Thursday, 30 March 2023

Swinging Bath


Lots of dreams, kept going into the same ones over and over.
In one I was with Inka in a school and young.  
I'd upset my family about something and was waiting on there judgment.  

Another dream was an mmo game.  It had mounts and I had a snail one :D  It looked great, but it didn't go anywhere fast, was useful for wall climbing.


Last dream was in my main dream area,  Again the sky and sea were bright vivid blue.   I was in the same place as when I was dreaming last before my night shifts.
I kept zooming up into the sky so my perspective was looking down...   The town I was looking down on kept flicking in and out of others.

In another dream at some point I was with a gang, we were displaced and the group raided the food of a settled tribe.  I'd tried to stop them as we were eating the seed crop they needed for next season, and it would have been better to ask them people if they could spare us food.
But the group I was with were to hungry to be reasonable. 


Wake 212

I've been in a huge layered rock cavern.  Ddad was there and also Mathew.  It was quite chaotic and industrial with flying, and cave ins.. A night club and bars.   It was our home too.
At one point I was playing in a old metal bath swinging on thick gold metal chains.  


Wake 414

Same or similar place.  Contracting for people, agreeing time and place.

Wake 555

I'd been with another female, we had a plate were mixing paints and are painting each others skin.
It looks like glass paint, and we are creating art on each other that looks like rainbow stained glass windows. 

Then an odd plane flight were everyone is made to take senna :P

Back at main dreamspace.  I'm with Viki and Marie, we are going to stay in one of the hotels before leaving again.
Visiting citys and buildings in Europe, one was in Croatia another I think was Hamburg. 

Then a dream with 2 beds, one filled with guys the other female.
A baby boy has been tied up in a cradle but it's not secure and will flip over as it's only secured at 2 points.
It was oddly like the chained up bath at the start of the night. 

Feels like 2 aspects....  One deep down who loves to swing about :D
And another smaller aspect that isn't ready to be dropped by others on it's head!

'Ren?'   Yeh...  'You realise what I'm teaching?'  
I suppose, I also recall the dream where you sold me out...   
Do you remember why?   ' I think it was the best option of a bad bunch?   You didn't want too....   '

'Read it please'   ok...


Hummm  kk... 


Hummm.... This is the pendulum?  Swing from the light to the dark?  
Like the Hi-Ren song?  And the you wanting me to pick a side?
Ren - Hi Ren




'See'  Yes, but I see from all-over!  
I can't find the night you wanted me to pick a side... I recall some it though.


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