Sunday, 20 December 2020


Its like I've been waiting for this shit my whole life 🤔


'More than you know mouse'


'Bitch your possessed your Saturn not going fucking anyway' 

You feel like speed to my ADHD?

'When we are well disposed bitch otherwise I'm the fule and ignition

To your fire Ren'
Why did we swap heart's 💔?  'So we don't fuck it' 😈


Lol 😆 🤣 


Dance and ground this for us mouse...


The gone for nearly 30 years that was when Saturn was last in Aquarius ♒ 😳 


'Hated control witch even threw love or fear.... its why you let go regardless but still keep loving'




'Webs witch, big sticky one's' 


'Its why you came in with connection witch... stupid enough to make the mistakes you need to

And with the compassion to forgive yourself for doing it.'




Track id.. I feel all the things 237.. damage...Can't go bk.... 'not this time Ren, no. 😉 Its ok though we got you all'


Bloody hell... 'not for you bitch.. fairy land'

Haha 😄

Emotional bitch.. a bit!! 'Mirror' I like this Saturn return thing, but we needed Jupiter too 😆



The birth charts for.. yes Ren, no family is accidental.   


Pfffff can't find it... 'You can dance' no shit.  

It's lonely out in space...  'Only if your not connecting Ren'  


I've missed you guys so much.. 'We know' 💜


 Malico, Thank you - it's wow... 

 'We still need you Ren, games not up and you still have a trajectory'


I'm melted... If you can form me into an arrow fire me where ever you please, cause quite frankly the bitch dissolved into the melting pot 


 'We'll trigger you awake mouse 😈... Get up and dance, you own us a consecrate'   

Haha DJ's man... Know how to play a crowd!   'Obviously bitch... Get into the water! Right now we could shoot you up Leon's ass and you wouldn't care... Dance Witch, you owe us'  lol 😆


'We need you soon, Ren... Come to house on a high vibe'  lol ok


--- DW Ren, we have told you, there is no mirror there.   'We love you.  You can't fuck with consensus reality from inside it..... Your not real to them Ren'  How far can we go? I mean...  

I'm on the outside and the inside,  where else is there?   


 'Glad you asked witch, cause your heading there soon'   Ooooo...  

'It doesn't matter that your irrelevant Ren... So is the virus and see the knots it has the collective in?'  It's not irrelevant to people involved..   'Ditto 😏 Now come here Ren, we play soon'

Why do I get to be Uranus...
  'Cause you like root and it's funny'  😆


 Oh....Is this the Grandad fell over??  Balloon symbology?


'Maybe Ren?' Who's your grandad... I didn't know one, and the other died and I got angry about it.....


 Is this an age/Aeon... 'Come sleep mouse' 

Lost in a space I didn't know we could be,
and holding onto what I think we see, 

and I dive too hard into the pull of my heart, 

my worlds start to weave and fall apart.  

Like a magnet, my heart is locked onto love, and a course is mapped from my awareness above, 

and I fly thew the games, in the game that we play, 

hunting a love that won't go away.

'Come, Ren, We know your target'  I love you all so much, I don't want you to go  'We are taking you too witch, come here now please... we want you bk.....'  'Now ren 💜'.... I?  'Just come Ren, you know us now, you can find us there is no need to stay apart there'    It's so big?  'So are you bitch, now come before I hunt you'   lol

Can I see you?  'Soon'  really?   'Nah, I'm bullshitting Ren? Want me to kick you or just come.. you have already seen is in the astral close to waking anyway' Yeh.. 'It's still strange for the vessel Ren, we don't want to freak you out, come please'   I want to recall...  'Then come ffs, there is plenty of ego here now'  Hahah 😆

First bit of the night I'm dreaming deep, I feel Malico and Inka just wasn't bothered about recall. 'It's ok Ren, as you well know, nothing is forgotten'

First recall is 245...

I'm looking for something it's that familiar experience of flicking threw realities like pages in a book or a story, back and forth.. 

Oh we were on a strange building too a bit... Odd/Elf/dwarf pixi and up to wired tricks.

There were ques of kids in lines... waiting for something all in uniforms the lines snaking around. Every other person in the que had been rigged to pop!!! 😆lol Females?? 

