Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Long Dark Nights and Good Mornings

Squeek! lol, it's 00.00 that was nuts!
Who is looking at who again??

I'd been dreaming with errr it's hazy? 'Planetary archetypes'  Shit looks different from inside out!  'A bug's perspective? 😏'  Wow! 

'We need you to wake your mind a little Ren up and then come back soon'

I head back to bed b4 3am

'Fun?' Haha, yeh that was fun... before? 

Oh yeh...I'd jumped to the Roundhouse again. Inka & Malico there being Jupiter & Saturn. We needed to dream share.
There were the 4 fires lit around the roundhouse.
2 I'd lit in this dream with Leon/Leo/Sol, Me and Inak did the other as I was sorting my messy Aquarian house. 
Leon old Leo/Sun & Kaylo Ego are sleeping below in the hunter room... I'd checked on them Earlier and they both good and dreaming. My avatar is still the tall white from when I new Malico as an Ancient.. Inka joined my awareness as my ego and me and Malico go to the bed to dream share there above the Sol... We'd had many dreams or a dream that hops.

First recall I'd been at a long dark wooden lab bench.
I'd knocked someone's high-end chemistry work an A4 pad covered in neat purple writing titration equations similar to last night & an old text book of the end to the floor.    I was picking them up.
I'd been looking for some spare paper to write down 2 poems of mine that someone needed. I'm picking up her stuff when a female voice behind me tells me. My father used to read that ancient chemistry book every night before sleep. He was only a builder and didn't need it but he had wanted to respect it and had died with the book.

Al Khem again 😏

I'd not found any spare paper among all the equations so I'd kept moving.

Next up I was still recalling poems but needed to write to aid my memory 🙄
I'd also been saying some really funny stuff and people were looking at me asking what I was doing. Malico had shoved Inka out of the way in my awarness a bit so I was more me and I told the group it's fine it's just Inak.. I'm possessed 😆 Hahaha they had looked at me and asked 'Is that ok?' to let something inside you?  

Hahah I told them, yeh sure it's fine, fun tbh there is a bunch of them! I'd walked past something and it had sparked and then someone in the room pointed and said oh? Is that another one there on the ladder I told her yes!   

I was still trying to recall the 2 poems for them but we still had no paper, there was a young girl on the floor and we were looking at 2 amazing grey spiders with lots of eyes they were big like mice and we shooed them into the dark corner where they wouldn't get stood on.

The last dream was a health food shop down a spiral staircase, all the staff were women and mama's I knew the latest delivery is toys and gifts all amazing they are pilled all over the spiral stairs waiting to be put on the shelves.

The building then turns into a vets and I'm talking to the young female nurses there.
I've taken a call and the woman on the phone is confused as I already know the advise she is after I tell her, you already asked me.

Then a grumpy nurse arrives she is wide big built and her blue scrubs uniform is dirty and covered in old blood she barges in all shouty and bossy intimidating.  The younger nurses and barking orders (Another me? 'OFC bitch, your dream 😈'  😆 )  

Anyhoo she's really out of order and I announce loudly and sarcastically to her 'Well aren't you a regular miss Funshine' The younger nurses are too intimidated to laugh but glad to have someone not afraid of her around... I realise this persons attitude needs a workup.....This last one is the one flew over the Cuckoos nest too? 'OFC' lol that was fun.  

I sleep again, same place,

An amazing woodland!!

A massive silver birch tree way bigger than they should grow it's more like an massive ancient oak.

It's slipped from a bank as a wall has broken! (Wow, nice symbology weaving guys...
 We are good at this shit Ren 😏 💜)  

It's now growing on the track.
I walk up to it and put my hands on the bark to communicate.  The bark is white and bright it's stayed white like the bark of a much younger birch despite its size and age. It's amazing!!   

It draws me to it and gives me dreams.....

The fist I'm with a young guy we are both young.  
He's taken on a street dog, it's neglected and abused and not comfortable with touch, we are rehabbing it.
It's slowly accepting affection, one ear is necrotic where one pinna has been bitten off the flesh is raw and thickened but the temperament needs work before we can address the wound. A young girl is helping us too, she is afraid of the dog as it is of her..... lol I wasn't that much of a bitch, 
'Witch...You can be pretty wild when needed 😏' Hahah fair enough! 💜

An allotment space all the plots have been neglected as the work was too much and gardening time to little. We have a new plan to streamline the workable plots into a central strip where we can share the maintenance and produce, the remainder of the site will be allowed to rewild and the shared area shall be equal in terms of management and production all offering what they can and taking what they need.

Another dream I'm heading to New york for a birthday party.
I'd realised it was a crazy distance to travel for a kids party but I was prepared to make the journey for the kids to meet (youngest kid son and his young female friend) The guy on the call is nice and gives me the address.   

