Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Andromeda. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Andromeda. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday 18 April 2020


17th April

A wired red house, it's tall with 2 pillars down the side and a white door.  It's covered in a smooth render that's been painted deep red.  It's odd as it's an elegant out of place townhouse along on a country lane roadside in woodland.  It was being refurbished inside.

18th April

Dragons first - flying, watching prompting.

Then a dream of gardening, trees with dry soil around the roots.   A lady with a young golden retriever with aggression issues.   A horsebox carrying many horses up the country.

Next dream I'm at Sheila's dream space... the houses are open like dolls houses and lots of stuff is going on outside.  Layered sky again and lots going on outside.  There is a 'drug menu' and I can see the molecular structures of the things on the menu - police there too.  

A young guy is there we know each other - he has metallic hair and a golden/greenish skin.   I'm hugging him he's almost re'memberd.  We were friends in the Andromeda galaxy we are sharing 'timeline' maps these are like silver glowing fractal light strings - like light energetic family trees back and forward.  (Like the one from a dream years back when I was pulled out of a dream and moved across timelines)

We are sharing them telepathically and laughing as we both feel the pullback to there but also know how we will inevitably spiral of into endless possible realities (Like lightning forking)    It helps us both to re'member each other and Andromeda.  The boy has an 'inheritance' it's supposed to come when he is 47 but we are saying it's to late and are partitioning (this was with a larger aspect of us/home/family) for the inheritance to be received early.    (The inheritance is not financial - it's like spiritual gifts/magic/recall) 

Last dream was a beach chalet - a balcony looking over dunes, woven cotton rugs.  A big low drum, sounds like thunder. 

Monday 27 July 2020

Andromeda, Soul Frament and Dowery?

Work at 1.30 confused it was so early as I'd already had a very long dream.  It was one of the magic school's lessons were on portals and teleporting it's hazy I know I was asking about something but I didn't know the word for it so was struggling with my question.   There were also 2 spaniels.  Oh, and the astral version of here lol outside Shirlys 2 dogs were there younger and Chris from over the road was out inline skating in the bit outside his house, hehe he was really good!

Back to sleep and next, there was it was like a cube filled with dots/made of dots like this no lines though only the dots

Then another dream that I felt had been inside or come out of the dot grid??  Duno 😀

It's the first soul shard dream I've had in ages, it's also disjointed several aspects that don't fit.  I'm Aunty sheilas and there is ghost in the bathroom.   It's not her bathroom it's a wired white almost like a communal school shower room all white tile.   I can't see it but it's trying to get back into me it keeps boofing my astral form about so I'm floating and bouncing or getting squashed.   Other people found it disturbing but I'm not afraid of it I know it's on a very different flicker rate to me atm.

Other people didn't believe me but they could see me moving weirdly so decided I was right.    (My thoughts are this could be 1 of 3 shards.  

-Me at 17, anorexic living there
-The me that had the dream about falling of her flat earth disk as a kid when it started to wobble to much (I had that in that house - though I think I've got that bit bk)  (lol that was wild one)

-Or The mirror me with the wired hair??    Though that could also me the same as 17 anorexics me (humm what was the poem I wrote in that house...

I know it started, Oh found it in an old book...   wow it's like my entity and body consciousness talking to each other.  Haha it probably always was!

Please don't be afraid of me I know that I am ill,
I don't want to scare you I am building up my will.
I know I'm in here somewhere the bit I used to like
and only for my love of you I won't give up the fight
for as long as I see beauty and as long as I feel love
there is always hope that I will find my dove
my pure white dove of freedom
which is lurking deep inside
it will come to me and give me much needed peace of mind
so, for now, my love just care for me and let me care for you
deep inside my heart, I know this life was meant for two.
two voyagers with hearts so big they almost blow their minds
with pure love and compassion like no other kind
just help me reach inside myself and try to help me find
the part of me who loves us both and blissful peace of mind.

Which also I realised this morning the connection with my Birth name my parents wanted to call me Andrew and when I wasn't a boy they had no other name so I ended up with Andrea.   Andrew (means MAN) my missing other-half the feeling disconnected and half a person split to play in duality but I'm both too as it's inside me.  It's also linked to Andromeda and this dream not totally sure how yet. 

Tangent delt with back to the dream ;)  Now this stuff is jumbled and seemed to be all simultaneous so there isn't an order.

