Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Layerd Games

MMO style game, so I was seeing the scene from above, there was a road with a repeating explosion thing on it, and we were getting hit multiple times by choice.
It was multi layered to with different effects on different maps and we were using this to merge into crossbreed things.
Hard to describe like killing ourselves simultaneously on many maps at once to be come mech skeletons and other stuff.   Looked very cool.

A competition with prize money... Set in a costal city, with a large dockland area for leisure and warehouses.
A car racetrack was in this space too, or a circuit was being used for that. 
Ddad was in the dream, he was going to sell me out about something.  Rat me to some enemies we had there, he didn't want to do it... But felt it was the best option.

A strange brass fork that was worth loads of money. 


Dream version of here, sort of familiar from other dreams, our house and next doors but we had tilled pools in the garden, the water lit in the dark.
I'd walked down to the bus stop, a hedge grew there and I'd planted a bunch of courgette seeds under.  The plants were growing more like pumpkins and there was loads of yellow flowers.
The Appletree had a beer garden booth at the front with plants, we were going to stop for a drink but the tables were full.


Next I'd arrived at my main dreamhouse by car.  Tables were set up on the communal grass spaces. 
They were political canvassers all for the same guy with a UK flag.

The same person was being supported in a art and craft instalment in a community centre.  
Christine was on one of the stalls, young looking... Like she was in her early 30's.
I'd bought some home made cakes from a stall and then had stopped to play.  'Guess the weight' 

The first thing was an oddly heavy eyeball toy.   I'd guessed that correct at 232gms so the guy had given me a long red and yellow bit of art to guess.
Cat work me up.

Last dream starts in my room in main dream house.  It was really messy and I was trying to clean it up but it was full of guys smoking and making more mess.   My rug on the floor was covered in sawdust and burns, I was aware Inka was in the dream too and would be annoyed at the things burnt onto it now.
Outside was built up in the way it often is on the quarry side, with them tall flats the place sometimes has.
Kids were playing on walk ways and swings joining the top balconies.
I'd been in a pizza restaurant again, a different one this time, dark inside with a bar feeling.
Marcus was in the dream again with a group of guys, and so was Dom this time with another group.
I'd been asked to bring the 2 sides together for a meeting as I'd known someone on each side.
Liz was there too.   It was all in a version of London.
An odd tide wall/barrier in a river too. 
I was trying to get to the streets above, but was stuck on the shore of the river. 

I was aware there should be a way up but I couldn't find it so was climbing the structure instead which kept moving with the tide. 


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