Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Blue Unity

I didn't want to fall away. I didn't want to hide or stay. The reason I'd gone, the space where I was.

The space that I'd left when I'd fallen apart.

'Malico's house Ren, I'll meet you outside'   

I'd jumped and gone in and then jumped to Malico and hid from Inka... and whent straight to sleep.
WOW lol I was a bug in many systems? 
 'The program too Ren??'  Errrr a bit... I was in all of the systems.. 'Bk to sleep Ren'  lol ok, I was in the system architecture... I was in everything ??

'Like we tell you Ren, we took your questions and made you an answer'      Pffff

'Sleep please'  I'm awake 'Still sleep, back to the house'  Mmm' Come back we're good at this Bitch'  lol Yeh, no shit!! Elen! 😆 
Seeing all the dreams/weave fit from the last moon cycle.. Astral here over Hindhead too..  The Hind deers and the ways..

Haha Next wake,

Fab dream...I'm at a mental rave!  

MC, really having it like an old warehouse party, dirty and scary but exciting and fun 😏

Also had the feel/vibe of one of the less savoury dream hubs too very dark.. little to no light  😅

Then flips to a convoy at dawn, muddy countryside like hunt sabbing but we are going to dance. The police have turned up but we are too many we all have the same blue airhorns, and blue overalls.. 

'lol Ren.  You can't keep avoiding me all night!' .... lol, IKR but it's fun 😜 'Bitch 😈' Hahaha Dream dust was beautiful... really amazing geometric patterns. 

Oh!! lol, the red queen.. Possie I need you on the floor.... fuck the millenium? 'Hahhaha, yeh Ren I told you last night.... More fun dreaming it?' No shit 💜😍

The dream with the dress?? Imperator??.. Oh, that was also emissary!!

'Come back to house' Prehaps  😏 'Haha Ren!' It's 01.10 😜

Oh the dates too all mirrors! 😁😁 'You can't keep avoiding me Ren' I know, it's fun though.. 'Come back 😈' I'm so hot... 🔥🔥🔥😆

Cool, more rave dreams, was like being back there.... The Gallery @ Turnmills, the aquarium too..

Elen & the Red dress Elen with a deers head too.. the house party for the Millenium!   Haha I was back in so many other places... 

'Keep running Ren, I dare you 😈'  lol... I'm upstairs somewhere 😆

(Was playing hide and seek With Inka in the house.. Malico and Leon kept letting me hide in stupid places 😆)   'Bitch!'  lol

WHAT?? lol what are we doing now? 👀  'Playing'  😏
HAhah I'd jumped back to the house again and Malico had told me I could hide in the study but then gave me a baby!... lol a tiny poddling, or well it's wrapped in leaves doll/fairy like but alive too.

The room was so freaking hot too, I'd told him I didn't want the baby when I was hiding from Inka but I was supposed to give it to him anyway.. just not lose it while we were fighting!!

lol 😆😆 'Ren you lose everything!' I KNOW!!

Next wtf dreams...'Haha, and you lost the baby'

It's 212.. I'm melting.

Bonkers ultra-modern school..Boats and busses in the sky visually crazy and very lucid!!!

So detailed, like flying military ships... Roap tracks way up in the sky, flying trains on tracks of light...   I'd been told our state had been asked and selected for a pre-veiw.

Cooking demo lessons, lots of prepared meals at work stations, all on matching blue plates/bowls.

.A female teacher looking for an engraving tool to make a seal.    I'd gone to look around the city with a friend.

This insane robotic sky chair ride that we go on too. We get onto via a grotty concrete tower, the seats are like shit swivel chairs, but robots too with funny personalitys  😆😆

Terrifying vertigo 😆 lol as these crappy chairs float so high up attached to a roap. 

Oh I'd had to get out of a building too, With Dom?? I was in a city, wired London meby.
There was a magic space I could stay a kind of guest house.. 'You're an idiot Ren' lol!! I know 😂

Someone had asked what we were going to filter out next and Inka shouted 'Pick Ren!'

lol 'Enough yet Ren?' lol duno...It's funny..... 'Nutter'    Mmmmm Haha it's now 02.20 💜💜

I get up for an hr to cool down and get some H2O and wake a little.   

'Found you and squashed you' lol I know 💜 'It's my go' lol, oh recall? 'If you ask nicely' Haha plx 😏

Dream of Jo & Jon and a WV crew van again (Find other dream Ren) Oh.. ok.  Ah, just before the newyear too!   This is the things closing soon??  Also Birch to Rowan?

A dentist too they have taken all my teeth but the things I was to get instead are crazy like iridescent sliver they are all the colours of the rainbow and shiny 😏 It's 606.

'Come back here' 

Oh, I'd had another dream too a woman was pregnant and I was looking out for here... but also doing loads of other stuff too.
Someone was annoyed with me for being late but I popped up when needed... the woman was stressed about her BP checks and I'd stayed with her chilling her out.  

I'd spent the rest of the night dream-sharing with Inka and Malico .. kept getting woken up by the woman next door sneezing her head off!! 'You're irritating and your boundaries are shit 😏' Hahah FU 

A dream of a spiders web from above it's oddly angled like it's been drawn with only straight lines... it's also made some crazy detour to attach to something 😀 Haha

Also being in a game show or something was wired there were 2 buttons one green one red the green one has the word Necessity written on it.   Oh... Thats the understanding Unity??  

'Run early Ren, storm will get worse before better'   Ok.. I like running in storms.

Oh this was in the dream too... Inka's Box in Hospital..


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