Monday, 18 January 2021

Hunting Historys

Night before last was a crazy modern bus, it had dropped me off outside main dream area... Horrible back pain from where I'd gone spalt.

I'd napped around midday and it helped a little.  

'Better?' Mmmm what was that music? 'Your head' lol 'Mmmmm, just behave a bit Ren... we are whatever you need so try need something less chaotic for a while' lol, yeh will try.

Falling fast, way past, out of time and threw a mind. All at once so far away inside it all a game to play.

A dance-like trance and energy a place or space to try and be. Smell what's coming, fail to catch, unravelling bits we thought would last.

'Whatever you think normal is Ren you'll still not want it'  Hu?   'Don't argue just come'  Why?  'Cause you want to or you'd not be talking to me 😏'  lol yeh.. recall plx? 'Set intention Witch come here'  

Mmmmm Tiger balm,  'Tigers or Lions Ren?'   I duno, they all play mice 😜

'They do yeh'  lol OMW.

Jesus and mary chain a band? ffs :P  'Stupid Ren'  IKR still... 'Stupid'  Hahah Not ever herd.. lol oh the 1979 that was twice today?  'Mmmmm'

Blue?  'Yes, come here'  feels like spiders dancing in my throat. 'Better than tree knots in your back'  

Algorithm? Frequency analysis?  'You're supposed to be sleeping Ren'   lol, I'm dreaming will that do?  'Duno when to quit hu?'  Hahah I think we both know the answer to that. 

Cypher text??  'Find tomorrow or in the night 😏'  lol 

Eney, meeny, miny, mo? 'I've got a spider by it's toe' lol  'Sleep and come here ffs'  lol trying, you keep waking me up!!

Wake at 101 😛 I'd been dreaming with Inka again, in the ruins.. chilling  'Keeping you out of trouble'  Jumped ..back to main dream area around 2am...

Loci was there still and we wandered off togther was dreaming in the Middle school or something that was in that place but not really like it.

The back wall was covered in many trees, we were looking at the bark.. then going to head out to sea.

I'd also been in a version of my main dreamhouse was mixed with here too.. There was a wired Xbox thing that kept growing larger..... It suddenly had a camera and wanted to keep taking photos and it was annoying I put a book in front of it as the camera wouldn't close again. 

Next wake at 515... I'd been here.. just in lower astral, Loci & Inka around too.. joined awareness hanging.  'Jump roundhouse mouse!'  OMW 😜   Dreamshare with Loci, Leon, Inka and Kaylo was around too. 

A long dream of manifesting stuff, I was hanging around at an edge space.... had the feeling of a farm. Just watching what was being manifested and occasionally adding or removing energy.   

Strange lost things too, I'd been looking for a ball pump so we could play a game..but all the ones I could find were the wrong shape or size.

They looked more like odd injection needles I suppose, or something to tap bones..  Wired medical not familier... and not ball pumps!

Michael had appeared too and was helping me look but we were finding old gems, crystals and bits of broken old jewellery instead.

The farms' space was strange too, like a show/performance.. people manifesting all kinds of strange, I knew I could add to it.... lol but I wasn't sure it needs to be any odder so I was just watching and tweaking.

There was a female character too, she was a bit bonkers... she'd been able to swim as a kid but something had happened and she'd forgotten was intermittently blind too?  

Main dream house again, an unfamiliar male in the kitchen, spring was coming and the daylight lengthening.
I'd got up to listen to an online history class but the lecturer's mic kept cutting out so he made no sense and I was chatting on the group chat instead with the other class member I knew at least one of them... the chat was pretty off-topic about fairy magic and vaguely interesting but I kept falling asleep.
In another dream I was helping Marie/middle me... she wanted a red item of clothing a skirt I think, I was looking and had offered to lend her one if we couldn't find one. 

I'd gone to the kitchen to get a drink was chatting to the male there, he wanted to know why I skipped classes so much 😏 lol I just told him I CBA, I just do what I feel like.

lol last dream is main dream house again.

There is a knock at the door and I go to open it. Inka is standing there and tells me
 'You've let me into everywhere else now'  I grin at him leaving the door open and go back in, he follows me.  

In the hallway, he grabs my arm and looks at me and we just stare at each other a bit contemplating  until he comments... 'Crazy Bitch'  lol I wake up laughing... 'Tell me you're not Ren?'   💜 Who knows... time will tell I suppose.... Hahah it's 808'😈'😆


Linked to this at the end of Oct.. not sure why.  

This one of making beds...

Can't link propper.

The Boom??


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