Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Putin. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Putin. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday 6 March 2023

Russian Dreams

I'd asked Inka yday to come into a dream with me, he'd said no but he'd send someone else.
Then I was in and out of the same dream all night, dreams with Putin in... Been a while since he was in any dreams.
Was odd, as he knew me from the other dreams and I recalled them too while talking to him.
I was in Russia too.
The dreams kept repeating, so the order might be off.  

I'd met him first in a modern office type space.  I was looking at a map, I had 2 places to visit.  One a tobacco factory, the other a tele communications place.
He'd asked me what I thought of the war, he looked older than when I'd seen him last.
Again I'm struck by how he's kind a short, only a fraction taller than me.
I told him it wasn't my concern.  He'd nodded while considering me, and handed me some A4 papers.

We spoke for a while and he was showing me a map.   I could see the places I needed to go in 2 different towns.
I'd asked him about bus transport but he'd showed me they were both on trainlines.
It was linked to something I was to smuggle or info I needed bk in the UK.

I go into another dream where he's again there.  This time we are stood in a church, there is a service being held by what look like roman catholic priests... They had the fancy style robes anyhow.   And a small white cap on their heads, Putin had the same thing.  He was with the priests, I was a little ways off watching.

I had on strange shoes, they had 2 plastic bits in the back that were digging into my heals like prongs, holes in the skin there.  I'd swapped them for what looked like black ballet shoes, and was also working 2 jobs. 
Another was as a waitress for the credit I needed to move about.

Next I'm still in Russia, it's futuristic and I'm visiting a school.   Coloured hair die is allowed and the kids look cool.
It's very cosmopolitan there too, with a good share of Asian and Indian kids.
I spent along time wandering round looking at stuff and considering it too.
I'd thought about taking photo's but realised I was dreaming so there was little point.

Dream jumps once more and Putin is back, this time he's addressing a crowd of people in suits in an open old style lecture hall.   It's got white domed ceilings.
He comes to me afterwards and we talk privately once more.  He'd showed me the brand of tobacco, it was in a dark blue and white pouch. 
He's jumped back with me into the school too, the kids had different coloured jumpers depending on the class they were in.  I was to learn some Russian there.


There was also a surreal bit, a city that had been destroyed at some point but was lived in again.   Only it was quite slummy and strange.
I was climbing with Rachel a this point, over piled of broken wood and into an odd stone arena.   Layered sandstone rock, but some of it was blue.  The top had been smoothed into a rotating stone path.
It moved a few times a day.
We needed to get to the other side where there was a metal security gate and a train station.  
We needed to wait though, as the gate was only opened for access once a day.


Next dream was with Em... We climb a large concrete tower, a square concrete stairwell.  There are no rooms only the stairs, it's hot in there.  Strip lighting.  At the top we'd sat down, the tower had no windows and the room was stuffy.  We'd been hoping we could see out, but the light came from a skylight with no view.

We headed bk down and out, onto a shore.  The tide is coming in and I'm in the shadow of the tower now.
Only there are 2 shadows, they over cross.   
I'd thought it might be 2 towers, but the way they were crossing it might have been the same one with 2 light sources. 
I'm not sure.... The light was like a sunset from behind.
Where the shadows crossed the waves were doing odd things.

They would cover the sand, and when they went back out a small pool would be left on the sand.
At first it was round, then shaped like a many pointed star.
As a plane flew overhead the image changed to that of a plane.
I was seeing waves in the air, vibrations making a sort of 3d interference pattern were the shadows overlapped. 

I went back into this several times. 


In the last dream I was being shown a word I was to memorise... Only it wasn't a word, and the way the light was hitting the plastic letters was playing tricks with my eyes. 
I was complaining it wasn't a word.  It was more like many words together...
A guy was telling me it was to do with the bottom of some insect mandibles. 

But that made me more confused.  

Last dream was a marsupial giving birth, I'd watched the process a small girl had it as a pet.
It wasn't any type of creature I'd seen before.   It's bat like ears were clear skin, pink were the blood flowed. 


Putin dreams...
Most recent.

March Last year




And when he was an odd king!


Over the weekend, while working nights.

'Are you quite finished bitch?'   Errrrr   possibly? 
Did I speak wrong?   'I'm watching you'   lol why?

