Monday, 6 March 2023

Russian Dreams

I'd asked Inka yday to come into a dream with me, he'd said no but he'd send someone else.
Then I was in and out of the same dream all night, dreams with Putin in... Been a while since he was in any dreams.
Was odd, as he knew me from the other dreams and I recalled them too while talking to him.
I was in Russia too.
The dreams kept repeating, so the order might be off.  

I'd met him first in a modern office type space.  I was looking at a map, I had 2 places to visit.  One a tobacco factory, the other a tele communications place.
He'd asked me what I thought of the war, he looked older than when I'd seen him last.
Again I'm struck by how he's kind a short, only a fraction taller than me.
I told him it wasn't my concern.  He'd nodded while considering me, and handed me some A4 papers.

We spoke for a while and he was showing me a map.   I could see the places I needed to go in 2 different towns.
I'd asked him about bus transport but he'd showed me they were both on trainlines.
It was linked to something I was to smuggle or info I needed bk in the UK.

I go into another dream where he's again there.  This time we are stood in a church, there is a service being held by what look like roman catholic priests... They had the fancy style robes anyhow.   And a small white cap on their heads, Putin had the same thing.  He was with the priests, I was a little ways off watching.

I had on strange shoes, they had 2 plastic bits in the back that were digging into my heals like prongs, holes in the skin there.  I'd swapped them for what looked like black ballet shoes, and was also working 2 jobs. 
Another was as a waitress for the credit I needed to move about.

Next I'm still in Russia, it's futuristic and I'm visiting a school.   Coloured hair die is allowed and the kids look cool.
It's very cosmopolitan there too, with a good share of Asian and Indian kids.
I spent along time wandering round looking at stuff and considering it too.
I'd thought about taking photo's but realised I was dreaming so there was little point.

Dream jumps once more and Putin is back, this time he's addressing a crowd of people in suits in an open old style lecture hall.   It's got white domed ceilings.
He comes to me afterwards and we talk privately once more.  He'd showed me the brand of tobacco, it was in a dark blue and white pouch. 
He's jumped back with me into the school too, the kids had different coloured jumpers depending on the class they were in.  I was to learn some Russian there.


There was also a surreal bit, a city that had been destroyed at some point but was lived in again.   Only it was quite slummy and strange.
I was climbing with Rachel a this point, over piled of broken wood and into an odd stone arena.   Layered sandstone rock, but some of it was blue.  The top had been smoothed into a rotating stone path.
It moved a few times a day.
We needed to get to the other side where there was a metal security gate and a train station.  
We needed to wait though, as the gate was only opened for access once a day.


Next dream was with Em... We climb a large concrete tower, a square concrete stairwell.  There are no rooms only the stairs, it's hot in there.  Strip lighting.  At the top we'd sat down, the tower had no windows and the room was stuffy.  We'd been hoping we could see out, but the light came from a skylight with no view.

We headed bk down and out, onto a shore.  The tide is coming in and I'm in the shadow of the tower now.
Only there are 2 shadows, they over cross.   
I'd thought it might be 2 towers, but the way they were crossing it might have been the same one with 2 light sources. 
I'm not sure.... The light was like a sunset from behind.
Where the shadows crossed the waves were doing odd things.

They would cover the sand, and when they went back out a small pool would be left on the sand.
At first it was round, then shaped like a many pointed star.
As a plane flew overhead the image changed to that of a plane.
I was seeing waves in the air, vibrations making a sort of 3d interference pattern were the shadows overlapped. 

I went back into this several times. 


In the last dream I was being shown a word I was to memorise... Only it wasn't a word, and the way the light was hitting the plastic letters was playing tricks with my eyes. 
I was complaining it wasn't a word.  It was more like many words together...
A guy was telling me it was to do with the bottom of some insect mandibles. 

But that made me more confused.  

Last dream was a marsupial giving birth, I'd watched the process a small girl had it as a pet.
It wasn't any type of creature I'd seen before.   It's bat like ears were clear skin, pink were the blood flowed. 


Putin dreams...
Most recent.

March Last year




And when he was an odd king!


Over the weekend, while working nights.

'Are you quite finished bitch?'   Errrrr   possibly? 
Did I speak wrong?   'I'm watching you'   lol why?

It's confusing when you do that you know.  
'Yeh, It's easier than explaining everything' 
So did I speak wrong?  'Nop Ren, you were fairly diplomatic with what you shared'

Soo?   'I'm just letting you know, I'm watching you'   lol  🙄
If you want to answer or Malico, I'll let you if you ask...
'Ok Ren, I might hold you to that'   :P  Ok...   I'll try and let you! 

'Mmmm'   lol   that tone :P  

'I'd not let them Ren'   lol, why and errr 'Cause your my in'  Investment? 

embodiment (n.) 
"investment in or manifestation through a physical body; a bringing into or presentation in or 
through a form, " 1824, from embody + -ment.


'Possessed Ren, I did warn you'  lol 🙄
Pahaha that's cute..


giddy (adj.) 
Old English gidig, variant of gydig "insane, mad, stupid," perhaps literally "possessed (by a 
spirit)," if it is from Proto-Germanic *gud-iga- "possessed by a god," from *gudam "god" (see 
god (n.)) + *-ig "possessed." Meaning "having a confused, swimming sensation" is from 1560s 
(compare sense evolution of dizzy). Meaning "elated" is from 1540s. Related: Giddily; giddiness.

These are all layers of our entity?  Core self is the same right?  'Yeh mouse, you were on point' 

Errrr..   '😈 I told you to be careful Ren, your words carry weight' 

'Your ok Mouse, I won't drive you crazy again'  lol Inka 🤣
I didn't mind... 
'I know Bitch, you got alot on the line now'  Pffffffffffff
'Yeh mouse, I stand by what I promise.  Learning a shaman perspective is way safer than wanting to fly....' Still want that too...... But not right now :P  'Good call bitch, there are only so many reality walls you can crash threw at once' 

I could though right?  'Your wish is my command magic mouse ;)  Just don't get shitty with me when it all falls down'

I'm speaking hypothetically 'Yes, Ren.  I could make you fly'  Meaning we can't break consensus reality...
'As I told you the first time'   lol Yeh, yeh, all right...


I was dreaming alot, my HH's were hyper real.  Like looking at rooms. 

Recalls were odd though.
The dream I recalled best was a small bus crowded with people.
I think it was a rail replacement servics or connecting 2 trains.
The driver was letting people on for free. 

At one point someone dropped a block of human spaghetti on the floor, it was wrapped up like printer paper

Odd dreams at work... Was only half asleep as listening at work too. 
So was like false awakening... In one I'd fallen asleep with a choc bar and it melted all over my uniform, the other staff were laughing at me.
Another I was being tickled bk awake by a guy and woke up laughing. 

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