It wasn't a bad pop, just surprising and unexpected, unusual and out of the ordinary.

We had also changed security around the strange building tower/tower. We could see people, but no one wanted to take responsibility for what's up.

'Speaking of responsibility, come here'... lol house? 'Yes' Recall? 'As you wish' cool, will jump in a mo.

I'd jumped to both of them in the house, it was nice to chill and chat with them by the fire. I have the blue fabric Malico gave me with the sky I've spread it out and can see the constellations, stars and planets like little points of light... then Inak turns me into a white glowing arrow to fire.

The dreams... First one is hazy second vivid.

In the first is the white profit/dark assassin Inka told me about yesterday. They are to join into one entity as happens, it happed with the old ones/last ones. Only the dark assassin has been framed by someone they trusted and had been moved and it was taking longer than expected.

The second dream a walk I'm not sure who I am... Or who I'm with we are to walk threw sunny farmland and crops the signs are in Spanish.
It is 2k to one village and 3k to the next.  or possibly other way round..
It warm, I think the crop was sunflowers but the flowers were not yet open.. just fields of the young plants. A friend had 2 golden retrievers she will take them to swim I think this was Marie/middle me again although not certain.

Next I'm at a wet fish market, they are not types of fish I'm familiar with and I'm with some others we are 20's ish. I can see a narrow harbour with fishing boats pulled up they are modern looking reds/blues they have deep hulls the water in the harbour is rough and they need to sale in and out fast.

At the market an older fisherman he's short stocky his skin tone is ruddy. He's holding up fish to show me, some fillited others whole fish. Mullin?? I wasn't sure what this was but he was telling me Mullin while showing one fish.


Oh... Lungwort? A US thing


Anyway as the fisherman is filiting and showing me his catch, and telling me Mullin -  I feel something on my calf and look down and I have parasites wiggly things burying into me again!!! lol sheesh.... '😈'

This time they are white and green, like caterpillars with eyes on sticks, small and wiggly I pull the others of my leg and put them on the table to watch they are fast and burry quickly they emmm were geometric too like oh like the rune/ogham for beginnings ... start of text.   2 of them had got under my skin and were bumps in my calf. (Also baby cow?)  'See why your good at this shit Ren ;)' 😉


Some of them are dancing on a table. I ask one of the local fishermen about them.   He's also early 20's golden wavey hair. - He tells me they normally dig the infection out with a needle it's a bit icky and he offers to do it for me. I agree and head to find a needle, I was supprised that they would be infected so fast. 

Next I'm in a surgery, I've gone to grab some small gage luer hypodermic needles as I figure these will be sharp and cut the skin easier.
I ask someone I know called leaf they are small pixi like and they pass me what I need. I notice I'm also in my GP's office and he has a bit of card for a Xiaomi mi band pinned to his notice board?? I wake looking at it? 

Guys more bugs? 'lol Ren sorry, your getting good at the lab workup' lol 💜  The rest of the world wants rid of them and I collect them and keep them to look at! 

It's 505, write/right a bit, please. Done writing just gone 6 so back to bed.

'606 Ren, come back to us please' 

Oh Mullin.. also 

As a journalist in the 1980s, Chris Mullin led a campaign that resulted in the release of the Birmingham Six, victims of a miscarriage of justice.

'Tomorrow bitch, here now, please!'  kk... OMW

Next hr was that wired tingly stuff. 'DL's witch' lol Yeh

When I next wake there as just so much jumbled stuff...
Unlimited recharge, A Guard, Ren.. Oh, I'd jumped to the house after meditating chilling and I felt chilled like I was frozen, I went straight to the library and lay on the sofa in front of the fire - You guys were telling me stuff but I was all over,  It was the Guard from the back of the train and unlimited - recharge.

All the other frog dreams, I was seeing frogs with geometric patterns


When I'd been illuminaughty  (search still borked)

Oh this is was to do with the temple builders?

The smooth green skin, and also the Elohim/Nephilim branch of the world tree. If a frog split into a tree then turns it's self into you and me - DNA recall, it's there if we learn to access it.. we need to do it via DNA as it's changeable from now. The past and future probabilities rippling from our Now.

Next/last dream was nuts.  

