Wednesday, 23 December 2020

In Love with the Dark

I'm bored and can we play again?   'yep your call tonight' Oooo  something unexpected then 😁💜 


'You calling me predictable witch? '  Perhaps, if it makes me less board.....😏    'You know your a fool again?'   Hahaha yeah,  I'm to stupid to stay a goddess for long I guess...   anything you need setting fire too? 


'FFS Ren?' You're right I do like to game ðŸĪŠ


'Come to me later too Ren I'm sure I can find some unexpected use for you too'   Hahaha cool. 

'You good bo-peep?'  lol   Errr   Ooops.   'It's ok Ren, we have the perspective you're less unpredictable to them who know you inside out too'   Errrrrr 'Doesn't mean we won't happily boot you along like our small bouncy bug ball'  Rolling stone?  Oh... Crest of a wave?' 
'The rock that wants to slide a mountain?' 

So Ian rolls over and accidentally bops me in the 3rd eye forehead and it wakes me up I'd been zonked out for ages...  'Not waking for us mouse' - I'd been having a dream' 'Oh yeh?' lol It was about intuition and guidance, and knowing stuff then it happens.

'Does it happen cause you know, or do you know cause it happened?' Pfffff bit of both I guess.  'Then come here shit stick, you've been slacking'  lol

I lay back and lots of vision/jumbles the number 13 again, Trump the upside-down triangle president, going down... 'Yes Bitch we are now come here' lol OMW

Jump to the roundhouse where Inka is standing in front of me I hug him and he shoves me back to the wall of the roundhouse 'Backs against a wall Ren, what you going to do?' I'd said I would vanish/jump.. He'd asked what if he held onto my soul.. and so I just dove inside his heart centre.

lol next up I wake to rage against the machine playing really loud in my head!!

They use force to make you do, what the deciders have decided you are going to do! They use force to make you do, what the deciders have decided you are going to do, They use force to make you do what the deciders have decided you are going to do!!

lol I wake with a jump... Oh, StarWars the Force/ Source ?? 

Killing in the name of ????? 

'Back squeaky, you wanted supprised'  Hahaha  coming... 

'Come here crazy mouse!' lol yeh ok, you've woke me up too much! 'Haha Ren, you ask you get, you fool.. we need to go to Malico too'

Ok, I'll jump to the house... 'Your not getting away mouse 😈' Hahaha IKR 😁
Still to awake to jump to ask Inka to help.

The direction of flow changes from an attraction to  his loci and moves deep inside my heart instead. Get the usual massive waves of energy and love 'Not for the faint-hearted Bitch' lol extremist 'As I told you, lay down plx' Hahah 😆

Lost in the love from home....💜 'Lost mouse or found?' Long games hu?

'Yes crazy twin... come here, more to show' lol sheeesh

Helios??? Sun, Helium too? The balloons thing..   'Lay down we showing'

Sun & Moon chariots chasing dawn/Dusk

Then the kids... there are all these alarms going off...There school ones but it's holiday... and they keep waking me and we get up and the alarms are going off right by there freaking heads and they can't hear them!! 

'Yes Ren, you can't wake the dreamers that want to dream... come and play!'  

My dream dust is bonkers has been for hrs it's like looking at blueprints but they are peach/pink-orange colour with gold designs on them circuit like in a way when I close my eyes they are right there.  'I know, come back here'   

Then a wired sensation like my ears are being cleaned with pipe cleaners lol into my head 😆 ..... like when we drilled the dryads ears?? 'Confused?' lol yeh 😂 'Serves you right stupid mouse 😏' Hahahah 💜 

There was a dream too... oh yeh before this 

I'd fallen asleep jumped back to the roundhouse and Malico is there again too he hugs me and laughs at me.
Inka was with my awareness anyway so we go back into the roundhouse again to dream share again above where Leon & Kaylo are asleep below.

The dream we were doing something?  and then you guys all passed threw a barrier and I couldn't pass it was an intersection my by flicker rate was wrong so it's like that jello air thing was like osmosis and the barrier was an errrr a semi perm membrane... filtering I guess and I was left at the boundary looking in. 


