Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Confused heads, Squid Heads and an Impasse.

'Nasty mouse with a muddy smelly house 😝' 
Kaylo! 😁 'Hey Ren!'    What you up too?  'Nothing, if you want to play?' 

Oooo yep, your space or mine?  'Hahah Ren, you know how I feel about your muddy fieldHub?  House or??   Could we?? 'Sure Bitch'  Kaylo?  'Ren, Yeh why not'   Hahahah ok...   'Meet at Malico's house I'll jump us to the portals'  Lol, what we going to do??     Loci?  Wana come too?  'Yeh I'm in'  Nice πŸ˜›

Ok.. see you all at the house in  abit. 

Malico??  'I'll find you later Ren, you idiots go play'  Hahah πŸ’œ

I woke so freaking confused 😝
'Stupid scattered Ren, even by your standards!'  Hahaha Funny!

We were dream-sharing and using the portals from here..(Can't find where we were bk there reacently).

I'd been in so many spaces a strong recall was this vast operatic drama.

On so many layers all at once... Silly play too, I'd been cleaning houses again collapsing and leaving..looking for bits of me. I'm on both sides and in-between... the stage the set all parts of me.   

In the game I'd picked a mouse, small and brown hid in any house.... I was also the cleaner following the trail and as I clean up the mess we left I'd see snatches of tail/tale πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

I next wake utterly lost... 'Ren πŸ’œ' What... I Errrrrrr  'Hahah'  I'd been pulled so far and wide looking at all being the same.. Eeeepp  'Come to me Ren'   Inka, you shit!!  'Sorry Ren, you're just too fun not to confuse 😈'

Haha  'Sorry I will leave you to play this time 😏'    lolπŸ˜‚ I'd been in what felt like every story/narrative/song ever.... So fragmented and scattered. 

I jump bk to Inka and the same place and I'm in thousands of versions of the same room, iteration after iteration.
Inka would you stop fucking with my head! πŸ˜› 

It was strange I don't even know who I was there had been an adult and 2 small boys, I wanted to go to the beach... someone else wanted to go shopping, and the iterations were the exploration of all available alternatives fractal nested possibilities.    

In another I'd been haha what they heck had I even been... meby I was just a perspective or perhaps an insect.

I was watching a errrr I want to say flower, but it was symbolic and looked like a plant version of the brainstem and I was watching it grow like timelapse. 

The different structures forming until 2 blue petals emerge on a wyrd stem. It was fascinating, not what could be described as beautiful as it looked like layers of internal organic tissues, but the colours and detail were profound yellow, threw green, I could see into all the cells to until the 2 blue petals that looked more like the first leaves of a seed opened and bloomed.  

Hahah like a plant brain or something.. will have to draw it.. would make trippy visionary art. 

'Symbolic adobe Ren.. I'm taking you with me 😈' lol wtf you mean by that?? My arm needs blood.. must have been laying on it! 'lookup king James and mary queen of Scotts...' lol, err why? I'll just sleep πŸ’š 'Haha Come here then'.  

I'd fallen asleep and am woken by really loud tapping at the other side of the room 'To wake you back up.... celestial run program' Hu?? 'Just keep notes ok' Like musical ones πŸ˜•??

Hahah ok, Ooohhh then I remember the dream that was MAD!!

What was with them Octo things? 'Octaves and tentacles, Ren watchers 😏' Hahah

Was a bonkers dream I'd been a guardian of something.   Was like a trippy gemmed, squid head thing in a sandlike tomb... It was a bit Starwars.
I'd had a robe on 'Non of this freaks you out hu?' Looking after alien squid head things and real-time noises around the room that keep waking me up πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Seems not 😏 Should it?  '😏'

Was crazy bleed threw realities too

The tapping and noises around the room.. Oh in the dream reality or time had been restarted was haha wyrd biblical shit, 'Ren πŸ’œ' lol   πŸ˜†

I was seeing it represented in pale stone slabs,  they were layered on top of each other.

Each reset represented by a new pile. The sky in the place with the squid person was almost green.. reminded me of this dream with the living hive ship and the sandbox tests.  πŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ’š

Sandy, the sand a golden colour, I'd been the watcher of this tomb thing for what felt like forever I just slept a lot beside it in a brown hooded robe. 
Until one day another had come... it wanted to eat the thing I was watching there was an upright thing, 2 legs and one on 4 long thin legs.
Hahah I have no context to describe them as they are so strange,  Looking like beautiful alien art.

