Thursday, 24 December 2020

Time Line and DNA Healing..

The biting.. that dream where I bit  a bus driver I was biting his finger too.. knowledge the poison fang.. That was Inka?  

Implant, giving my kid bro LSD & Ecstasy in one hit as our mama was going... 
I gave him knowledge.. The others too


'Yes didn't just offer a bite of apples this time you are chucking them at peoples heads'      Ooooo  lol


This is my spiritual regression hu???  


'Could say that'


'When you asked how much DMT you can make Ren?'...  lol yeh...    I'm not bored now though, it's enough to keep us in a perpetual meditative space though?  'Correct' 


How do I hit the stasis not the dreamers??  The jumping that is the spiritual quarantine,  'Yeh now you're listening to us you can go in too'


4 and 10... Isn't that how long the Jesus  was wandering for?


Stasis is the
ignore -e-sphear

Snoore-s-sphear   'Yes Ren etymology  is spelling'   That's why the Pieces fisher man gave me parasites with an open text Ogham sign?  'Yes the part of you that is us knows this and you are integrating it there' 


So why I feel you at my adrenals and others feel fear when there crew are near is the near Ad Ren..  (Near Kidney)  ad'ren'als is you guys or a larger egoic archetypes..    Once integrated you are possessing Ren or connected via heart.  

OMG the story...  Illeth 'OFC, Dear, we are all teaching you 🧡' 


Wow...  I didn't want to get rid of my parasites.  'Of course not what mother would Ren!'  Hahahah  🧡

So who or whom is driving this crazy train...   oh I was a clone like Ren?  When we crashed the from the back of the time line of the train to the front...but I didn't want a master or owner...  we came bk with emotion?? 


So Eve did hit the ignore-as-spheres people knew they were separated from source?   Or she created it?  What came first?  'The Apple or the Eve?' 


The apple cores everywhere 'Remember Ren you are inside out.. upside down and dreaming backwards....  symbols and pattern re-cog'


'Run with what you are juggling'

Eve was made from Adam...   what about Illeth?   💜


Oh.. the clock tower too...  all my poor cast of egos following me round trailing white fluffy feathers.


'Its ok Ren, you collect them up'   😕   oops.    Lol

'The embodied sacred feminine is quite a force Ren and it knows it gets what it wants.'

But realises it doesn't know what it wants as love with no wisdom is directionless, and perspective from an ego is wired??    'Yes' 


The Holy spirit?   'Zeitgeist too'

'As Inka would tell you Ren,  worry and guilt solve shit'   Lol sounds wired coming from you 'It gets the message across to you' 


Judgement... we are always our own persecutors.


'Yes, you get more recalls as you forgive and accept larger and larger aspects of your reality and archetypal gestalts of your entity'


The poems I was looking for I found.


We fall only as far as we dare to climb, failures painful learnt from in time.   This is Inka Saturn Time  also that's Illeth/Lilith too? 


Fallen goddess an ejection from star into a living system to grow with emotion.  Not really fallen just playing in game.


Loosh into crystalline carbon diamond? The star..too fractures give character.


'You were fascinated by the periodic table at school Ren'..  Science was the only thing I liked not physics though I couldn't visualise it


'Magnetism - geometry'  Yep I get it now.


Bitch training the dirty duality dog?  The clock tower pirate, my bro as a werewolf dog star? 

Sirius black too... All narratives the same message!   'You are bringing your higher aspect home Ren and with it your heart connection to us'

The cyber pixie guild. 

Ok... Did the charts for my Dad and Bro, they astral travel too... We are a soul fam energy gestalt?  Entity? 'We are showing and teaching Ren, you are dreaming that is true but you are not dream weaving alone'   Bro, is at the front of my Train with his Saturn and Jupiter..... Saturn is at the Rear of mine.  Dad's like an arrow shooting a sun threw the moon into Leo 'We told you Ren, No family is accidental' You know you picked your life and parents as you have recalled it. 



Where is Inka? 'He is fine Ren and just as capable of taking care of himself as you are'   errrrr 'Yes, you are getting proficient enough to understand.  As he has told you let him do what he as too'  I'm sorry..  To all of you. 
'Ren, you have little to apologise for, you came in with a trajectory and mission, you are volatile and unpredictable.  The music will help I'd like your company tonight and for you to nap now please and come to me.  Space and intention first and I will meet you by your fire'

What am I feeling?  'A lot of cellular recall, come here please I need to help you, it won't take long, you can follow that heart pain to me please'  'Cry if you need Ren, but lay down at least now'


This really hurts 💜 'I know Ren, you're big it's much emotional pain we are about to transmute together. It's fine, we are well practiced at this. Try and nap now I'm with you.' Inka? 'Is where he needs to be Ren' 

So much hurt..... 'Yes, you're big enough to love them all please Ren here'

My heart feels so like.. 'It's the 4 chambers that Leon taught you Ren and you are wide, lay down please and feel'  

It is like when I felt the world attached to orange but now heart...'Yes, better for now?' Yeh 'Good, stay with me music, no media.. We got this Ren 💜' Ok.