Nana in the 60's before I was born knew her... when she still played the fiddle.  She'd met a Prince?  She was showing me perfume bottles very cool 60's ones all empty.  - Then something about her parents and a 'wealth transfer'    (Hummmmm so the dream of the wired hair me was also the dream about dowery...  no dowager! )  Oh and the Andromeda was about me and that male partitioning for a spiritual inheritance to be given at the age of 47 but to come now???  👀 

- There was another bit with Nana and it's also before I'm born Sheila and the other sisters are there and my cousin Sue is a kid must be the end of the 60's and Nana has a locket and it's massive the size of her hand and she opens it and there is her daughters and then it opens again and there is her daughter's, daughters and I knew this was like a whole DNA line on daughters going back n forth in time :P

- There is also something about a holliday with Em and a bus drop of and there are a line of zimmer frames wrapped with lay type flower garlands!

A thing that is morphing between a pingpong table and a grand piano, it has pockets in for 'tools' and I can play the game or the music?  

A shop Cat is there her parents too and much wealth.  We are in a popup Christmas shop - it is a shop/store and it's in a really poor area of a town and her parents are bringing their stock - really expensive Christmas gifts cards and decorations and I know the people here will think the prices laughable  ( A big wealth transfer) ??   Also seems to fit with the stuff above?  

Back in Sheilas, the back bedroom with the mirror where I'd seen a wired reflection.. was a white room filled with computers and tech all white too.     Sheila and Erics room is a strange pannel game were 3 African Americans are sitting they are wearing face masks but they have studded them with Gems and Diamonds and they are having a competition where they make expressions of them. 

(Woosh, and then there was all the story info too)   


Wednesday 21 July 2021

Back to school...but not as I knew it.

Past 2 nights was so relaxed, dreaming quiet chilling at Malico’s house… 

Inka had made me into a golden fur mouse, I’d slept in his pocket till he changed into a purple furred cat.  

He’d pinned me with his paws but didn't eat me.... just licked my golden furry mouse head. 



Last night again was my more usual dreaming..  

I could hear myself calling crew before I was dreaming.. They reminded me there close and that I'm stupid 😏


Just b4 midnight was woken by a fox, 

I’d been dreaming in a pizza place I was drinking a black liquid… it was almost like liquid liquorice - it’s flavour was overpowering and the consistency thick n gloopy.

There was a muddy floor that had been combed into a pattern… as the mud dried it would leave a leaf shaped earth flooring.

2 tall guys like the arm-pulls from the section….   They were not unkind just misled in their direction.

A woman was to birth we needed to hide both the pregnancy and the baby.



A strange residential home… a errr like a matchbox coffin. I was inside it and Inka was watching.


3 baths a pretty woman all in black, she was very beautiful - she was going to change my hair too.

Then I'm bk at school.... 

Inka was on admin.    Oh Shield art Viking style they were doing a display using shield patterns…. We were above like shield bugs.


Lol Inka.. WTF??  ‘Fun Hu?’ 💚

I was at high school, I was Andromeda - It was my class n form or a version of but the outside was odd.  

My form teacher was the same… it was a bit like the Gaia awaken dream.

Only this school was secure...
We were locked in there and Inka had arrived in my classroom to take me out side. 😆

Was funny to see him in that setting and as he hauled me out of class I asked him wtf are we here n what is going on??…..  😏
He told me while flashing me the appropriate dream recalls  '
I’m your failsafe Bitch. I’m here as Admin… you're in mirror of last's Imbolc dreaming.
That child you we visited on your birthday.
- you're playing her older role now and you're locked up here for fighting’.

Upside down roles Inti Sun is midwinter. 
My harvest is the upside down Imbolc.


Once he's explained what was going on...
He told me 'now I take you back'

I was to apologise to my teacher.

He walked me to my class door and I went up to my old teacher 

Mr McMeeking,

and apologised again for making him cry 💜

I was sorry at the time he had to suffer my crap, 

he was so gentle and I was just mad!

He’d never yelled at a female before me....
and I’d told him bk then… look don’t worry I'm very annoying, 

I'm ok with people yelling.

He seemed glad that I was back was nice to see him,

After apologising and I asked him if it was ok to leave his class room,
As I wanted to find and see the other school admin.


He excused me and I’d wandered threw the hallways,

reminiscing and recalling other dreams there. 

I caught up with Inka in an upstairs hall way,

and told him, I wana to see Leon.


He at me laughed and said follow... 

