Saturday, 9 January 2021

In and Out

I feel normal! 'Hahah, Ren, like it?'  I don't not like it, still feel tickly and still want to play.

'Just as well'   lol, Where are we dreaming in the deck? I'm confused now we are 4.

'You could work it out' I'm suddenly sleepy 'Good, come house plx' 

It's not even 11! 'Long dark night.. perfect for naughty fun'  It's been an hr, feels like years!!!  'Time's fickle Ren'  Hahaha

We'd been playing a bonkers game. Felt like it was all in my heart, so many parts so many masks actors. I was playing with 2 so similar and yet mirrored. Was fun.  'Come back and play 💚'   

Wake at 00.00  '😏balance Ren, it's a beautiful game we are playing' 

The dream was of a beach, I'd gone to meet a woman we had talked and shared for what seems like ages. A green and white bodice thing laced with a red ribbon, I was looking at it so not waring it.. we sat for ages we needed to talk and share.

(Body/Foundation Garment)

A modern room, tiled all over with amazing crystal tiled squares. All different colours. White square spiral stairs.. It was dusty the old dust was making me sneeze and I was cleaning it out too, people who made music were coming and going we share too.

Guys?  'It's ok Ren, a good place to chill, just relax and dream we are with you'    Just sleep and dream tonight. 

Silicon valley... Silica sand the place between land and water.   Energy and matter?? Brain too ripples, fractal symbols.

I was looking at the stars and planets on my flat earth sky skull. From that perspective, they change trajectory too.  

The frame, Cross.. the cross within the ring - all multi d,... lol the symbols come and go so fast. 'More sticking each time Ren'    

They are all the same.....  'Add the Pan tone book'

All the colours and music, how we render stuff around us.  

hanged man, framed, scapegoat, religions saviour and persecutor withing too...dancing our colours and tones around us on our emotional trajectory.

Co-creation? Arrises from Alignment? Compatability? harmonic resonance? compatible?? I duno  'We show Ren'  

'Always medaling/meddling'   Errr Monkey, Crown arms??    ':) ditto'

lol Monkey mind balance, heart awareness?? Is middle way crown open?? 

The dream... hummmm ... errr was a long road. I've done this over and over, it's why I was born with recall.  

'Yup, like I told you Ren, you've done this shit more times than you care to remember right now'  lol ok It's 707 <3

Medulla Oblongata too.    Brain stem autonimic,  Oh the sneezing?

Medulla also possibly middle..

lol Monkey mind balance, heart awareness?? Is middle way crown open?? 

The dream... hummmm ... errr was a long road. I've done this over and over, it's why I was born with recall. 

'Yup, like I told you Ren, you've done this shit more times than you care to remember right now'  lol ok It's 707 💜

All kinds of religions too or non..  'Don't matter Ren, same narratives'  Same shit different asshole 😆

Grow up, Grow down, Grow round and round. 

Grow in, grow out, Dance with fear and swallow doubt. 

Swim threw fire, weave the air, love the water earth does care.

Make some rules or play with non, start or begin one and all.

'What have you done this time mouse?'   lol I errr was having a wyrd dream about value fulfilment.

Where am I now?  'Another Saturday'  Pahahaha  

The air looked WOW 👀 'Perspective 😏 Get up and play fool, enough dreams for now'


 'Can't help yourself hu?'   Dohhh...  It's funny...   'You're stupid'   IKR  I found the other Sat too!   Illuminated  'Or just on fire?'  😛  Hopefully it's just me this time 😏 

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