Monday, 4 January 2021

0110 Trigger Target Accessed


'The game still on queen, you see the number syncs?'  Yes....

'You upped this shit Ren and you're still well bugged' 

'So play, you got a spring to bring'  lol it's ours?  'It is' 'Yeh Ren, personal reality real I tree'  ..... Yeh, but??

'Kaylo Ren, find him first ok?' I guess 'We asked you to play. I told you You're ours, he is too.  WE game hard' lol whatever.  'Good sleep'

'You need this like he needs the push back too'   I don't want to push back 'We do'

-I wake with a WTF dream??   I was inside the story all storeys... all everything...It's almost 00.00  I thought I'd already written this?

I lay confused as to where I was now.  I'd been inside with all the pattern code, knowing.. I could see all the bits again.
I was confused as I was sure I'd already written it down but pad was empty... I'd been woken by Ian shouting ouch...
I lay confused waiting for him to come to bed and asked what was up....

He'd dropped his phone on his foot and shouted.... It was heavy.

'See now why it had to hurt?'  How? What? Errrrrrr

Phone, Foot, Heavy.... Hummmm not soul - not light - Phone? 

'Dream Ren, come here first' 

Ok... Hummm, Duality split? Mind matrix, why Ren is pissed at Leon.  Mem brain membrane...   Memory Brain... The osmosis? Cell matrix, body Matrix. Re Mem Ber  

Why brain not want Remember...   Why brain want to fight?  

A trigger?  A target!! 😲 💜 'You got it!!' ONE target!! lol the sign, the cross the trigger, the one that Leon burnt onto my left leg!

'Yep Bitch... love bomb it!'  lol ok😏 

I feel stuck inside and go into it.. soften the sensation follow/ explore untangle and soften energy moving again.  

Victim/Saviour complex, it's unknotting.

The Trout, Throw me a Fish.. Pisces, Jesus, the last bugs I collected from the fisherman

Flow improving back and front crown flo increasing.

I call for the others to come to roundhouse so we can lay in the cross formation again and transmute together.   Good crown flow.    I wake 0110

Brilliant!! 😁   Trigger Target accessed!! 😜

GG!! 💜  Haha... track ID 😏  Rock Bottom! 

It's no wonder I can't remeber shit, my mind keeps getting blown 😆

Haha Time Machine is playing.  

Sort that bread dough Fast Ren, Inc... Yeh blue?  'Mmmmm back here for 303 😏'   Pfffff Sure.  

Triggered back out of bed by snoring and cats...   and WTF dreams.  I have no idea how only an hr has passed 😛 at 0330 I wake again..

I'd been lost inside images and symbols.  I was cleaning somewhere a space.

Fay had left the building to go somewhere & someone had put a big thermometer in front of a bright light.  I could see the mercury bubbling.

Then Fay is screaming and crying - someone is with her and I want to go.. but I flick the thermometer away from the bright light before I go so it doesn't crack.

The guy with Fay is injecting her hand where a bite is she'd been bitten by a false widow spider! lol
I ask the guy what he's injecting but when he looks at me I know him  😲
errrrrrrrrrrrrrr  O.o  WTF?? 'lol'  and WTF is up with my hearing 👀

This is wired!  'Only wired now?'  Hu??   Oh, yeh and a prawn 🍤
lol a prawn had been waiting since before I was born?? 😵

There was prawns yesterday in team titans go, also in a dream  

I'm well fucking confused now!!
Every time things start to make marginally more sense they then make no fucking sense at all?? Just WTF?

😮 and how is it only an hr since I came back to bed???

Oh.... Prawn dream.  FFS  lol  It would really help if I could remeber this stuff all at the same time 😆

Right bk to bed.. hopefully will be quiet now.  'What about in your head'  Hahahahah unlikely😏

I sleep/wake/dream lol.  Anhoo I lay down!

After lots of jumbled visions and info I'm in a dream.  

I'm in a car the driver is a Dad, he's a mix of a few people.. We were making a really long journey we'd travelled over 2k. The father driving everyone else sleeping in the back. It was arriving home, and we were waking up. We'd gone further/farther than we needed to and come back to miss something. I wasn't sure what. Oh, we were going back up north but we'd gone up the west coast and threw Scotland to get back down to the North East. lol Pfffffff

There had been something else first images symbols and stuff, I duno, go back to sleep.

