Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Volcano & Lake Titicaca

Lots of jumbled stuff

Firstly I was making 'musical mandalas' & some poetry.

Then I'm in a dense timeless forest, I'm being trained as a 'ranger' I'm given 2 different bows and a knife all made from raw wood... and strange leather clothing and then left alone. All the things I'm given are 'left handed' I was left handed in the dream too (not in life though)

I'm waiting and listing alone in the forest and find 2 ghosts/spirits. I can talk to them, they are between worlds. They had an accidental death.. they are trying to help me as I'm suddenly alone in a huge forest. I help them too, I find bits of their bones (which are branches as they are tree people) to bury and lay to rest and they teach me the 'ways of the wood'

I'm in an empty city at a bus stop, I've got a blanket and I lay down to sleep.  I'm waiting on a bus to lake Titicaca. 

Next dream I'm going inside a volcano on an Island, there is a spiral going down and in (similar to last nights dreams) There are huge rectangular crystals they are a white/red colour and longer than my arms. My daughter Fay is there, she is working on a square math puzzle on the wall of the volcano inside with chalk. - Again in this dream we seem to have no clothing? Or scant clothing and I have a club made from a massive femur :P 
-Massive warehouse filled with used clothing so much of it, I'm sorting out a bag to take to a charity shop.
-Big School/Uni - it's closing and there are giant plastic tubs with peoples work to take home, in mine are what looks like sheet music, but it's done in crayon it's huge and very colourful. 

There was also a spaceship race in there somewhere too. 

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