Saturday, 30 January 2021


A long dream I'd started in India and was making my way to China.   It was very rural in India I'd been travelling.

I'm on / in it's like an old wooden railway carriage the kind for animals meby, it was clean and empty as I journey though it changes and by the time I'm in China I'm on another of the odd modern white coaches I keep finding myself on atm.   

It was odd I was being asked if I'd be a tour guide seen as I was there.   I was confused as I wasn't local and didn't know the area either but they seemed to think I'd pick it up fast.   The space I was in was very modern, lots of public transport I was moving threw a city area too.

When I woke It was at Malicos house... lol and I was fastened to a radiator in the front hallway!

It was the green radiator from the asylum dream.  It had not been in the house till today.
I was confused and look down and I'm connected to it via my Silver Gate Ivy bracelet 😛 

Only it's like the magic braces now from this prison dream and is attaching me to the rad via a fine silver chain.
I'd yelled OI!!  to see what was up and Inka opened door grinning.  

Hahah,  He chucked me a Cushion and blanket (the one from our front room) and 2 mental images...

Pfff the Andromeda Star system above and this below. 'Re-Read Andromeda,  Squeak'

I don't watch films 😆

I'd laughed wondering wtf is going on now Inka told me I'd been trying to set stuff on fire again... They were keeping me out of trouble, sleep we be bk soon, I was sleepy so I'd got warm to dream again.  

On waking in the morning I know we'd all had brecky and I'd jumped bk to the roundhouse Inak too where he'd apologised for attaching me to the Rad.. but I was

Just realised I've been dreaming more astrology..

The Leo/Malico/Sun having a babe on the full moon again...  😏  You lot all in my house 😲 'Yes stupid'

I friction Leo/Leon hard hu?    'Your stupid Aquarian dreams Ren... just come bk less pissed tonight eh?'  Hhahha  Yeh ok 💜

Wow That Chart... My Dad's bday and our fam charts..  

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