A MASSIVE tree O.o wow! that looks cool it's freaking huge!! like a towerblock but living. Oh... another recall, before the dream blog we were living in the branches 'Like a monkey?' lol still miss having a tail!  'You're getting a tale instead'  Phahahaha TY it's a fun one if somewhat confusing. 💜

You asked me what I thought might have fallen over...😵 Oh the pale tree?? GW2? The Sylvari Dryads. Now I'm confused and dizzy... Oh, the Dream and the Nightmare court the mirror.

There was another thing about a nightmare yesterday?? I was walking in the woods and I was thinking  it's not that bad Hahaha Ooooo the kids game! 😁 Knightmare!!  

Hahahaha 💜💜

Oh...  The Asuras are in Guild Wars too,  Also 2 halves / factions..  Hah my Proff Nim allways dressed up like the Inquisition  😆

The force / source  ??

The broken window and a sandspeeder??   Yep I'm dizzy...   Thanks for driving Dad lol 'Thanks for the dreams Mouse'  lol......

The yin yang 2 dots 2 eyes one in each world 'You just borrow our mind Ren helps you to hold on' 

Oh Hahahah that stupid Round a Bout! 😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵

ffs  '😆'  

Everytime I lay down more recall... 'Yep! It's 616 get up it's fun, we can play'  lol, yep.. lets start a day.

This time I'd be dreaming again... a journey, I'd been dreaming pictures for a mind, we were leaving clues for us to find...


I'd done it for Ian, I was dreaming a wired house... when he bothered to listen he'd recognised it.... Oh! lol I was also before that bit of the dream, we'd got to a bridge and wanted to play poo sticks :D   

We couldn't case there was a big road in the middle and crash barriers, so you couldn't run side to side! O.o

Before I'd got to the bridge... I was in a strange dream world where what I was dreaming was happening but out of sync, my world mirror had lag or a wired refresh rate!! lol

'A head of a curve' Errrrr Mmmmm

Anyhoo it's how I could see what's coming. I could see them men doing what my dreams said?? lol and then acting like the people in them :P

In the world, random blokes kept giving me bits of paper or making sure I had a pen! :D Then I'd gone to look in a really wired space like a scary haunted maze. I'd been looking all over for something and I'd got to this bizzaro steampunk haunted house in a graveyard. Ian recognised it as something out of a game.....  

lol WTF have I done? 'Just get up idiot, you might puke'   

Hahah yeh, I feel that 😛 I don't think my legs want to work.. It's so wobbly.

'Hahah get up Ren, I will help' Yeh, whatever...  

Oh... the last dream, I was with my dog running the punch bowl!! he'd put his ball down and I was helping him to find it.... I'd found it beside something I didn't even remember losing! A long orange ribbon.  😵

You call this helping??

Health Unlocked 
The social network for health Pr

'It's Punny no?'   lol yeh, suppose 😆

Chroma Key??? 

From the Knighmare Series!! Used blue...    Marcus had a Pantone book PAN tone!  OOOoOOO!! 😃 

'Excited?'  Hahah  yep...  'Good,  follow it 😈'   Hahah sniffy dog again hu?? 

Fight Evil Records...   stuff fighting! I wana play 😀

Musical Tone and Key... Need a musical Mind online??

The Pantone book...  from Halloween

Spiders, Prawns and Music ???

'We won't leave Ren.. Just hang on'  Lol  'Follow Excitement, keep intention ok' <3


TY.  Look after your bubble too ;)  lol

This is so crazy 'your dream mad mouse'   sheesh


'Lots of crews witch ours is just a bit unconventional'


Rowan waking up.   Somehow it all makes sense in the woods 'magic Bitch ;) ' 


Lol..  Like in the summer careful with media.....  Pets kids mirror


My phone screen has a cracked under the screen saver...   Ian dropped his on his foot mine was on the floor?? 




I'm fucking nuts..   'We've established that Ren may I help? ' Yes please M' 

OK..   thanks, 'Just relax and focus green please you will be fine when you get the chance to run and ground this'


The Modremoth expansion i gamed with Soly-Sy 

- 'check gamer ids Ren ;) work them'

Soly-Sy - Bloody Survival Leachers??


