Thursday, 10 December 2020

Who Needs a Whole Brain Anyway?


'Don't be freaked out Ren, you can't help dreaming and asking questions'  

I know it's a wired one.... people me included expect the illuminaughty to be rich people. Not crazy dreaming mice 😜 'Hah, Why? You volunteered Ren, service remember' Oh yeh.. sort of 'Come back' I'm not upside down 'You're still stupid and our mouse, come and be played a bit Ren' lol, ok.

I need fun Inka... 'Yeh Ren?, Red haird crazy giants??' Not totally what I had in mind 😆

Wake and it's 23.23

I'm reminded of the first time I ever see Leon in a dream.. Or at least that I recalled. When he asked me, 'What you go create a reality like this for?'

5 May 2012

In the dream I'm in a narrow street, it seems like dream was set in the past meby the 50's
There were street stalls selling odd bits and bobs, outdoor cafes and bars.
All the stores were shutting up due to poor buisness, the area and people are all dull and grey.
I'm working at the bar, serving customers - everything seems slow and lifeless.
2 new punters come up to the bar, there waring black raincoats and hats, I serve them pints.
I make eye contact with the smaller of the men..... his face is soooo alive and his eyes really familier.
They are twinkly and childlike - he knows me.
He askes cheekily 'what did you go create a reality like this for?' as he looks around us.
I sort of shrug and tell him I want out of here.
He grins again and tells me 'I'm working on it'
Then his face changed into just another of the normal people at the bar and he vanished.
After that I woke up.

I'd also been in another panto. Crazy parts & outfits again, lots of old Aunts in it, I'm in the matriarch main dream space at Sheila's again..

Oh the dreams from the night before too.... these are the Priestess/Empress cards.. The veil/curtain from last night and the moon symbolism. Wow fast!  

Also lots of symbols 'We are checking all again Ren, make sure they agree to game'
Do they? 'Yeh' When in deck did we last check?? I can't find it.... 'you will in TIME'

The symbols had been odd, a broken chicken bone, there was a sensation of spinning also sorting/squashing like data compression again. 'Line stop' Still dunno about this - Train? Code command? - 'Look tomorrow' k   

'One more sleep Ren then up for a bit, come here and dream with Kaylo & I please'  

Wake again.. was the same sensation of code.. but then a long dream too, first part we had been groups dream-sharing again... was a wired setting hub on sort of shelves out in the open... the obvious dream is this...

I'd been in a HGV with male me, who had hit something and was kinda out of it... but the road we were on meant we had to keep driving as there was nowhere to get out of the traffic flow - I was talking to them trying to stop them freaking out and also falling more asleep. I can also hear traffic news and I know there is a military/control checkpoint ahead we can get off the road and we are being asked to present there so we drive-in.  

I'm in the cab of the vehicle at first with a GSD we have that's not great with other people... I recall that now there was a murder investigation too... and realise we are on thin ice.

While not actually directly responsible for anything but recklessness we are not entirely blameless either.   Male me is out of it and I'm splitting one with him, and one trying to keep the dog from freaking out 😛 😆  I'm also leaveing a message for friends in a feild close to the check point.
There is also an air of inevitability that I recognise from other dreams were we get pulled/squashed/killed removed.

I'm not being quizzed as I don't fit the description of the wanted Male... but we are one and the same thing. The dog is going bonkers now too... weirdly we have nearly got away with it, male me returning to the cab in a daze when he randomly mentions the 'dealers'... I was thinking ah shit! 😜

As from my view in the cab I could see across misty fields and farmlands and I knew while splitting I'd left a handwritten message for some other female teammates by a wooden fence/stile and we are both suspects again... (It was about mushroom/plant psychedelics I think.. Oh Santa/Elen of the ways again?) 

I see the other 2 females vanish into the fog/mist and hope they know to keep moving as this me and male me are kinda screwed now...

Hahah, Leon! gg. 😏  'Up about mouse, more dreams to come but wake a little first please'   Ok, it's 222.

Was asked to sleep again just before 3.30 and was done writing first dreams.

The first dream was of a huge temple complex, I'd been building it too, It was about the geometry the inner and outer space only in the dream I'm remote viewing the building or dreaming I'm formless in the space around it and checking the dimensions. I recalled the other dreams where I was an architect and stonemason. 'Ren?' Mmm...  The repairs to the roof - find too, and the one looking for Architect father please.. find read recall' Yeh ok.