The 4 legged one was to consume the squidy thing I'd been watching I was to weak to stop or prevent it.

I waas watching the other 2 leg thing observing me... I think it was a bit squiddy headed too πŸ˜†  I have no clue what I was.
Halfway threw the 4 leg thing consuming my squidy/octo thing.. the sleeping thing I'd been watching awoke and then the 2 entities were consuming each other.

Other upright and me watched until they were sort of stuck, an impasse.... neither able to consume or let go, just locked together.

The other upright entity became distressed at the situation,  I tried to help separate the 2 entities that were stuck. The other upright entity was confused as to why I would try and help even if it meant saving only his 4 leg thing, but it just seemed like the best way forward out of the odd impasse.

In another layer I'd been on vast salt flats.. the sky reflected in almost empty pools, yet I could see also a time where an ultra-modern city covered the area.

The bleed threw was not obvious to others but I could step between them, I entered the city next to what was like a recreational area a large sort of skating rink.. looked like ice skating but the boots errr lol meby it was magnetic as they glided close to the ground.... looked fun!

A long line of people at a food vending vehicle they know me and I go to wait with them.

Next up I'm bk...

So I'm in my room, I assume I was awake as I was writing and it was still there when I woke up πŸ˜› There is odd stuff happening too in terms of the noises around  'You came to us too Ren, we gave you what you needed' A hug! lol 'You're Cheep!!'   lol tweet-tweetπŸ˜†πŸ˜†

As I'd drifted off to sleep again I'd been in a vehicle but a large golden cat had bounced off the window, I was going slow so it was fine.. Haha it had startled me awake and then there is a knock from the wardrobe and I remember the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe ref again.. 😜

At this point, my brain is freaking fried πŸ˜† 

Cold play?
Modern Ram>> >>>> Kings?  
'Till we shot you at the sky!' lol πŸ˜†  'Come here Ren, we need to heal you a bit B4 daylight'  Sky full of stars song πŸ˜› My freaking head.... 

'Yeh, bitch you're are all over the showπŸ’š'  Hahah

There is way way to much stuff trying to fit into me atmπŸ‘€  'Lol Ren, just wrapping and rapping some shit up'  Hahah The moon cycles.. Full again soon. ffs my head 😲  'DW bitch, you got spare' 

I'm a glowing number 8??  'You've been opening and closing gates'  pffffff  'Just DL and Run Ren, we had lots of fun'     

Haha yeh we did I just dunno where I am,   'Doesn't matter.. you're never where your at for long, just put your mind in my mind a bit.... you'll feel less scattered after a run'  

At some point, I'd had these dreams too plus others more. 

So many other dreams too. Main dream area 3 ponds.. There was one in my bk garden with lots of life and 2 empty ponds in the neighbour's gardens.. they were deep and filled with rainwater and I'd gone and asked them if it was ok to seed them from our pond and see what grew. They had agreed and I'd gone to start and then realised some guy had pulled all the liners up to wash and now the rainwater was gone and I'd need to wait on more storms to refill them.

In another dream, I'd been somewhere unfamiliar making kefir I'd strained the grains and then someone had knocked the whole lot onto the floor. Someone else wanted me for something to.. Oh, a family advocacy meeting but I was the only member of the family who ever tuned up so I didn't mind keeping them waiting. As I picked up the Kefir grains they were wyrd, not like little cauliflower brains like they should be well some were like that but others were grey flat and smooth symmetrical too like runes or patterns, I sorted them separately as I wasn't sure what they were, after that I'd gone along to the meeting thing in a wired old style tower block and apologised for showing late but I didn't really need the meeting, a woman was there too annoyed with me for confusing 2 of her daughters who looked similar.. I'd just shrugged at her as I didn't know any of them well.

Cosmic clown 

Today I'm inside out and upside down!  

I was the guardian of an Octo squid and evey star in the sky,   

A mouse weaving webby tales and twin sister of a fly,

Once my mind was shattered I was swept back up with love, and patched back into me again with a stupid magic hug.

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