I head to sleep early in a bit of a dazy and an emotional blob.

Heart centre felt so heavy/sad busy... when I next wake heart is fine but blue and my throat is tickly and wired. 'Trajectory it Ren, wisdom Inc it's what we are transmuting'💙

I'd been at my main dream area with just Malico... We'd ...oh he had wanted to go into the main part of the village and I didn't. 

I wanted to stay on the outside but he was insistent and commented that no one would recognise me anyway (Avatar is still the tall glowing white thing with Horns the role I took when someone else dropped out of a performance... Other relivent world dreams too)

We had walked together to the centre of the village where I'd gone with Inka too.  I'd been a more typical scruffy space pirate then though 😜

I think outside, here too splitting. It's hazy as it was just emotion male emotion unexpressed, or with no place to go.

Symbols.. the other zodiac signs, the Scales Libra, Fish, I'm seeing them archetypally and also the constellations the patterns they make in the fabric of what we consider space.. 'Ren, to me NOW please' I'ts 202 'Yes, and you have my permission to kick the snorer'

lol I'd jumped quick once I'd kicked Ian 😏

Next wake at 212 massive dreams for 10mins.  I'd met Malico, we had gone straight into the roundhouse to dream share awareness joined.

The first part of the dream I'm at my bro's it's the place he's refurbed all-white new plaster fresh and clean it's dark though no lights on, we are sitting in armchairs across the room from each other and he is trying to explain the light controls, in the arm of the chair.  

Is a blue glowing panel with various buttons, screens and aspects but I can't see what's what in the dark and he's trying to tell me remotely what to press to fix the lighting... then a second dream I'm in before or at same time.  

I'm a mix of main dream houses, the outside was like my home here but inside like my Aunt Sheilas main dream house.  

I had let star my queen out the front to pee but I need to get her in before dawn and the traffic starting.

I go out to chase her in and I notice old school shoes by the bin. Get the cat in and realise the dog has got out so I open the door again to let him in too.


Inside the house is dark and then I realise there is a man with a gun freaking out at 2 female deer in the house a Hind, with a doe on her back. I tell the guy to relax I can remove them I show him where to move to so I can get a hold of the older Hind deer around the neck this is so lucid, the warmth of the animal's skin and the sensation of her fur.. 


She knows I intend to help and allows me to lead her as the guy opened the door yet again and she runs out of the door the younger doe leaping from her back and they run off back to Hind Head! lol! 'Nice  Ren, Up now please a little and hydrate too' Mmmm ok.

Oh wow... all narrative/Pattern Recog and symbols!! 



That's the same as the other Hunter... Oh and she has a twin too!! When Inak told me to look up WORMWOOD other meanings I'd missed 👀

'Yes Ren, back to bed before 313 please, we still have things to do' 

What's Appollo then, oh Archery... lol Sagirarius, me being turned into a glowing white arrow! My Dad's chart no shit you guys are good at this!! 'Now Ren, come sleep'  

I head back to bed, an hr of rushing energy again -when I fall asleep it's into a long involved dream. 

I'd gone to see my bro & wife - I'd taken a plane it was more like Austalia than Canada though as it was hot, Midsummer there Jack kid school friend is male me.

As I arrive Iza is singing and playing a piano more of their friends have arrived the house is strange like a warehouse.  It's mid summer where they are.
A grand piano in a large concrete space with rugs, sofas cushions like a dream hub I guess but we are still few in the space. There is a small private area for my bro & his wife then more communal spaces too including a large roof garden. More of their friends are arriving all the time - I tell them it's mid-winter for us where I am from I'd been in a play that I needed a summer dress for and I'd not had time to get changed before my journey... and was glad now as it was so warm and sunny there a heat wave.

They know I'm a dreamer/seer so they were happy for me to dip in and out of conversations as I was splitting and viewing multiple spaces. The house is full of old reclaimed interesting furniture that Iza had been collecting and is refurbing. I leave them for a while to go up to the amazing roof garden I was laying on a wall all the insects are different and go to sleep with them. I am watching and listening to them,  listening to their different patterns and tunes.

There was also something again about a football team again, and a big lottery payout & transfer fees.

Back at the round house the others are waking and arriving.  Leon & Kaylo are waking below and Inka is back but my recall there is hazy.

I'd been in my other main dream area too...

I know the thing I was hunting their reacently now....  there it was my Virgo??