It's confusing when you do that you know.  
'Yeh, It's easier than explaining everything' 
So did I speak wrong?  'Nop Ren, you were fairly diplomatic with what you shared'

Soo?   'I'm just letting you know, I'm watching you'   lol  🙄
If you want to answer or Malico, I'll let you if you ask...
'Ok Ren, I might hold you to that'   :P  Ok...   I'll try and let you! 

'Mmmm'   lol   that tone :P  

'I'd not let them Ren'   lol, why and errr 'Cause your my in'  Investment? 

embodiment (n.) 
"investment in or manifestation through a physical body; a bringing into or presentation in or 
through a form, " 1824, from embody + -ment.


'Possessed Ren, I did warn you'  lol 🙄
Pahaha that's cute..


giddy (adj.) 
Old English gidig, variant of gydig "insane, mad, stupid," perhaps literally "possessed (by a 
spirit)," if it is from Proto-Germanic *gud-iga- "possessed by a god," from *gudam "god" (see 
god (n.)) + *-ig "possessed." Meaning "having a confused, swimming sensation" is from 1560s 
(compare sense evolution of dizzy). Meaning "elated" is from 1540s. Related: Giddily; giddiness.

These are all layers of our entity?  Core self is the same right?  'Yeh mouse, you were on point' 

Errrr..   '😈 I told you to be careful Ren, your words carry weight' 

'Your ok Mouse, I won't drive you crazy again'  lol Inka 🤣
I didn't mind... 
'I know Bitch, you got alot on the line now'  Pffffffffffff
'Yeh mouse, I stand by what I promise.  Learning a shaman perspective is way safer than wanting to fly....' Still want that too...... But not right now :P  'Good call bitch, there are only so many reality walls you can crash threw at once' 

I could though right?  'Your wish is my command magic mouse ;)  Just don't get shitty with me when it all falls down'

I'm speaking hypothetically 'Yes, Ren.  I could make you fly'  Meaning we can't break consensus reality...
'As I told you the first time'   lol Yeh, yeh, all right...


I was dreaming alot, my HH's were hyper real.  Like looking at rooms. 

Recalls were odd though.
The dream I recalled best was a small bus crowded with people.
I think it was a rail replacement servics or connecting 2 trains.
The driver was letting people on for free. 

At one point someone dropped a block of human spaghetti on the floor, it was wrapped up like printer paper

Odd dreams at work... Was only half asleep as listening at work too. 
So was like false awakening... In one I'd fallen asleep with a choc bar and it melted all over my uniform, the other staff were laughing at me.
Another I was being tickled bk awake by a guy and woke up laughing. 

Saturday 29 October 2016

Manifesting Lessons & More Dragons

Again awesome dreams!   They are so much fun, wired cause I slept in a room on my own again... and they defiantly seem so different when just me is in a room.

First part of the night was like watching a pixilated wave, the crest of it coming in and the first few bubbles riding it...  and as breaks more and more and more until it's big roller coming in :D     More dreams about 'the leading edge'     again just patterns though   0-0=0-0-0=0=0 like that
 but the 0's had dots in like cells.

Next at another Aunty's house, this is another of my Mums many sisters!  This is not a place I've drempt of much, I was in there house with helium filled balloons.   I was doing a demonstration of packing 'bad thoughts' into invisible box's and fixing them to the balloons strings to float away.  lol  
Outside were the coal door should be there was instead a small freezer..   Someone had left a fish platter out side on the ground so I packed it into the freezer to keep it fresh and stop a cat from eating it.

The next dream was with partner, we were in strange worlds looking at different type's of mushrooms (He also had a mushroom dream too :P )   Totoro was there too! :D

The last dream was the longest and awesome fun.  This was a wired mish-mash of fairy story, shape-shifting a spaceship and stuff I'd seen or herd threw the day before.

First part I remember is a magical forest it's beautiful and the buildings are tall tall magic towers looking out over beautiful valleys of trees, rivers and fields.  

Putin lol is in the dream and he's a king in one of the tower castles on one side of the valley.   In the dream he has a beautiful daughter that is a princess but she's not well liked as she has something like what could be autism, anyway she doesn't communicate well.   He cares for her and he is trying to protect her from something.  

There are other tower and also a space ship, that I periodically port to I seem to belong to a team who are mainly on the spaceship but some are in the world below.....

