Thursday, 14 January 2021

Sleepy Bug

I'd been argumentative last night... 'Very Ren'  
Had jumped to house and Malico just us there we talked.. oh pain in toe expanded till vanished suddenly.   Then dream shared...
White bright!  Loci/Points then white lazer like connections.. like bright white lightning connecting.  'Going to Shhhhh and listen?'   Mmmmmm  'Come back then 😏'   

I spent most of the night with Malico, low lucid inside his awareness enjoying the contrasting linear focus, intensity, and direction.    I was dreaming too intermittently.

A very very long dream too... a game we'd been playing.   Symbiotes, part of us being an elemental awareness.  I'd been paired for ages and a game was drawing to a close.   We had 3 other pairs we were gaming with.  

It was a cool MMO type game, I was a little like my Asura from GW2  Fire and Intelligence.   The others had closed there hubs/Bases and mine was the last one active.  It needed collapsing from inside out but I normally waited till last to give more time.   I'd set the destruct sequence and was leaving, it was deep underwater too a lake perhaps as the light from the surface reached the bottom during the day.   I was talking with someone speaking Russian too.  

I was heading out as it was collapsing behind me and then I was pulled out to another space where we were 8 not 4 and were getting new pairing arrangements.   Not all of us get on well and there was friction with regard to the new pairings.  Progeny and the etymology of this

Me and the person I was going to be with piss each other off. I was fire and pretty volatile 😛

Towards the morning we jump back to the roundhouse.  Avatar is the wite/lilac thing with a tail n horns again, taller than the grey.    to the others and we all dream share connect again.

Dreams while sharing at the roundhouse with the others......

A kid had won a bet, a large oval brown wood desk I was behind it with the slip and was passing it back for them to collect winnings.

Another young girl, she had masses of red curly hair.  Her dog had had a tapeworm we had just got rid of and the family were concerned it would come back.. we were telling them it was fine, and not to worry. 

In another dream Em was there... she'd been yelled at about something and was massively freaking out at this teacher being annoyed at her, I was trying to get her to calm down.

I'd gone to find her to put her back on the transport and was shoving her on telling her to just blame me?? 

My writings crap, was something about the teacher's daughter?? 😛 'Should have woken a bit lazy mouse' lol didn't want to think last night was quite happy just being a bug 😏 'Parasite' Haha yeh, whatever it was fun 😆

Was linked to other dreams but duno how... this one.
And this... Female Oh yeh!  That was also why the teacher was anoyed with Em?? 

I feel like I turned into a box of bunnys and whent down every hole at the same time 😆

8 January 2013 
A strange dark but entertaining dream. 
Some kind of huge uni/complex_ We were under attack of sorts and there was a small resistance of 
which was a part. 
There was soldiers allover shooting random people, me and about 6 others were being searched for. 
We werent sure which of us were still alive. 
At one point gave myself up to the other side as distraction think to stop them doing something 
They were going to kill me the following day as an example to the others. 
had an odd plan to sumve by splitting myself into too toy fluffy rabbits and letting them kill one of me. 
Annoyingly didnt get to see how this was going to work out as the alarm woke me up

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