Hmmmm, I'd given my virginity away at 15 I wanted rid of it asap. It was to a stranger, I think his name was Paul/Peter? I'd known him less than 24hrs we had met them at the Harbour the night before, then I met them again from a split-shift in a Cafe.

It was hot, so hot weirdly hot for there and he had joked 'Let's have sex in the fridge to see if the light stays on'.  I'd already decided I wanted my virginity to go to a stranger and he made me laugh 😆 ... WTF???   The fridge light was in another dream too.... The Fridge the Light! Midwinter!! 😲 lol!!!  

'Find it in the Morn Ren, you are playing BIG games mouse, you are all in for symbols and pattern re-cog this time around!'

My train astrology.. Mine, My Dad's and Bros. How they fit, My bro's planets are all at the front of the train. My target opposite sign was Leon/Virgo the virgin was in the way... Also my Mam who died. My Dads chart looks like an Arrow firing threw the moon at pluto the first Planet in my train... also in Leo. Oh, that's the star dream to where I saw a sperm swimming from a sun 😆 lol

My Mum who died Virgo, both the older kids born on her birthday 👀

Mid winter.... Puck!! I'd said I thought it was supposed to be a Midsummers nights dream and you guys told me I was upside down inside out and going backwards.. It's 505 😏 lol

'More sleep Ren, you are still Santa for a bit, foolish mouse'   

The guy I lost my virginity to was from Sunderland. 'Sunder/Land' WOW! Sunder/split-half... 

Ego/Brain split/ Body Split... 👀😲

The hunter's room... On Beltane!!  Also Elen of the Ways.
In my massive dream with it there was a baby and a Deer with Fairy lights/Christmas lights in its antlers!! It's the female reindeer that keep their antlers at Christmas 'Yes Ren' 

My heart feels so empty now.. 'Light too Ren, come to us we will refill it!' 

Time is cyclical too leaving loops and patterns ripples in the fabric of what we consider space.  These are what I hop!!

As hands pointers of time turn we move.

My Recall, Seeing. The reluctant captain of the female team? (Rudolph 😆) Not optional??

'Here please Ren' lol, I'm not sleepy can you help, please? 

More love & DL instead... The poem, Dreaming of a planet longing for it's star. lol,

'Yeh Ren, Heart loves mind more than mind often appreciates, body/planet, Heart' 

Collected consciousness? The collective mind?

The school we were chucked out of again with Rog??
As we grow we get chucked out of the living playground into the ridiculous world of the mind/body/spirit separation?  Or is this the diffrent Layers of realitys too the filtering to where we fit?

We need to be the caretakers not controllers 'Yes Ren 💜 come here and let me help you bitch! As your train Rearguard, it's my job to keep putting you back on the train!'   

Oh lol the dream with Becks... we were going to stabilise a planet, I had everyone else dirty laundry!! My soul contract....  'Yes, now come back fast before dawn'

I jump back Illeth is there now too.  We hug for ages
Leon and Kaylo are above ground again was wired people wandering about with blankets and ht drinks too...all are round the fire and pleased to see me..... Oak and Holly king vibe.  It's like a dawn celebration, the light not yet up.

Elen of the ways... She flew to see the tracks of the Herd, to lead the tribe the right way.  
She used the spotty magic mushrooms from under the Birch Trees.... Original Santa! Female Shaman

Antlered Elen

The dreams, all the nightmares as a child stuck on the tracks, so many tracks and trains and I was always trapped not knowing what directing or track the train was on... I'd just feel the vibrations coming. 

'You've sorted your GPS Ren, you're in the signal box in the sky with a way better perspective!'  

Elen followed the reindeer tracks..... I hop music tracks and timelines O.o Wow... 'Mmmmm' 

The labyrinth ...Inka took me, 'Come back to the centre of the web Ariadne'
The centre of the web when I wobble all dew-drop world they all wobble and the spider's legs the feedback!! The web was/is attached to my heart!

'Mmmmm' Also GPS the labyrinth in the ear that tells us our movement and position! 'Mmmmm' 

Why??  'Why not?'  Hahahaha!!   'You're up for literally anything Ren, and stupid enough to game a reality!'  Ermmmm  'It's cool, we got you!!'   Lol

'Line stop, Spin this??'  Oh What Leon said!! Is that Winter Solsdice then 😀

We all need to reinstall our own GPS hu?  'Unless they all want to do what the deciders have decided they are going to do'   Oh NWO or do you want your own NOW!!

Bloomin heck... the other fridge dream, with the spider and the football teams and the 2 astal me's and me backing it up!!  lol!  😁
Haha...Wow, we can certainly dream weave!! 'Told you you are a wild Bitch when needed Ren!'  Hahah


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