I'm a shape shifter again in the dream It's very good fun :P 

I'm mainly a long serpent type dragon (bit like the one in Spirited Away or the Never Ending Story) that is telepathic, I can fly up to the towers so am a messenger I am also one of the few people who can communicate with the princess but I need to shift to a humanoid to communicate with Putin and most people.

I seem to be somehow trying to help this girl, the full details of the plot are kinda hazy... 
At one point I've turned into a human to communicate with about king Putin about his daughter :P  This is really comical as he's dressed up in silk baggy pants like a brothers Grimm Fairy tail king.

We are outside the castle walls.
I remember that something is kicking of in the forest... possibly different factions bickering. 
I'm still with him but I start to lose control of the 'form' I'm maintaining and start to change into a wired golden thing.      I'm kinda big and made from very bright golden light with wing shapes - at that point I got wizzed back to the spaceship really quickly as we are not supposed to show our light form's.

I come round kinda dazed on the spaceship... I think this was from being teleported so unexpectedly, there's a bit of a fuss on the space ship with some people panicking but others thinking it's funny.

I think that was when Zak woke me up.  

Hummmm      Ohhhh  This last dream seems to be the 'triad' Lovers Archetype.    Brain Split,  the Male King.  Left brain...  The Female, Creative Side but with difficulty expressing herself and the Higerself!   lol  SOoo I was being my higerself :P  coool

Dreams for Friday nights were great fun but not not great recall, the subjects included Animal Archetypes & Spirit totems, elements drawing and painting with a sword.  Dancing, then a wired dream about teleporting people round various hot baths.

A while back a friend recommended this book.   
I went back to it this morning... it's funny I have this thing were I read a chapter or so of a book then decide I need to stop. Suddenly :P
I move onto something else. Then after a while I go back to it and I always find that I'm at a perfect place in the book to work with what I've been shown in dreams.....and it's now time to 'read' about it! lol It's brilliant!
It happens naturally now but it happened physically with the Michael Newton book in 2010 via a miss-print and 100 pages being 'missing' from the book :)
Anyway it's the 'Dreamer Who dreams You' and it's about the Element's and dots and lines! Soo just perfect to go over & reinforce what I've been shown in dreams.
Love how the universe helps manifest my lessons

Thursday 9 November 2017

Another Putin Dream

Monday 6th

My dream was broken cause of sore throat.   I was with the Russian president though....  it' was odd (not as odd as the last dream I had with him in but still wired) 
We were friends, but sometimes I didn't have a body and just seemed to float round his head talking to him :stuck_out_tongue:   I was on a plane with him too, sometimes I did have a body and we talked normally. 

He wanted me to help with something off world.  (This seemed to be to do with a planet were mice and rats were farming veggies) ??? Or that might have been another dream I had inbetween coughing fits.   Anyhoo he seemed to want my help with something but what is kinda vague.

lol  that's funny    I just googled Putin, and he's so like he was in my dream... even down to the fact he's not that tall (Last time he was in my dream he was dressed like a medieval fairy-tale kind with silly silk trews and gold buttons.   This time he just had a suit.


First dream a friend Lorna had sent me her some tiny rodents - they were lovely like mini Degus or something..  She wanted one that was white and grey.   They arrived, lots of them and I was trying to look after them but then something happened and they shrank to the size of small slugs, and I kept loosing them in the sawdust.   I was worried I'd killed them.

There was also another tank I had, it was like a fish-tank but tropical and had insects and fish, they looked amazing but were also deadly or could make people ill with bites or stings.  There was a huge shiny iridescent blue centipede and dragnonflys     -  They look amazing but are not safe, I'm opening doors for them to leave the tank and get outside. 


Next dream 

I'm in the sea of the coast of Craster were my Gran lived. (Another main dreamscape)   I'm just in the sea, first I'm in the harbour.  The tide is turning and the waves are huge - I know I'm not going to make it back to shore so I let the tide take me out to sea.   There are others with me....    We float along the coastline heading south... past the rocks that stick out of the water.  

There are people on the shore watching us (It was nice being in the water)

- Last dream, is a like a game but we are the players.   3 of us enter a huge building.  I think the objective was to find something so we all split up, I go below ground level down a chute thing.. another of us uses a ladder to climb up.     The buildings strange and wired, at one point I find a primitive style tribe sleeping with there animals there.

