Friday, 1 January 2021

The Dreamer who dreams WHO?

This is nuts... I wake and Fay is at my feet dreaming me? I've 'Broken the editor again, it's ok 😏'  

Wake next at midnight with fireworks 😜 WTH why am I seeing 😶 just hahaha 😆 'Crude 😈' Hehe Oil 💜 Loosh 'Or Love Ren, depends, where you at'
This is nuts hu!! 'Fun hu?' 👀

'Get up a while, you're too awake to sleep and it will help with the tickling at blue' Ok 😏 

MMmm can you help me jump plx, I'm all over.  
'Finish that come back sleep.. it's 151 we go 202....   Ok, good call Ren, will be wired but we got this is what we do 😏'  If you say so.

303 'Booo!'   Hahah 'Heya Inka, wright/write/right it now then back' 

Oh lol that was mad! At the end, I was being asked what the most important place in a wedding was? It was like a symbolic loci. I knew it was all symbolic. I didn't like the wedding either, reminds me of why I never wanted to get married - I duno who I was we we're cutting a tired cake white sponge with white icing and I was supposed to cram it in someone's mouth and I'm in the thing thinking wft is going on 😛

Prior to the wedding, the world had been wired. The female had been coming in strong but not flowing quite right and a bit strange.

'That'll do back to us please'

I know this wedding was linked to the married to Trump dream after last election, - Oh! That's the Holy Island too. 
This dream the Earth Ele Dwarf..
Middle Earth and 2 headed axe I needed to take back to the Sun a face looking 2 directions I duno the name.

Vicar who wanted me we had a common goal to save the graveyard - I'd help but not be his. 

Tuesday 23rd May 16

Setting is an old village.  Local and regional councillors want to sell off the grave yard.  

All the people object and the Vicar too they are coming together to try and save it.

I'm there to help,  but I'm wispy and not to tangent.

The vicar of the old village at first tries to trick me.  He takes me with him into the church... I'm playful and alive.  

First he takes me to confession to try and manipulate me, but I see threw what he's doing.    He starts to manipulate stuff and send it flying to intimidate me but I can still see it's him.... it's making a mess.  I laugh and tell him, I know it's him and I will help him tidy up.  
The vicar starts to like and fall in love with me...  
It's an odd dream, the energy is wired - neither of us know what is genuine but we are both 'playing' a power game - there can be no winner.
I soften his edges.. I'm playful he's formal - but we have the same goal. 

He wants to marry me as that's his belief - but I won't be owned. 

Vet surgery work.  I'm finished and am handing in uniform.  There is a new head nurse, she's bitchy and I see threw her.... I feel bad for leaving the other staff with trouble... I know she will be trouble for them. 

- Flying dream, making self lighter and floating and hovering.    Asian man with me, who understands...   We are weaving stuff together, big smokey strands of dark round the light like massive smokey DNA.

'Dream Ren, all of you to us please now'

Next lol a crazy spaceship (Brain) split in half the crews was on one half or the other and need spreading better.

What's that poking sensation in my side.
'Follow please?' And the soul of my left foot? 'DW Ren, all symbols just lay down and play'  Plam of the left hand to where bitten...

'Here Ren, dream it........See the patterns??' Wowow ! 👀 Yehh, very cool... 'Get up unpack then come and play' Oh!! What now? 444 connection drop, 'Just checking 😈' Pahahah.

I head back to bed. I know the sensation to follow it's the intense throbbing in the left foot like I'm nailed to something. I jump to the others first in my new crazy Aquarian space. We dream shared in the cross formation again.  

Found it!! 💜 Hahaha.  I'm back there, Me & Mel in a building site with her dog.
We'd been walking threw it and I was suddenly stuck to the floor. 😛
Confused I couldn't pick my foot up I took off my shoe to find a massive nail and then soul of my foot pouring with blood! Me's 2 dogs going bananas licking the blood off! Haha she used to put meat pate on her feet and let her dogs lick it off!! So they liked feet food 😆

I sat with the dogs and Mel went to my house to get me a plaster to walk home.... she returned saying my Mam had refused to giver her one saying she needed to clean it! I remember thinking ffs the amount of blood pouring out of was defo clean! I then had to hop home on one foot trailing blood with 2 dogs licking it of me and the building site. Phahahaha 💙 'GJ Ren, come back' 

The Nadis! Palm and Soul from the Rabbi dream too... lol that got HOT!