A strange red-haired male youth, he needs something but he's not making sense yet and needs some time to adjust. - This is Red? The new hope Earth chakra?? 'Yes Ren'.
Red-haired kids and giants.. Oh the Nephilim portal I was asked to help with?
Need/greed? 'Yeh, let's not fuck it this time Ren?' lol OK 💜

Last dream I'm with my Mam's older sisters again.. They were alive but dying I'd gone to see them. The Matriarchs? They were the ones with my soul agreement too? Also the 6 months to live? 'Yep Witch'  

My White avatar the Silver Birch? New start the 24th Dec tree Ogham 😏

The Fishermans Parasites in my skin!! They were text open?? 💜💜

'Balance Ren, Get up and wright/right/Write' lol spells man 😏 'You're getting less dyslexic witch' 😈' It's dark... 'Up now and you can dream again before dawn, I told you we had a long dark night of fun!' Haha 😆

It's just gone 5am I look out and see my big tom cat crossing the road at the front street so go down and let him in. 

'First footing Bitch! Your Big black Tom just let your New year in ;)' Hahaha Inak he didn't bring any Whiskey!! 'Sorry, Ren have some Kefir your symbiotic now!' Oh! lol the window too, Good Morning Santiago.


lol I finish writing at 616 so head back bed for a lil while, Jump back to the Roundhouse where I realise we have accidentally created planetary tantra! The reverse of the Pyramids... my Roundhouse with it's pointed roof. The 4 fires 2 I lit with Leon/Sol - Other 2 with Inka as he helped me put my house in order 😛
The connection to the Hunters room below that Inak/Saturn created and me inviting Jupiter/Malico into my messy Aquarian space!  

When I was told a few weeks back I needed to learn a little bit of astrology for the next bit I had no clue 😂

Anyhoo, They explain it to me and we sit by the fire and chat, Leon & Kayo still kipping then dream share again... I see the 2 matrixes The mind, the overseers and then the earth dream body. 💜
'Yes Ren, you're a big bitch, Jupiter and Saturn are your boundaries for now... ' lol cool, 'play nice Ren, as you know you are limitless' Service? 'You like to play'

I'd jumped back again one last time then was woke 'Up! It's a beautiful dawn' Errr lol it's 717 'OFC, you know this crap, let's go!!' Haha  😆

I'm bonkers....  'Adeptly foolish 💜 Now come Crazy Elen.. We go see the dawn!'  Where?   'Where the hind's head ofc'   Oh Phahaha Ok....   Raindeer onsie & Antler hair band it is 😂

Elen of the Ways

Tawny owl, and Dawn chorus

'Happy mouse?'   Mmmmm .   'Dw Ren, you know you dream and weave your reality your trajectory and intentions are in alignment- we have no reason to squash you when you play nice' 😆 lol I don't mind being squashed tbh...  'flexible'



I like being  Aquarius with waters pistols and bath toys !!!   🔫 🤣🤣

I always wondered why it wasn't a water sign,  makes sense now 😂

Good Morning!!

So some how this is planatery Tantra I guess -  I had no idea what even inspired me to make a round house!  'No idea Ren?😈'  Hahah  --  GG guys yet again!  So next up is 24th that's the date the Tree Ogham starts?  Or we go with the moons?  'Keep asking Ren we show!' 

Oh the first Titration dream with BoJo'?  Then Night before last  3rds.   33.3%

So this the moon?? Illusion and back to Neptune again? 

Oh!  lol chatting to people helps!  The Titration Equation!  33.3!   This is a 3-way split Right left middle way!  Harvest????

Love, Balance, Fear.  Catalyst ...

Neptune acts as a moon overlay for the age of Pisces for some??.. The ME effect, Jesus. Fish.. I know I'm deep in the symbolic code of the collective now??

Saturn offers us a mirror twin, ourselves but a dark mirror we are presented with what we need to grow. Neptune is dreams, illusion religion - It is the biggest influence planet in my chart and my current trajectory.
The thing Inka fired me at to chew out next

We need the known calculate the harvest?

The catalyst for the world game that's why Bill can't stop laughing?   'Bit like you Witch 😈 '

Oh!! Neptune's trident! too!!  3 way split! Oooooo  I get it!

Fear / Love / Middle way...  Sorting hat...

Non are lost all are loved!!  💜  'And you're teatching bitch??? ' IKR I didn't sign up to this   'Nah, but you were stupid enough to up the stakes again when you got bored' 

Oh yes.... 

  'It's ok Bitch, you can Channle Malico now.... and GL Ren, I'm still your rear guard, I'll scrape you up and stuff you back on the train when he kicks you off' 

FFS  I can't shut up hu?

what is up???  'You Bitch, fucking with the dreamers again?'  oops

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