Sunday, 24 January 2021

You're Goin Under the Combine Harvester :P

The 23rd Jan.. I was still in a Wyrd mood..'Could say that witch 😈' 


It's a beautiful pattern and a messy game
and magic dance when we know we are the same.

We are coming online, we are waking our minds
we are holding our hand's as
we mend our minds..  

We are diving deep in to share what we have inside. 

I love you, brother, as you love me, we are dancing a game for all to see!!  

Scatter your mind to the dance divine, the winds that call... and you can drop n fall 💜 

God's DJ, the beat inside... 

the source code playing the tunes you ride...  

A weave of tracks that dance threw time,
pick a vibe and render love threw mind.

Last night less chaotic.. though confusing. 

This is odd
'So are you ;), Come here first we come to your spaces later'

So much stuff. First I was dreaming with Malico.  

Told lock-step and juggle all the meanings of this.

was my fave 😆

The Rap battle horse again the Maie lwyd Welsh thing.. Mary again!!  Middle me

The Unicorn Wales & Scotland.. pfff 😛

'Dream sleepy'
What else did you show me? With hand? The rosy cross? Oh, all the templars & crowns dream's too! 😆😆😆
 'Yeh Ren ;) Split here n write'  

Racoon, dream with the Rabbi? Oh and Jessy james? Hu? American?

FFS guys!!! 'Fun Hu Ren?' 😆 well a bit tbh 😛

A logo that looks like an embryo, blue and also like the golden mean..  

'Yes, Find it'    Can't yet... 'You will!'

Prince and potion bottle?


Also July to where I was the bottle... like the Alice story... Oh also the connection to Nana's house

It's 0220 

I'd been dream-sharing was dreaming with Leon & Malico, Loci had appeared too. They were jumping to me now. lol next bit I wake to a really loud noice in my head... but it's also startled Ian who is moving😏

WTF was that?? 'Haha dw, we jumped to your space remember' Haha that was odd.  

I'd been back at the dream with the Sol-Ace Solace Sole/Ace too.

Next wake at 414.  

Really long dream, I'd been in an errrr like a city/castle/kingdom.. commune.. it was like a walled I suppose castle-like but a wyrd mix of ancient and new, there is a massive walled veg garden and cobbled covered walkway but then more modern kitchens and refectory spaces.

I was like a runner/ messenger - also cleaning. There was so much mess... One kitchen I was cleaning at night in the dark as it was easier and less busy. I was moving threw a space with 2 nurses at one point, they were upset at something but also with me moving threw as I was just a cleaner, I knew I was a nurse too but atm the cleaning was a priority. Cobblestones were being repaired by others too and veg planted.

Another layer of this dream was main-dream area. Ali's house and a portal there.. 

It was tied to another dream Oh the Halloween one, I was a ghost there that night.

The who the fuck is Alice song.. Oh my other Gran. 😲
The folly her Mama the castle cook, father gamekeeper. 2 of the possible parents for this incarnation, same DNA both sides? Loci slow down lol my head!! 'Come dream share here with me then Ren' ok, OMW.

Another dream of the same odd castle too.. this was same as the other place in some ways.

I had a dentist appointment but I'd missed the call as I'd been front of house serving?? I'd got distracted by a fight between 2 lovers or old partners the man wanted his old wife to take him back they were fighting.

To much furnature, it's blocking doorways. 

A wall, it's being dismantled brick by brick kids are destroying it. 

Some odd fight too, we were not sure coms would work, but they were.

Ann & Chris too? names symbolic? 'Yes' Hummm ok. 'Sleep Squeek, come back'    Anu again and Christ??    FFS!!! 😑

We were dream-sharing at the roundhouse now, all of us there I change who I share with frequently. Loci I forget the word you told me... 'Not the shape though?'  No, vesica pieces again but was green made of living growing something. Word with L? 'Sleep again'  

Haha, next is lots of fish reference 😆 SNP Salt & Pepper (with the flower) Sturgeon & Salmond!!

More fish.. lol. To many fish!!

'Track change Inc Ren, Lay down'
lol Tarter sauce oh! lol the Tartars from the stolen history site?? gone but bk..

'Told you Ren, not stolen just misplaced' Hahaha 'Anyway bitch, History's fickle, depends on perspective' a bit fluid too 'For some' 💜

Hu?? Now fishing boats?? The Chevy Chase?? Oh was a song I was told 'Yeh Ren, Vessels ;)' Errrrrr 'It's ok weave tomorow'  

Oh... lol. 😆

Also the vessel dreams, & the Ramstine Rise Rise song..  + the trippy vids!!

Semen.. Salty Saltwater fish?/ 'Mmmmm' much symbol soup now.. 'It's ok Ren, just juggle it for now' Inc Yellow? 'Yeh, helping'  

Ships.., Wheel stealers.. Clowns/Jokers middle... the dream with the ship's wheel. Oh more vessel. 'It fits to Ren' Ok.

Then I'm hearing the all along the watchtower.

Track, Lyrics.. the JW mag too? The Tower card & ego-self.. Watch/Time Time/Watch. 'Come back Ren, not done yet'   Sheeeseh!!!

Next up lol... Oh snow! and errr what you showing me Elvis for??

'Bog Throne Ren' Phahaha ah king!!!.. The full of shit throne???   😆😆😆😆

'Shit sorting 😏' Or stirring?? Wow... so much stuff!! 'Yeh get up and listen to us today & behave' Hahaha yeh, perhaps 💜

Squeak!   -
One way or another I've wrapped & Rapped.
My mind game up in sticky webs and naughty prose.  

Yet I can't help playing where my heart fun goes, or following stupid curious nose!

Combine harvester and towers tall...   am I a pest in the crops or a tale to small,

A wee mouse gazing into all.   An American tail, or Tatars source?

What's is this watch tower that calls to all?  I care little for numbers and little for sin...   I dive deep to pull out what is in.

All along the watch tower... Understanding meets.   So what's in between in the vortex deep?  

Sleeping Russian giants where the Urals fall.  Do we B blood?   Or A? They seem to have an hand to play?  Then what is O and who is know?
The 1 in your eye like the one in the all, the mirror and it's reflection held within a ball

Yet where is the thing I want to call home, while curiosity so relentless I will ever roam.

This Seal is way to overwhelmed with the fucking fish she asked to be chucked!!

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