It reminded me of the dream where em/me are laying on top of an atmosphere and I can wobble the sky like a jelly, we are seeing if we can get people to notice. Or where the sea is like jelly and you can walk on it. I could kind of see in.  

Oh, it's like the people coming back threw a blue membrane too? And the explosion where I needed to go threw one into my house.  

In this dream, I was just stuck at the bleed threw of the realities.

Then like a false awakening/alternative me as I'm in a room exactly like my bedroom but someones put all the lights on and it's really bright... I'm squinting and rolling out of bed towards an old crackly radio in the corner of the room same corner as the other broadcast dreams but not making much sense Arrest, President I duno I was thinking freak it's bright who put all the lights on... then the radio starts playing 'ITS CHRISTMAS!!!'  Really loud .... Hahaha   'I'm going to keep tormenting you for calling me predictable Witch 😏'   Hahahah 💜

That was fun... 'and I'm not done Ren' lol

A little sonic virus??/ 'You bug, come here!' I jump back and Malico (Jupiter) is now just sitting by the fire laughing at me and Inka sitting by the fire too playing lo 'I play you Ren cause you're stupid enough to let me' Haha yep!  

Oh the light bright... The mind is the matrix, the heart is the home... 'Use both together to find your way home' lol, totality, listening not alone... 'Possessed'   Yeh same thing!! lol 😆 

That's the scales too the upside-down triangle the pyramid... Balanced male/female mind halves.. then you drop into the heart. The balance is the known quantity then you can weigh the hart and see if it's heavy! The 33.3% Titration! Al Khem.

'How's your illumination Ren?'  Elucidating thanks guys 💜💜

I'm going void anyone coming? 'Mmmmmm' 'I'm good thanks Ren, my minds not so chaotic I like to escape from it!' lol 😀 That's why people meditate I guess? 'Yes, them with enough sense' 😆

Riding the sounds out of the space, 

dropping the force that holds us in place. 

Stop what we be to fall out of time 

Spread into all no longer confined.  💜💜

Oh..... After the void game - That was when I got called for Witch training in Astral, Main dream area and what was the other place 'Find it Witch'

One of the teachers looked like a dog thing? 'Bitch training too perhaps?' Hahahah Oh Space/Stations... like my Re'Education story!  'Told you Ren, Your dreaming your life... your lucid enough mess it up now too 😏  Hahaha  Where you came to collect me again after the Void Game.

The one we are still playing... 'You asked for a rematch Bitch, once you realised you didn't have a clue what you were doing'   

Oh yeh..... 😜  Oh and You asked me about the wild ride in astral after I'd been trying to wake Zombies?   So given that I'm you lot too.... I do this to myself hu?  'OFC Ren, that's why we team'

Hellios, Helium also light like a feather, the ballons?  'You have no clue when you stop do you Ren?Haha curious mouse 😝 Anyway, were still playing as I'm still in game!  I still want to know my name too! 

The Lithium we were smuggling, with the clones? 

Also, it was the battery for my spaceship too the battery needs to be rechargeable it should recharge it's self with the motion of the ship? 

Also, my dreams with Ann is this like Anu? She's in the genetic manipulation dreams.

Michael, who is like El? Is who I do the lab workups and surgery with, helped me to hear you guys.  

Anu & El??  

'Keep asking Ren, unlimited Data plan and you are well-grounded now' 

Oh.... Wow.... lol Haha the other mebrane dreams why do I forget what you tell me so much! 

Oh the other Membrane dreams......

Symbols and Harvest, Helios and Ballons!!    GG again guys this is so cool! 

The other one... Balance!  
Haha, the stupidity of mind and sprit fighting Night & Day... Dark & LightðŸ˜ē 'They could be playing instead!'  😛   So we are clearing off soon??   'It's filtering Ren' 😆  Hahahah

My head hurts..  'Run, and ground' 

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