Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Sewing Soul Seeds

I know, I follow? 'I follow with you' You do? 'Want to fight about it?'

May be a little but that's just cause I'm scrappy. 'Idiot, focus me please Ren, only me for a bit you need possessing' lol what an offer.... 'Shut up and lay down' Pfffff  'Now bitch, you keep shoving the boat back out'
Ok TY...'We'll see 😈' Hahah

Wake at 111.
Been in main dream area, Gran's & Aunty Anns.
What were we up too? 'Seeds' lol yeh but.... Oh, we'd been hunting, hide and seek and finding rooms, taking photographs too but the camera was a timed we were photographing ourselves old fashioned ... 'Bit like bullets then?' lol Inka 😏

2 dogs together charlotte.. a girls dorm.

'Lay down Ren, follow yellow plx' ok.

A thread on brain structure, woven in a fairy story too a girl had got annoyed with the fairies and leaves the story. The brain structure was layered interesting... Brain stem fractal.

'Sleep Ren' lol yeh??.... I know that tone...'Hahha, we love you' 😂

lol 2 chess bits, one with the head of a dog and one a horse. Close for another layer/ring concentric... 'Yup' lol

'Lazy mouse up a bit.. brain fuzzy' ok.. media outlet / inlett? 'Mmmm, wake your mind a bit'

Dreams oh! I'd been having a cool dream about dream-sharing. It was pretty lucid but I didn't know the people I was sharing with, we are in a hub, I recognise mirror aspects there too. 

A thread but also an experience, a few people... it was working well. Not all experience the same symbols but the geometry and the structure was stable. Playing cards too, we were gaming as we played and learnt together.. the cards were well used.

A coffee shop, smells of coffee kitchen upstairs.
I go down to the front door waiting for a delivery. Smells of coffee... A man replacing a window in the place next door.. outside looks like Italy or Greece a red roofless car is upside down the people are fine, just sitting in the road.

'Come back now Ren, please.'. OMW. 

Loic, Inka and me dream share, I swap between it's funny and fast we laugh a lot... I see it in shapes too energetically.

A Santa dream, bringing a shit tone of gifts, helping a mouse riding on an emmm I forgot another animal, a hamster in a wheel and a seal on a ball, shit shifter and restran-turd 😆

A cafe with food, Santas sleigh and we are chucking tracks in front of it... while hitching a ride. Swabs.. So many things to be and see.

Cafe filled with food specials menus.. I was in and around main dream are again too, in and out of all the cafes and restaurants.. lol I'd lost half my clothes again!!    I didn't really care. Lots of coming and going, Jo was there she's bought a gift of a shirt wrapped in a shirt.

Santa has slippers, slippy... souls moccasins, softer souls - shoemakers, soul lines, soul times.

'Dream squeaky, come back with us again'  

Oh that wired thing, in the room again the knocking in the wardrobe.. Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe...Leon! lol Oh man.... 'Idiot' IKR💜😃

Hahahah 'sleep'

Box of wild seeds and crazy nuts! 'Mirror' lol Yeh 💙

All the inflammatory illness, burning it in not out. 'Mmmmmm' 

I'm cold... The flyer drops? Dumbo, Mouse... Monkey, the Arena dream, with the elephant and a key... before I vanished.

lol the camera too, Mon-key.. symbols word salad again!
  'Yep Ren.. go give Kaylo a hug'   lol, leme open the wardrobe 😆 Hahah

💜 Spirit not for sale 💜 616  'nop bitch, not on your crazy watch'  lol... sleep again while you can.. go see the others or things will be way wobbly!   

Oh...... 'You're very creative Ren' Hahah... no shit we are....

lol The space pirates thing??

Oh man...  'Idiot Ren, I told you would be wobbly... woods Ren, ground ffs and listen today please 💜'  hahah OK.

Not wrong about the wobbly!!! 💜

Woooo Links 😲 This is nice weaving  GG guys!! 


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