Zak on a bike I think it was my main dream area but built up like a city or town, the street I'd been with Zak on a hill he was on bikes or we both were and he was heading down this steep hill getting faster and faster totally out of control and I'm yelling 'breaks, breaks! Use the dam breaks!!' Not happening he vanishes over the brow of the hill so I leave my body and shoot my awareness up to see where he is going and what's going on. From above I can see. 

Bottom of the road is a wired road resurfacer and steam roller - also a busy road and a roundabout. I'm looking for Zak and as predicted he flys out into the middle of the road flips and is lying motionless my perspective is still from above but I can hear the commentary of the people examining him... 

The patient is fine.   He is ghost walking/abandoned the abandonment is an emotional delirium caused by the shock.

This is like splitting dissociation? 
 'Yes' Wow.. But this is where the other form is on autopilot??  'Yes'  Zombi? 'Effectively, but may appear normal just not whole'

There had been more dreams I'd been dream-sharing with 'Us both' I'd been walking with someone oh Em/mirror me I had some raspberries??

My perspective this time is wide.
Then I was in a room in an armchair and snoozing napping and there are hands, people from all over the world different races all skin tones touching me as I sleep people touching different parts of my face, hands, heart, head! lol it wasn't unpleasant but was wired.    

After that, I'd taken out some recycling, I'd been a bit annoyed I was having to do it my self as it was hard with only one set of arms to hold up a heavy lid and the box and I'd scratched the lid on a wooden container by having to do it alone. (This is appealing for help?? waiting for others to make up their minds?)

I was also preparing a gift to post to someone it was Kaylo?? I wasn't sure what to send and I'd packed up a pencil case and a clicky pen with all the colours you can select... stationery. Stop? Not moving??

Oh... This is the solstice SUN, stationery 3 days he's kipping with Leon! Ren's ego aspect. 'Yes' Ok.. Zak on the bike too also a Sun/Son 

This is the trajectory I saw... have seen twice the first time. We do not want to go down that timeline - but the game is not to know ;) 

Then the other with the Bulging mantle - Is that what happened on the other planets? That's the trajectory I'm?? 'Yes' Whooo errrr How? What? The reason...... ??

'Perspectives Ren, also reality is symbolic' - but living too 'Naturally 😏' I'm confused.. 'It's ok, we can see'

The brain split, duality, The keep fighting, The end of Line. Line stop / Deadline? you can show me more?  'Soon, get up now walk and ground, the woods.. then right/write we can share when you're awake too'   Ok..

The planetary stabilising entity? The team?  'Ren, you have enough to weave right now, up and do as we ask please'   Yeh.. sorry, on it..  

'Elen will do bitch' lol my reindeer onesie 😛   'No need for spotty shrooms, you make your own DMT 😏'  lol

Do this in order please

The woods next...

The blood/webs?.. ..  'you're giving your dan back Ren, into the guardian trees

Nothing wrong with being a pagan witch when your motive is love'


To late to for more people to join?  Human herd fucked?? 🤯


Trying to save the planet?   'Mmmmm' 


We came as guardians for the playground but we didn't look after it.

'Trust the harvest bitch, if the universe can provide for an ass hats like you it can provide for anyone 😈'  😆😆


Any One.  💜

Home brew right and write before you tie yourself if further knots, we are far from done playing ;)

Lol 909   OFC witch now hurry 🤣

The Mantel - More latin more meanings 'More spelling Witch'

This is again like everything multifacited meanings...

The bulge is the pull of the mind away from intuition and logic leading to neglect of spirit/home/magic/intuition/body/earth  

This is linked to the virus too?  Was it supposed to offer an awakening of awareness,  rather than a wave of fear?  A catalyst of polarity in some respects?

Xiamio - No clue on this one the phone company 'We can show'


Hummmm So other things the Grandad fell over sleep/stasis and

Oh the Crist stuff... the 2 branches from the same tree... The 2 sides of the same mind

Was with Leon before he got to sleepy, a dream of a grandad in the Sea..  Emotion  lol more stasis! Also why do we constanty screw eachother over!   'Fun & challange, I don't need to tell you how easily we get bored'   😆  'We do rescue eachother too'  lol 

The other one when he told me Grandad fell over!  So the Uranus god & linked to El/Anu   All similar Archetypes Grand father one. 

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