Thursday 25 August 2016

Walking Red Deer, Symbols and Shells.

Interesting night, with symbols patterns and wired stuff... oh and dreams happening twice, repeating with slight differences.

Firstly was something about God-Trees a pattern of 5 and skills that had been lost... again the 'ranger/woodsman' them that keeps popping up.

Next was an image.. it was similar to the masonic symbol but it was on a mirror the square and the compass shape... I understood the meaning of it, and they should overlap... Time/lines and architecture and the mirror were all part of it and important -
Then this repeated again, same image. (don't understand this at all this morning so will have to look into the symbol) :P

Red Deer walking on hind legs like a person the setting is a street in the village I grew up in, on the way to my middle school.
I greet it ' with hello how are you and it bows down.. 
Then this repeats again, same place same red walking deer.. this time we both bow and meet with a Namaste and smaller bow each.

Next I'm in a school science lab, the curriculum has changed and it's now less experimental and more about rediscovery and looking into the past for healing and re-awakening.

I go into a place were I can see my Dad as he was when I was a child, there is a version of a toy that I had but it's larger and different... there should be a film of me as a baby but it's 'lost'

Next dreaming of dreaming..
I'm in a large temple with a pond in the pond are stones, I pull out a pink oval stone/shell... I'm waiting for something to be repaired.
2 young men come to fix it, as they repair things one is talking about a dream he had with Giants in it.. the giants are the same ratio as from my dream massive!
Next I'm discussing the giant dream with neighbours... I talk about my dream of the dream of the
'fixing' men - I'm trying to puzzle it out, as I'm telling them I can see an overview of the temple complex from one of my giant dream.  The one with the raised room.  As I'm talking about it I can see the room I was in and the place were the giant stood but I see if from a birds eye view as a huge complex.It has huge walls but with rooms on top and is set in a city. 
As I talk a woman starts to fit, I lay her down, and find her medication for her and get what she needs.
As I wake up I get a message that the pink stone from the pond is Abalone or something that reminded me of macaroni? I didn't know what this was :) On googling I realise it's mother of pearl and is correct for what I was holding.

As I got up to get dresses, I find on my bedroom floor a dead butterfly the wings on one side missing... I pick it up and look for somewhere to put it and first thing I spot is a jar I got from Tibet covered in mother of pearl.

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