Least we Forget... Oooo  wow

Roof Repairs..  Well shit!! 
'Forgotten?.... nothing is forgotten, Ren... trust us to help you remember'  I should have done the links in order... 'you did them in the order you need Ren, read and re'meber please' 😲

Had been other dreams too - my lucidity not to high, but the dreams are detailed and flow easily in one I'm at an Asian market stall, it was a cosmopolitan city and a busy market the stall was small with only a few veg I was waiting to buy something that I don't recognise but in the dream, I knew what it was and how to prep-cook it.
The store holder was talking to a couple of younger Asian females next to me - It was about a small hairy thing they were talking about it's prep - As they spoke I was seeing mentally the stages, it was to be fermented like tempeh I guess as they saw me watching they changed from speaking English to Mandarin but I could still visualise the preparation and couldn't stop looking at the small thing... I was like a knot of fine mycelium.

It would turn from white to red during the preparation after the other females left I bought a couple of items and dream hops to a massive building/store.   (Haggling for Veg also like this )

It's like errr a department store/Ikea massive warehouse or Mal, maze-like too and I was looking for something there but I don't recall what.  

In the centre was a hummmm salesroom, The room is carpeted in grey, with grey sofas, silver trimmings and low glass tables and a wall of tinted windows overlooking more modern buildings and flagged ornamental pools outside.

The sales area was for a new style of home, flat they would be in complexes with shared facilities while rented the rent would include heating/electric/wifie and maintenance.... they felt Scandinavian I knew they would be heated with geothermal energy and I could visualise the complexes, there were high end and posh and many people from all over the world were signing up and wanting to visit the show homes.
I was passing threw I knew anything like that was well out of my credit range and was as normal busking it and hunting for something. I'd got threw to the cheaper area pushing threw areas that were like restaurants, bars, shopping areas - the complex was huge and very busy.. again it's multicultural but everyone looked human.  

At the end I head down into what looks more like a staff cafeteria the kind you get in the basement of hospitals round the wall are odd artefacts/lost things and arts.

I head down and the first thing I see is a heap of papers, there is a name & address in a brown manilla envelope and a pile of £10's I could do with the cash but don't take it.. It's a left identity, I checked the Male name & address and then hand the heap of papers work and the money to one of the serving staff. 

Dream jumps again, once more I'm formless and seeing Kaylo & Loci from above they are in a town/city it reminded me of ..... Oh it was the same city from this dream with the teddy & Asian supermarket

Anyhoo they are heading into a pub and I'm floating above watching them.. We had a link open and I was listening to their thoughts exchange.

Once in the pub, they head to a pool table where 2 old flatmates have just finished pool game (Rob & James - Oh James/Rog? 'Yes Ren') ok.. James, Rob were about to play again and Kaylo just shoves past and puts the money in, I remember thinking it was bad form and they should have put their money on the table and waited but they were strange enough to get away with it and no one challenged them.

As they started to play Leon told me 'Balls, Worlds, Trajectorys Ren' 

It woke me back into the Hunters room and I remembered I'd jumped there with Inak as I'd gone back to sleep.  

I knew I was dreaming deep..We were one entity with joined awareness and had both been dream-sharing laying inbetween Kaylo and Leon.   

Leon had told Inka/ME we could go play/dream how we wanted for a bit before morning and we split into 2 in the room again.
I had no preference where to dream but wanted to stay somewhere dark, so Inka decided we should head into the tunnels again threw the wired door. I'd not been in here since me and Kaylo went exploring it.    (Oh First time I was in the Hunters room was Beltane!! Oh, the Key I keep losing and my bro has to keep bringing back😮)
'See how annoying you are witch?' lol

We crawled threw for a bit where it's very dark untill we found a hollowed-out bit and fell asleep there. 

First dream was a game style team game, we had a team of white glowing ghost things, it was fun and fast - again I'm not sure about the objective seemed like a chase.

Then the next dream Inka was male me but younger neither of us were in familiar bodies. My neighbour Donnat that posted me salt threw the letterbox was there or at least it seemed like her. An elderly female, she was going for a walk and she'd asked me what was that way.

It was an entrance to a vast inner earth catacomb system, with bioluminescent fungus. Similar area to this dream earlier in the year with the matriarch.

