and won't be the last you can't fight fire with fire πŸ”₯  'Run, bug, run' lol

'Told you we could hack the system Ren' Nills!! lol πŸ˜†  You too πŸ’™πŸ’™???



This is a good story 'It's a fucking epic and you know it' phaha


The tree seeds are the dryad forms?  'Yes my Birch queen' lol


The Birch queen that forget she needed borders πŸ€£πŸ’œ


'Go hug the Quirt/Quert/Squit'πŸ˜†!! lol    'bitch, Imbolc is inc and eve's apple 🍎s want your blessing'  Also so many meanings!! 

Phahahaah 'GG hu Ren? πŸ’“'

Haha fucking CROSS... 'We know bitch but it's good fun, friction energy!!'


Lol  πŸ˜† Kelly Green goddess tree!?   The hinds are nibbling its bark..  'you taste good'


The Rowan by the dog tap next bitch..  We nailed proving Intuition hu'To the Cross WitchπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Was running but then my phone battery went from 70% to O!!

The Vesica Pisces dream,   Oh the Jesus fish too? 

That's what I was seeing Inka when I was between reality layers trying to see where they weren't meshing right?  You asked me if I'd found the Ankh... 

OMG  The Holy Well 'Dog Tap!'  Hahaha this is fucking clever!!  Modern Shaman hu??

I balance one of the Harvest Festivals... Lofe/mass that Mid Leo & Time Harvest Time/Reaper

Landing on the grass now in Leon's small grove Ren stares at the sky blanky while Leon looks down on her and Kaylo laughs.    ‘GG, Grey’ he says gently kicking her now vacant grey head with his astral foot, Leon looks at him amused.  All out of thoughts Ren eyes still open, remain motionless.  Leon congratulates Kaylo on his win and then asks him to port the non-functional astral form of Ren back to the hut.   Begrudgingly agreeing he touches her head once more with his foot and ports them expertly onto their rugs.     

‘You broke Ren!’  Nills shouts Jumping from the large cushion at the appearance of the pair and then bounding over to the useless astral body, wide white eyes with their thousand-yard stare.  Peering down he knocks gently on her forehead like he’s delivering mail.     Getting no response Nills looks up at Kaylo who shrugs unconcerned, ‘She broke herself mate’ and lays down grabbing a cushion for his head,  getting comfortable he shuts his eyes.  Nills looks hopefully at the recently returned and smoking form of Inka who chuckles.   ‘It’s Ren, get used it’.  Confused he looks back at her jabbing her cheek with his finger.  

Flo and Mel arrive back together looking about and taking in the seen in the hut.   Kaylo eyes closed in his typical motionless and profoundly relaxed-looking state and then next to him Nills still poking the catatonic form of Ren.  ‘Let’s hope they don’t try waking her up in the medi bay right now’ Flo comments going to sit by her brother and then remembering he shouldn’t be here asks him suspiciously,  ‘Shouldn’t you be in Re’ed classes?’,  ‘It’s cool Sis, I’m splitting’ he smiles.  He looks back down at Ren ‘Will she be ok?’ he asks obviously not convinced by the unconcerned reassurances given by the others.   ‘ Yeh, she’ll be back smiles his sister touched by his concern for their unusual friend and quietly surprised at her brother's ability to split.  

‘Will you go and get her Inka?’ Mel asks making her self comfortable on one of the new cushions and Inka takes his pipe out to scratch his chin.     ‘Mmmmm, if she’s not back before Loci we’ll both go,  he’ll find her faster than I can’.  


‘Find who?’ Ask’s Koa appearing way to quickly in the middle of the hut making Mel jump.    ‘Ren’ she replies pointing.   ‘What she do now?’ Koa asks making Mel smile ‘Could be anything’ shrugs Mel and scooches so Koa can sit beside her.    Nills abandons his vigil by Ren’s side at the opportunity to hop back to the other big cushion and discuss what happened to the screens with Koa and the pair of them are quickly and happily lost in a conversation no one else understands.  



The void.  It wasn’t until there was a thought that there was anything.  Or was there? As there is a recall of before the though.  What thought the thought? And what remembers before? And what is Before?   And as her mind fires back up and thinking comes back online the emptiness begins to fill white mist swirling like smoke in a deep dark snowglobe.  The more it thinks the more the mist forms until quite unexpectedly there are clouds.  What are clouds? And the clouds fill and rainfalls and the process continues until an ocean has been rained.  And in the ocean, one drop is still thinking.    As it thinks it bobs up and down, up and down and one of the thoughts it thinks is how big thoughts make big waves!   Little thoughts make little waves!