Leon was there too, he’s playing headmaster!!
Inka walked with me to Leon in an office where we’d hugged and laughed.

I asked Leon too wtf is going on here!!

I sat on the desk and he started to dream share,
Inka opens too sand we share conciousness.

The Andromeda and the A bomb and weaponised emotion… I’d been made to explode way to often!   

I was revisiting the glowing light timelines
My Handcuffs were the silver bracers given by my family,
linking me to my DNA & contracts.
So much recall it made me dizzy...
Inka is holding my arm to stop me falling,
He tells me with a  grin 'Failsafe Ren - once installed you're with me... outside time, one in all' 

I recall the dreams of may-tree-arc and mirror flows - the bomb I could defuse or just let blow. 
Inka was well installed!
We love to fight eachother <3 for friction fun.. like a Sis n Brother... 
Bite controll play like a small furry animal.
But can turn it off n on.... and since we swapped hearts we know when enough is enough.
'All in one.'

This is errrrr   'Irene rescue plan' ??   Hu?the dreams at her house?? 'Yeh Ren, you can fight all wars alone inside'  Oh?  Why was there Viking shields  'School, house, mouse'


Irene Maureen.. Irish names. I errrrr  DL? 'In TIME you'll know all Ren, Just play and have fun for now'
Errr im plant ? Imp plant? 'Could have had Titanium as a Child Ren, but YOU like to wait n play at the dead line'   Errrr  'It's why we plan like we do' kk On I'm unpacking this n all the dreams..

I remember now I was with Inka we broke a covenant that caused a flood and we did it on every layer!!

The flood...Information in ...and then that was the ocean in the sky world above!


I knew the promise broken I was both sides... The and more... 'See why it's fun mouse?'  Inka <3 Leon took me into dreams...   We viewed the current most viable timelines then he showed me current story.  Ian had washed his dred locks n his dirty fear was being processed :P 

We looked at the goalposts and we zoomed out again, I knew I needed to go much further North...Leon invited me to go with him and I let his awareness carry me out.

 Leon tells me 'It's ok Ren, you are far from alone here' I felt like I was speaking to people asleep...They wanted to celebrate his product I'd said creation was never designed to be marketed. 

Leon understood me our awareness was free form way above Europe and the northern continents. 
He'd asked me if I wanted to see how clouds were made and ofc I did...
He shares concepts as he creates forms and plays with clouds. 


Saturday 30 January 2021


A long dream I'd started in India and was making my way to China.   It was very rural in India I'd been travelling.

I'm on / in it's like an old wooden railway carriage the kind for animals meby, it was clean and empty as I journey though it changes and by the time I'm in China I'm on another of the odd modern white coaches I keep finding myself on atm.   

It was odd I was being asked if I'd be a tour guide seen as I was there.   I was confused as I wasn't local and didn't know the area either but they seemed to think I'd pick it up fast.   The space I was in was very modern, lots of public transport I was moving threw a city area too.

When I woke It was at Malicos house... lol and I was fastened to a radiator in the front hallway!

It was the green radiator from the asylum dream.  It had not been in the house till today.
I was confused and look down and I'm connected to it via my Silver Gate Ivy bracelet 😛 

Only it's like the magic braces now from this prison dream and is attaching me to the rad via a fine silver chain.
I'd yelled OI!!  to see what was up and Inka opened door grinning.  

Hahah,  He chucked me a Cushion and blanket (the one from our front room) and 2 mental images...

Pfff the Andromeda Star system above and this below. 'Re-Read Andromeda,  Squeak'

I don't watch films 😆

I'd laughed wondering wtf is going on now Inka told me I'd been trying to set stuff on fire again... They were keeping me out of trouble, sleep we be bk soon, I was sleepy so I'd got warm to dream again.  

On waking in the morning I know we'd all had brecky and I'd jumped bk to the roundhouse Inak too where he'd apologised for attaching me to the Rad.. but I was

Just realised I've been dreaming more astrology..

The Leo/Malico/Sun having a babe on the full moon again...  😏  You lot all in my house 😲 'Yes stupid'

I friction Leo/Leon hard hu?    'Your stupid Aquarian dreams Ren... just come bk less pissed tonight eh?'  Hhahha  Yeh ok 💜

Wow That Chart... My Dad's bday and our fam charts..  

Lots of Touching

  15th Dream at work..    I was with Ray, we were both young.   It was affectionate we had 3 dogs with funny personality's we were g...