Monday 27 March 2023

Political Plushies


Slept a few hrs after nightshift.
I had an odd dream of Chloe and Olive...  Then Ian came back into the house and had met them on a walk at the time I was dreaming about them.

Version of my main dreamspace.  I lived in an old style house up the harbour hill where the ship would be.   It had a shop attached and decorated windows.
Zak was in the dream too and the area was tropical, the harbour had the ruins of an old castle in that had been made into a themed water park.
The sky and water a bright blue.

Putin was again in the dream, walking along the harbour but he had on the oddest clothes!    A green and white woman playsuit and platform shoes!   Lol

Then in a shop I owned I had a Putin plushie toy!    It was in a back room, on a shelf with other political leaders past and present...   all in this soft toy style!  I think lots of them were communist. 
The shop sold a mix of things too one part was like an apothecary chemist, it was all arranged round a central garden.

Another part of a dream a man and woman had fallen from a horse, the woman is wearing a large union jack dress, she looked like the kings wife but I was calling her Debbie. 

Deborah - Name Meaning. What does Deborah mean? - Think Baby . 
What does Deborah mean? Deborah as a girls' name is pronounced DEB-er-ah. It is of Hebrew origin, 
and the meaning of Deborah is "bee". Biblical: a prophetess who summoned Barak to battle against an 
invading army. The victory song she wrote after the battle is part of the 800k of Judges.


There was also an odd lizard, it was almost like a flying land catfish..  It kept coming close to us, but things would scare it off.   

Thursday 3 December 2020

Elohim to AI via Terra

First dream early...

Call and echo game.. I'd been hunting stuff, someone else had first, but I'd taken over next as she wasn't so keen where it was going. Patterns and games.

I knew the echo wanted to play too. It's 00.00 I wake again with Inka still. I'd found him smoking in the roundhouse and had slept there... 'Fuck off now Ren, go play Lion games'  
I think I'd gone to find Kaylo first but it's hazy I know I jumped somewhere. But don't recall much other than I think meeting up with Kaylo

Dancing threw time, I'm in a wood, with a news stall and a wand,

It has runes along, burnt into the wood, like the one from last night burnt into my leg.

In the woods we were singing, The news for an age and endless broadcast for those who will play.  

A spaceship to?? an alien race? There was another hazier space.

'1 more sleep Ren then wake a bit' ok..

'Wakey mouse mind, you dream too deep, lost in sleep' Brrrrr ok, that dream was hazy I'd been learning something?

It's 333.. I get up for a while. 

Oh, that symbol from last night is the one the Wizards use for the one too?  'Yes Ren, come back to sleep soon... Library again now'  ok.  

Jump straight to house, Kaylo was still with my awareness and we go to the library to find Leon & dream share.   

It is wired dream-sharing with Leon, it's like swimming in glue.. doesn't flow with ease.

I'd asked for help and he sent a portion of his awareness into mine again. It felt like dark coloured ink drops into a clear pool the drops swirl and make patterns that form into shapes and then dreams - It reminded me of the ink drawing dream with the light cage. 

I watched the drops making shapes until I'm in a dream.

My form is that of a crow or corvid and I'm in a tree outside a small wooden classroom, the window is open and I flap down and land on the wooden frame looking in and caw. Leon looks up at me from where he is taking a class. On the board, he has an image of the layered onion with a heart in the middle. 'Find the day you cut the onion Ren'    

Oh wow, the first time I de-coded my life like a dream

This is illusion moon archetype again we are on!... Oh and the same archetype that day to then...then, the dream of being with Fay trying to reach the moon! Both Moon card WOW, Leon!!.. 👀 how do you do that? 'It's not just Inka that plays Ren'    Haha

The last comment a kid waiting for Christmas.. This solstice? 'Games still on Ren'  pffffffff

This Moon archetype is a lot less brutal that last 😆 'You're teaming and playing nice Ren, it's harder when you fight 😉' Haha

I undid that spell?   'Yes, try to find that too'........ 'You cast another though bitch😈  Lol Inka, Yeh.... seemed like a good idea at the time 😜

Oh, the first spell I undid burned with a purple flame!  'See how this shit works Ren?'  Still Nop Inka... but I get that you lot do, I only recall the image of it. I'll look later... other dreams first.

__ So I'd woken after the first dream and I'm still in the library with Leon and I feel my kidney/adrenals but on the right side.. not where Inka grabbed me... Or the snake bit him/me.

