Thursday, 7 January 2021

Pretty Patterns from Symbol Salad

Tokyo Laundry... been in a washing machine.  😮! 'Come back '  Oh... that sounds scape overlay art!!  

The bit inside me who knows what it is, the thousands of masks and games I have hid.Now tired and watching and yet I can't seem to sleep.
I just keep loving and dancing... and dreaming of warmth. 

That was wryd too! 'Magic!' lol  

Hiding sun, broken window?? Sandspeeder. When? 'Hahah, Ren' 505 hu? Hahah 😆

Collecting bits, ah that's the same as the Aza thing with lots of letters.. also the same as scapegoat 'And mad bitch 😜'  Hahaha.    'Sleep again plx'  

I'd herd Ian coming down or felt him before he came in, he wanted to stop arguing...

I was looping back to 2016... The books, Diablo was a game? Then the sticking plasters?  'Wait and see more fun that way 😏'  Hahha 💜

The Stoic archetype.. Neil/Bro Mmmm

Wow.. that was funny. I knew I was at an echo/bleedthrew of the 2016 exeriance..   2016 experience.

The books from the decode... diablo was a game, lol then was the sticking plasters???

WOoo  next I'd been dreaming again but Lara walked in it was like a lower astral same layout.  She had come talk to me

She was telling me she'd been to an educational psychologist with her youngest and she was telling me he had a form of ADHD, I said yeh I guessed so he's like us?  

She had then started dropping random symbols and code into her conversation 'Been sent to keep and eye on you'  lol, her and Cayden I'd met at a new toddler group with my first kid, she was local 2nd time mama here and took me under her wing.. out kids were similar.  Both small, walked at 9 mths very bright.  

One day they'd been playing an rp game they were 3..   They had been fighing and killed eaother and then were on the spaceship waiting to be born and picking Mama's!   I'd gone up to check on them and was listning out side the door as it was so cool.   On the way home Fay said, I don't want to be born again and have to go back to waring nappies

Hiding sun track... the broken window and a sandspeeder!  'Yeh'  When?!  'Hahah Ren'  505hu?  😆😆

Collecting more bits, there allover The azawhatever and scape goat 'and mad bitch 😏'  lol  'Sleep again please'

Anyway Lara was talking and ever so often would drop into code at one point she tells me beep beep bop bop. I check the page and it's smiling faces. She chatted more about learning differences and left she's. I know this is linked to the boggart dream too - Her bro too. Not broken.. 'Nop Ren, broken things all good too 😏  Hahah Lara's a SENCO.. 

'Many crews Ren' 

She used to sing stuff all the time, the aliens watching her on TV.  

The kids with learning issues don't lose the connection so much, as Lara left she's left some 'stationary' on the floor... like I sent to Kaylo.

Zak n Buddy both too.  'Mmmm'   big kids 💜

Track id Lucas and Steve Perfect 

oh Neil... Also dyslexic and Astrophysasit ... track id 'memories never die' 

That was fun.

Sleepy so slept once more. I'd been with Kaylo and Rachel in London, we were playing team games in London. The old gods were fun and tricky, It was a GG.

Can't stay awake Nap at 3, go find Kaylo on the re-ed station was straight into WILD and we jump in to a dream. We've gone back again to find another missing bit.. recalls hazy as Fay walked in and woke me up but as I wake I have an instant cramp in both calves/calfs. Oh.. The fisherman's bug? the tree Ogham Text, and the other Symbol.  

Ok I'll go look 😏 

From earlier.

Were you have to find the right frequency.  IQ Frequency I keep hearing on and off. 

Chord, Discord, tones..

Ooo a tree weaver...     Humm, the chants for the diffrent energy centers.   See colours when used to do them at yoga. 

Ladybird...  Was in the other 2016 books, the ladybird books... the Ladybird dream the nusery rhyme too, house is onfire and children are gone.. this is why all the hop hop??

Lichen?  'Took you long enough'  Hahah I'm sleepy, it was allover the floor everwhere I'd been.

Another composit organisim.

Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog... what about the crazy dog?

Also these dreams.... Rippls of something now too.

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