The pale tree got blight....


Soly was Swedish Mama high up MP... he used to tell me ohhh it was 2016...  I was dreaming the world tree he used to tell me about Norse mythology a bit.  


Lived at the edge of a massive forest


'Keep juggling Ren many balls now run to help asap'

WTH the people I talk to... Lady in the shop 'Juggling plates' 

The Mama with lots of kids at home, daughter doesn't want to work just play Minecraft  

Next up human nurse friend with Puppy wants to talk about Vaccines and socialisation.   Only wants the lepto one?  Rodent pee??

Girls from next door... Show me their new hats there nana knitted a rainbow hair unicorn and dog!


'Keep Dloading Ren, Zak school stuff.. Soup then Run'

GW2 Blight... The blighting pods.  More pods O.o   Ooooo

The dreams with the electrodes... The nerves the.. Our nerves, mycelium wood wide web.

The baby's in pods...   No skin just nerves...??

Metric System  - Imperial system.   Base 12....  Like the clock. 

13-14?  That tickles... Lol also thanks Team Titans.    Oh!  The we have a new recipe ??  Cooking..  Tickly back baby's in boxs. Nerves


the IB thing...  same Loci.. The names...


'Yes  narrative, patterns Ren...'  hummm 


UD your GW2.  Lol OK...


Oh  lol  Gerald and Yennefer were in the dream where I was looking at  Guilds???

You told me I joined the cyber pixies..   name of Ian's Cats Cyber and Pixel ??


Stop with the dls need to sort carrots   'you keep wondering... music'   ah good plan ;)  ty


The dreams..   fay.  Injections of saline using insulin syringes  2 at once, 'bitch..  carrots and tunes else you 🤢 '  lol  yeh I feel that inc too 🤣💜



I like locked down people i'm not good with others times.  'Bitch;) ' 


Run Ren... ;)  go see the tree's;)


'You're the ball Ren.   Your bouncy atm'   Hahaha 🤣


Ians prawns allergy?   also someone messaging wanting IB cream..


Bees wax...   and Sunflower 🌻  


Hahaha the woman i made the recipe with her company was errrrrr oh   phaaha  Tree Hugggers.     'Of you go bug ball run your crazy program ;)' 


Haha I'm suddenly fucking hot 🔥


Its snowing go chill with a tree or 3 or more ;)  lol  ok on it.


'How many pieces on a chess board Ren?'   I duno..   mirrors  pawns  pawns ???





Mistletoe??    Ruler of the tree ogham.. also parasite growing in the crown 👑 White Berry


Holly Red Berry.   Ivy star shaped wired winter blooms find Ren please


Oh only the lepto jab..  rodent pee


Keep Running...  lol I Can't stop the brain 🤣


Found them wow 👏 😍   yes like u thought black as they ripen star shape geometric clusters.   They help the bugs threw winter.   


Druidic info via the tree's now Ren 🤣💜😈


I had this crazy dream 😍🤣💜  'IKR Ren' lol



Cook..  Hook  the hook dream?


Pree 2k.  The dream of the tide going out.  ..  all these sea shrimps and wires creatures on my body.  I must have been calling in my sleep Dom tried to hug me and I bit him 🤔  '😈🤣' 


Heart Centre asthma lol  that's things wired


A ring around a planet who would want to do that.  That's the Solomon temple again.


To much all everything now.  Just Run and hug the trees... dream it. 


Lol no I want to hug the tree 🤣


Errr lol  😆


Yeh??  Wow.  Pre organised pvp.  Oh yeh I was friends with Greymane who became a gm.  He was a nelf druid i was undead necro - we used to arrange open world pvp raids


Oh lol yeh I did used to team with Asmoden- 'chew that one too witch 🤣'


'Inka my bug'  lol  haha shadow priest and lock our fear was well OP on the first capture the flags 😲

Your dream of early access Ren??.. Early access yes.. Oh WoW Alpha access to... Errr cataclysm ???

I feel like I'm going for achieve for most Lemming head pops atm!


TY 💜   'NP Witch, clear up... Seasons are less fickle than time 😏'  Hahah


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