I recalled that day my adrenals were wired and I'd asked you guys what they were doing and you said exchange.

Leon had his hand there and Kaylo left my awareness at this point and my recall and ability to understand or recall was way worse.

I remember that as Leon's hand had been over my adrenals I could also feel a sensation in my left temple of both my sleeping and astral form and understood I needed to follow this sensation threw to it's entangled creation.. It's 616 now and I can't recall the dream when awake but as I drift back to sleep bits come back, but are lost again on waking.

There was Cornwall, night dark... moors the Dolmons there. Exmoor possibly. There was a vehicle there but not light or power it only offered shelter. I think it was misty too or damp... as a sensation of lessons too and learning with people we met/meet.  

The symbol from yesterday it's a ball, not a ring. A bubble. Putin? 'Putin dreams Ren' Ok... 

Then just the sensation of yellow.. lol the custard thing from yesterday oh yeh I'd gone back into Leon's awareness that was the custard and wired hazy stuff, purple too. Purple and yellow. It was hard to give it any kind of symbolic meaning as it was sensation and connection.

Oh there was another dream too, a School it had wired rules and we only had one uniform we could use so had to go one at a time. The uniform fit was poor and the lessons are not what we need and I was confused as to why we were there.

Inka?  'Bitch?'  Why is it so hard to recall with Leon? 'Told you yday'  oh... Did he skip green Ray 'You're finding out Ren'  

Guess we are on Moon again so Star was yesterday. Oh yeh, you told me that too.... Blugh still feel like I have custard for a brain! 

'Go and Run Ren' Rain.... 'You, need to ground and will like it once out' I guess.... suppose it will wake me up if nothing else 💧💧💧  TY... helped! 

I lit some candles as it's dark... 'Your alters are as chaotic as your crazy spells witch'  lol... Heya Inak.. The dark candle has 2 wicks 😄  'Twin flame bitch, burns bright from the dark'  


Oh and messy... grab a random scrap of paper to clean up and it says 'He, is behind you' in bold letters talking about panto interplay!! 


 - Nap.. Fell asleep really fast, was with Inka asked for help with Leon.

He asked if I was a hunter or a mouse? I'm dropped sudden at Leon only it's just his awareness it was sudden and I was very awake and energetic as Inka was joined with me... It woke me, I felt I was at PC to and needed to recall.


'Bk Witch fast should have brought a pad.. Now Ren, sleep b4 you are fully awake' 



 Wake again. It feels like a Labyrinth Inka? 'Yes, Ren💙' Can we go again.   'Mmmm' 


 Wake again.. I join you at heart, then sharing being Leon we meet in mind?   'Yes' 


 That's why I can't function well alone there? 

'Yup Bitch'  Oh... But Kaylo left me to go?  


 'Your on moon now Ren, in the illusion looking at the Sun in your own reflection' 


 Errrrr? You're my mirror.  'OFC' 

The dark candle with 2 flames... Oh, TY

'You're awake again witch?'
   Yeh, TY. So you can help me again now?  'Yep, Witch, you played nice'  

 I don't get it?   'You don't need to, look for the card when you were given totem choice'  

 Hu? Now? 

'lol Ren!' hahaha Oh yeh... Still confused..

Walk threw to the other candles, the twin one made a big mess.  'We always do Witch, it's why we team on clean up 🖤'  Hahahah Symbols & Pattern recog is fun.

The labyrinth.   /wiki/Labyrinth

Oh you called me Ariadne a while back... 'I did Ren'    The Webs spinning weaving stuff...

Oh wow!  Same myth as Ba'al and Anat, and the Egyptin crazy bitch too!!  'Yup Ren!' 

So as Archetypes were the bat shit crazy siblings?  'You are Ren, I'm your Mirror - this is your dream Ren'   Blugh... This logo's system has some wired archetypes!!

Clever, and certainly creative but.... it's a freaking minefield 😆   Can I just go bk and chill as a tree plx???   '😆'

This all links too to the Telomere... TERRA/ Terra RNA vacc1ne timeline too hu?  

This is the Elohim, AI loop we are weaving now then? 'Yes, Ren' So why Leon and labyrinth?   'Stay curious Ren, we will show' 

Lots of Touching

  15th Dream at work..    I was with Ray, we were both young.   It was affectionate we had 3 dogs with funny personality's we were g...