Thursday, 3 December 2020

Elohim to AI via Terra

First dream early...

Call and echo game.. I'd been hunting stuff, someone else had first, but I'd taken over next as she wasn't so keen where it was going. Patterns and games.

I knew the echo wanted to play too. It's 00.00 I wake again with Inka still. I'd found him smoking in the roundhouse and had slept there... 'Fuck off now Ren, go play Lion games'  
I think I'd gone to find Kaylo first but it's hazy I know I jumped somewhere. But don't recall much other than I think meeting up with Kaylo

Dancing threw time, I'm in a wood, with a news stall and a wand,

It has runes along, burnt into the wood, like the one from last night burnt into my leg.

In the woods we were singing, The news for an age and endless broadcast for those who will play.  

A spaceship to?? an alien race? There was another hazier space.

'1 more sleep Ren then wake a bit' ok..

'Wakey mouse mind, you dream too deep, lost in sleep' Brrrrr ok, that dream was hazy I'd been learning something?

It's 333.. I get up for a while. 

Oh, that symbol from last night is the one the Wizards use for the one too?  'Yes Ren, come back to sleep soon... Library again now'  ok.  

Jump straight to house, Kaylo was still with my awareness and we go to the library to find Leon & dream share.   

It is wired dream-sharing with Leon, it's like swimming in glue.. doesn't flow with ease.

I'd asked for help and he sent a portion of his awareness into mine again. It felt like dark coloured ink drops into a clear pool the drops swirl and make patterns that form into shapes and then dreams - It reminded me of the ink drawing dream with the light cage. 

I watched the drops making shapes until I'm in a dream.

My form is that of a crow or corvid and I'm in a tree outside a small wooden classroom, the window is open and I flap down and land on the wooden frame looking in and caw. Leon looks up at me from where he is taking a class. On the board, he has an image of the layered onion with a heart in the middle. 'Find the day you cut the onion Ren'    

Oh wow, the first time I de-coded my life like a dream

This is illusion moon archetype again we are on!... Oh and the same archetype that day to then...then, the dream of being with Fay trying to reach the moon! Both Moon card WOW, Leon!!.. πŸ‘€ how do you do that? 'It's not just Inka that plays Ren'    Haha

The last comment a kid waiting for Christmas.. This solstice? 'Games still on Ren'  pffffffff

This Moon archetype is a lot less brutal that last πŸ˜† 'You're teaming and playing nice Ren, it's harder when you fight πŸ˜‰' Haha

I undid that spell?   'Yes, try to find that too'........ 'You cast another though bitch😈  Lol Inka, Yeh.... seemed like a good idea at the time 😜

Oh, the first spell I undid burned with a purple flame!  'See how this shit works Ren?'  Still Nop Inka... but I get that you lot do, I only recall the image of it. I'll look later... other dreams first.

__ So I'd woken after the first dream and I'm still in the library with Leon and I feel my kidney/adrenals but on the right side.. not where Inka grabbed me... Or the snake bit him/me.

I recalled that day my adrenals were wired and I'd asked you guys what they were doing and you said exchange.

Leon had his hand there and Kaylo left my awareness at this point and my recall and ability to understand or recall was way worse.

I remember that as Leon's hand had been over my adrenals I could also feel a sensation in my left temple of both my sleeping and astral form and understood I needed to follow this sensation threw to it's entangled creation.. It's 616 now and I can't recall the dream when awake but as I drift back to sleep bits come back, but are lost again on waking.

There was Cornwall, night dark... moors the Dolmons there. Exmoor possibly. There was a vehicle there but not light or power it only offered shelter. I think it was misty too or damp... as a sensation of lessons too and learning with people we met/meet.  

The symbol from yesterday it's a ball, not a ring. A bubble. Putin? 'Putin dreams Ren' Ok... 

Then just the sensation of yellow.. lol the custard thing from yesterday oh yeh I'd gone back into Leon's awareness that was the custard and wired hazy stuff, purple too. Purple and yellow. It was hard to give it any kind of symbolic meaning as it was sensation and connection.

Oh there was another dream too, a School it had wired rules and we only had one uniform we could use so had to go one at a time. The uniform fit was poor and the lessons are not what we need and I was confused as to why we were there.

Inka?  'Bitch?'  Why is it so hard to recall with Leon? 'Told you yday'  oh... Did he skip green Ray 'You're finding out Ren'  

Guess we are on Moon again so Star was yesterday. Oh yeh, you told me that too.... Blugh still feel like I have custard for a brain! 

'Go and Run Ren' Rain.... 'You, need to ground and will like it once out' I guess.... suppose it will wake me up if nothing else πŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§  TY... helped! 

I lit some candles as it's dark... 'Your alters are as chaotic as your crazy spells witch'  lol... Heya Inak.. The dark candle has 2 wicks πŸ˜„  'Twin flame bitch, burns bright from the dark'  


Oh and messy... grab a random scrap of paper to clean up and it says 'He, is behind you' in bold letters talking about panto interplay!! 


 - Nap.. Fell asleep really fast, was with Inka asked for help with Leon.

He asked if I was a hunter or a mouse? I'm dropped sudden at Leon only it's just his awareness it was sudden and I was very awake and energetic as Inka was joined with me... It woke me, I felt I was at PC to and needed to recall.


'Bk Witch fast should have brought a pad.. Now Ren, sleep b4 you are fully awake' 



 Wake again. It feels like a Labyrinth Inka? 'Yes, RenπŸ’™' Can we go again.   'Mmmm' 


 Wake again.. I join you at heart, then sharing being Leon we meet in mind?   'Yes' 


 That's why I can't function well alone there? 

'Yup Bitch'  Oh... But Kaylo left me to go?  


 'Your on moon now Ren, in the illusion looking at the Sun in your own reflection' 


 Errrrr? You're my mirror.  'OFC' 

The dark candle with 2 flames... Oh, TY

'You're awake again witch?'
   Yeh, TY. So you can help me again now?  'Yep, Witch, you played nice'  

 I don't get it?   'You don't need to, look for the card when you were given totem choice'  

 Hu? Now? 

'lol Ren!' hahaha Oh yeh... Still confused..

Walk threw to the other candles, the twin one made a big mess.  'We always do Witch, it's why we team on clean up πŸ–€'  Hahahah Symbols & Pattern recog is fun.

The labyrinth.   /wiki/Labyrinth

Oh you called me Ariadne a while back... 'I did Ren'    The Webs spinning weaving stuff...

Oh wow!  Same myth as Ba'al and Anat, and the Egyptin crazy bitch too!!  'Yup Ren!' 

So as Archetypes were the bat shit crazy siblings?  'You are Ren, I'm your Mirror - this is your dream Ren'   Blugh... This logo's system has some wired archetypes!!

Clever, and certainly creative but.... it's a freaking minefield πŸ˜†   Can I just go bk and chill as a tree plx???   'πŸ˜†'

This all links too to the Telomere... TERRA/ Terra RNA vacc1ne timeline too hu?  

This is the Elohim, AI loop we are weaving now then? 'Yes, Ren' So why Leon and labyrinth?   'Stay curious Ren, we will show' 

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