Later that day as the station slows down and the formal re’education is completed, the Hut starts to refill and amid the normal activity, there is still the form of Ren, eyes wide and unblinking staring at nothing.   ‘Won’t her eyeballs dry out’ asks Nill’s who’s again hopped up to see if he can get a response.   ‘She’ll just form new ones once she’s back inside’ informs Mel emboldening Nills to match Ren’s flicker rate and gently touch her eyeball, rapidly recoiling at the firm but wobbly sensation and then going back to poke it again.   Loci eventually materialise after his day to be physically pounced on by an increasingly impatient Nills.   ‘Hi Nills, its, err nice to see you too?’ He tells him looking at the others for a clue as to what’s going on.   Inka chuckles ‘He’s missing Ren’ he says nodding to where Ren should be but instead, now there is only Rens astral body increasingly lacking its normal cohesion.   ‘Again?’ Loci asks raising his eyebrows in disbelief and eliciting a giggle from Kaylo who had been so quiet everyone had thought him asleep.    ‘Again’  nods Inka trying to suppress a grin.  ‘Ok’ Loci sighs ‘suppose we better go find her’.  Loci reaches for Inka and the pair vanish.  



Reforming their body’s they find themselves on a water planet a sky full of grey clouds and below them a vast moving ocean,  looking down they can see how the ocean waves are forming an interference pattern.  ‘Good shot’ Inka shouts to Loci above the noise of the wind and they float themselves down till they are hovering slightly above the surface of the grey ocean.    The ‘drop’ still bobbing is amused by the sensation of something calling to it and curious it turns awareness in the direction of the reaching.  It’s puzzled on finding the reaching familiar and try’s to recall where the familiarity arises from.  Memory’s woosh, way too many of them and way to fast, like a week's worth of tunnel traffic in the blink of an eye. ‘Hu?’.  Ren says as she feels two arms grab her sinking form and port her from the rapidly decaying ocean world back into the Hut.   


The assembly In the hut watch as Inka and Loci Fade and then Inka, Loci and a dripping wet Ren reappear the other Ren vanishing at the same instant.    ‘Hey’ she greets them all sheepishly feeling squirmingly self-conscious at the room full of eyes now on her, and then to Inka and Loci in a small voice ‘Thanks, guys, and sorry’.  Inka just laughs and sits down manifesting his pipe and Loci hugs the deflated looking Grey sympathetically.  ‘Any time Ren, you’d do the same for us’.
Kaylo now wide awake is the next to speak, already smirking ‘So?’.    Inka grinning at him reply’s ‘She was a drop’.   Delighted Kaylo howls with laughter ‘Idiot’ he tells her as she sits on the rug beside him, Ren wondering once again how she could have completely forgotten what she is?    
‘Bad day kid?’ Inka asks her mentally.  ‘We are nearly the same age Inka’ Ren sends him flatly, unnerved how much like Kaylo she sounds.   ‘Mmmmm, but you live 200 or more years and that technically makes you a kid’ he replies.  ‘Then we will all be kids forever if we end up in permanent stasis’ Ren thinks despondently.   As usual, she is touched deeply by the amount of compassion and understanding Inka is capable of sending.    

Unable to ignore Nills any longer she smiles at him grinning up at her. ‘Heya Nills, sorry I scared you’   she tells him.   ‘It’s cool, ….I poked your eyeball you know?’ He tells her conspiratorially making her laugh  and then asking ‘Were you like really a drop?’  She thinks back ‘errr, suppose’ she says feeling pretty stupid.   ‘What’s it like?’ he asks ‘I can show you if you like? Ren offers.   Nills is about to reply when Kaylo sits bolt upright up looking concerned, ‘You DO NOT! want to go there’ he warns Nills with one of his impressive serious expressions that always gets a laugh and Ren decides she’s glad to be back. 


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
For other uses, see Neocortex (disambiguation). 
The neocortex, also called the neopallium, isocortex, or the six-layered cortex, is a set ot 
layers ot the mammalian cerebral cortex involved in higher-order brain functions such as sensory 
perception, cognition, generation ot motor spatial reasoning and The 
neocortex is further subdivided into the true isocortex and the 
In the human brain, the neocortex is the largest part ot the cerebral cortex, which is the outer layer 
ot the cerebrum, with the allocortex making up the rest. The neocortex is made up ot six layers, 
labelled trom the outermost inwards, to VI. Ot all the mammals studied to date (including humans), 
a species ot oceanic dolphin known as the long-finned pilot whale has been found to nave the most 

Mind Matrix

That's the 6 mirror   -  We heading for 7 / 14 atm?   'Yes Ren'  Ok. 


Bro name gematria dad too and mother bloody hell!! 'Haha Ren, your getting as punny as me'  πŸ˜†πŸ˜†Hahahaha  That is bonkers!!!!  


The ways left right balance that's why the VW open up. ME....   'One way out one way in' lol last night  Oh, the real life travells threw the middle if it's temples.   3rd eye and between legs and heart!
WOW!!!   😲😲😲

'Yes moon time soon Ren you know what's up, down and in the middle!'  Lol πŸ˜†


Oh shadow stars kitten... I call him Squeaky...'I know you do bitch you are also very slow'   lol 'Witch's have familiar's Ren'


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indra%27s_net  Why you keep dragging me back to the middle?  'Fits were you sits bug'

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