Also the dream where I was training in astral all the mudras I'm using.

'Come here crazy, all now and dream again' Next I shared again this time me and Inka's awareness joined and Malico Loci on each side... info passing threw me both ways like where Inak and I healed Leon.

I know it's El & Anu stuff too.  

The vet couple I worked for her for 10 years. Ann... she is often doing DNA stuff and surgery in my dreams.

Anu! Mich'el is her hubby who is like EL They were the vet couple I worked for here but I knew they had a significance........Ahaha in all the dreams!! Mich 'el and me helping get coms fixed! :P Anu is my DNA/Blood recall the multi D aspect of DNA and the cellular recall - she represents the bit of me that knows all this stuff but doesn't recall it well.  

The weaving between 2 kingdoms, the cross that I was half stuck on 😆

What, why where. 

Before I wake me and Inka join - Energy intense and we jump back into this... Then land back on the grass with the others laughing Loci grinning at us with a 'Stupid crazy twins'.

From 2016

One last nap!  I'd jumped back and we all chilling by the fire, me and Inka were dream sharing. 

Hahah What was that? 'Fun!😈'

Yeh it was I'd been at a crazy party with loads of people.   A massive old house loads of people I was in the back garden dancing.   Then someone yells  'RAID QUICK SWAP' 
Hahah and all the people in the house charge into the garden people all heading into the house!  

Brilliant chaotic fun 😆

'I know what your thinking Ren and no.. just chill were your at a bit'


Yellow?  'Incoming can't have you getting bored Ren, your enough trouble already'   blugh


Oh my Dad and Gaddafi?   Errrr 'lol'   ffs!  


Powerful?   'Blugh'  its ok.. just hold it. 


Ffs... Ive got a shithole of an Aquarius house here to.   And I need to run before I puke..  'should be careful what you wish for crazy' 


'Go darma Ren, then Run..  you  need to ground...'  no shit i'm shacking 🤣💜

Claire too?   Haha  look up Thorburn Witch!  :D  lol, this is so cool!!    

What does Thorburn mean? 
horburn as a boys' name is of Old Norse origin, and the meaning of Thorburn is 
"Thor's bear". 


So go there bitch!  Haha yeh OMW... 

Why was my Dad in the sky with the planes?  'You we're there too bitch'  Oh I thought I'd just revisited it from his perspective?

Nop... Find plx

'Ok.. Now Run, enough brain balls to juggle'


Amazing Run...  Ice and then fire.

Malico Join me on the Run.  



'See the flow Ren? Seamless?'  Yes  . 


The quick shags with strangers an TTFNs the game? Mating monsters at higher level lol???


'You're flighty you know when to fuck and when to fuck off'  Lol you sound wired swaring.  


Could go backwards? 'Up to you Ren. you're in the middle of your Labyrinth & Web'


Might just hang around and see how it pans out a bit 💜


The blood dna.  Male Ural mountain across Europe to Scandinavia.   Also A   - Shell bank dwellers.    That's the Germany dreams and then the Beach Ogham that slid from a bank??    That thread?   The A, You took me back to Egypt, middle East?  'I did Ren'  


The shaman O blood of female, The cook expedition the butcher killed in South America... that thread. 
The trains tracks first railways   that thread. 
Brace - Let inheritance  ivy   holy and ivy.  Holly King?  Hmmmm

'All similar Ren, close loops.  Their are larger and smaller'  Hahah I don't doubt it.  'Symbols, and patterns'

'Bitch you promised, Yew tree too, change tracks'  Lol  OK 💜

Haha track ID game master.  Gg - 'Good ground Ren'


Real life passes threw the middle of temples?

Temples eyes... Middle way temporal lobes Also where the horns are. 


Heads temples -- Mammalian brain, Human IT?


This like humans that just get recycled round and round with little recall? Or following the game plane without knowing they are playing?

'Keep asking Ren, We show'

How?  'Stupid question bitch, just accept your not alone 😈'  Hahah  Yeh TY. 

'Track changer Ren, come dream here a moment, sleep by the fire 💜'     Ok, that was wow.. 'YW' What was that thing a blue felt and sounded like a freaking drill!  'Haha Ren, that one needs some work up' 

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