Thursday, 16 March 2023

Pizza Place

Meeting Marcus in a pizza restaurant, I had worked there but I'd been let go.  Peoples faces were very real.
In the centre of the place cheese was being made in big metal things. 
I was trying to make my way upstairs, but there was an odd heavy door that locked, it had been jammed open with an old chair.
I'd made my way threw but it was hard to put the chair back from the wrong side and I'd wound up breaking the door lock but pulling out a layer of sandstone it was imbedded into.


In a collage room with Em, we had 2 beds and a screen along side a huge window.  The top floor of the dorm was ours.
Full moon outside, in a pale blue sky with stars and the screen was showing a strange storm.
It's magnetic in the centre and attempts would be made to stop it by reversing the centres polarity.
A helicopter would drop these glass orbs on rope containing positive and negative charge into the eye of the storm.


A guy and woman come up to meet us and we all go out together to find an all night store.
We'd just arrived so had no supplies in.  
Outside I see an animal charity, it's a pick up for dogs being rehomed... And there are dogs outside I go to visit.
I chat to the guy there and leave a contact number, telling him I've just moved close by for a while and offer to volunteer.
I had strange recalls of a life that wasn't this one, but I had similar dogs.

Next dream was a similar communal space this time there is a circle of women.  One of them and her daughter need extracting from a potentially violent situation.
The woman leading is sitting crocheting... I have a strange image in my head of a chase down a flight of stairs, and a hand trail of blood on a wall.

We had lectures to attend at midnight and intended to call the police at 6am to make sure the woman was allowed to leave safely.

I walked to the buildings were the lecture was to be held, I'd got as far as the room when I turned and left.
I go outside instead into a botanical garden, where I'm looking at strange alien plants.   It's still quite light for midnight, I can hear the lecture start threw an open window.
But I'm sat outside watching some rats and mice moving threw the plants.


Last dream I was looking down on a female with bare legs laying on cobbles on a damp street at night.
Street lamps shine from the damp on her skin and the grey cobbled below her.


Inka was calling to me, I couldn't find him.... just this same energy flow I have at my back heart center atm.

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