I also know it's attached to the caves from the hunter room door that we have now attached to my main dream area.... I'd shown her the entrance and male me was angry with her and angry with me for letting her go.

I was telling him to chill, she was an adult and could go where she wanted. He was annoyed as he felt responsible for her. Oh, were moving onto the Emperor cards already! Wow that was fast... 
 'Catching up Lazy mouse'  That's 4 or 5 cards in the past few days?  'Archetype party in your head Ren, we all playing'  Haha Great 😆

Anyhoo Male me is angry he had trusted her to go for a walk? The caves were under a huge conifer forest, the dark ancient ones that are practically impenetrable, and I'd pointed her in the direction of them and that was when we'd last seen her.
Before we followed we were getting things ready, small old fashioned kodak film cartridges that we were putting into old old-style cameras.. the film was white and not black though. I was checking the dates and serial numbers the, film was oily too a slick of light-responsive chemicals on it.   

Wow... So that other Glowing Fungus Dream was the same night as the Asian Market Dream... How?  'Inka isn't the only one who can dream weave Ren..'  Haha Yeh Leon, I realise that mate

Oh... The dream's with all the Teddys too?  That was Rog aswell as a baby?   Then me and Inka both had a dream as kids with a Teddy before the last Sun card!   lol... A he/she with violet eyes and Red hair...

🤯 👏  Wow....Then the secons one was the Androg... GG 😀  IMA going to run before my head pops. 

Will finish the links later!  'You need to weave from last night too Ren'  Blugh.. Oh the Elen thing?  Yeh ok... pffff, might need a time streach at this rate!

Track and wrens! 'Took 2 Wrens' to get your attention'  lol yes, track was something about 10 steps down in to subconscious.. 'Watch Ren, Symbols please' Ok, Leon.


The 13 treess of the ogham the 13 moons are these like the houses in the heavens marked as 12... but should be 13?


Oh the red-haired runner was 13.. trump and the football games, Rog in dreams again? 😲  'I asked last night if you wanted to play with red-haired giants Ren!' 

Lol Inka....yeh, well curious obviously... 🤣 given they have been in my dreams for years!   


Haha track I'd... in the forest is a monster... please rescue me. Lol OMW, danger mouse to the rescue 🤣 😅 


'Stupid bitch 😈' I will let you be Penfold 🤩...'Watch it Ren, you're on credit and dreaming threw the Emperor's cards next 😏'  lol    Hahah.... Dangermouse has one eye too!! 😆

13.13 home did 8.18k


Oh I first Met Rog in dreams at the start of the Conjunction... The middle was the beacon, and Leon where I'd screwed up again....  Then I found out the beacon was me too in another dream 😵   'Haha, Ren... we told you we would show you!, Just keep asking'    Yeh... why not, it's not like I can get much more confused at this conjuncture 😆😆😆 
Dose this happen to most people who write fiction?  'You'd be supprised Ren'  Hahah

My head is going to pop! This fits with the stuff from yeday and last night too....

So a friend posts this... Sarcastically.... And

After last nights dreams I comented cheekily..

Then I recall the guy who posted it is a friend who used to pop up in my dreams as a Wizard Archetype In the first ever dream on the blog... . 

Reindeer shaman woman.... reindeers at the fly agaric, then the shaman drank the trippy pee.... then passes the trippy pee diluted to the rest of the tribe!

Santa is the trippy mushroom with cosmic offerings.... He's a magic mirror... you see what you are. Good trip/bad trip... This friend has been ill since around the time of the last Eclipse that he whent to the USA to see. 

Mark, last Eclipse I had a This dream about him???

Also on the same page as a dream with Inka before I realised the story character was someone from all my dreams. 

Leon is also a Wizard Archetype 'Weave the other links then Chill, we will show more later'   Ok 😏   'Try and behave earthside to Ren' lol Yeh 😁

Oh, that blond woman from that Dream was like the one with Rachels 'Mum' Rachel also the Red hair??   

Ooooo.... Is it time to weave and get to understand the geneticist me's from the past and future??!  'Guess?'  Hahaha FU Inka 💜


Just done the other links and re-reading guys... my head? 'You will forget again Ren, but each time you recall more and more.. Listen as we don't forget and have the perspective'   

Blugh.... 'Past future not fixed Bitch 😈 Pattern re-cog & Symbols..' TY Inka, Leon makes my brain ache... 
 'That's cause you only use half of yours'  Haha 😆


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