Sunday, 18 July 2021

Just another SUN day morning.....

Leon, Sol, Sun...  I was puzzling the world's Daddy issues... the Mama issues are lack of trust in the body, earth Saftey & abundance.  

I figured Leon is best person to help me with this and I've not spent much time with him lately...
He's the only one of the crew with blue eyes like mine though my dream eyes change depending on where I'm at.... his are always blue.
He was the first one to find me - and show me stuff.

His grey version fell from his island with me down, down so I'd jumped to Malico's house who invited me in.
'You still keep using the Door Ren'  I'm crap at keys 😏 'It's another round your neck'  Habit then, I know you'll let me in!
I knew I was dreaming but I had no recall of them until the morning when Malico joined my awareness & Leon helped.

Threw the night I could hear Leon talking to me in Latin and telling me 'Dulce et Decorum est'  - wow I spelt it right 😆  lol

Once Malico merged with me I had good recall of the very long dreams I'd been having.

They were around a game and then also a coastline, ferry and port.

The coastline I could see in the air like an Escher drawing but way more detailed are huge sea mammals from all ages swimming like the sky of the coast I'm on is the ocean of a world above.

Birds are diving out of the flow and visiting the coastline I'm standing on.   
My heart longed to jump up to swim the flow but I knew I'd agreed for now to keep my feet on that ground.  
No one else could see them, as they watched me watch the sky....  
I knew I'd jump there fast once cleared it was TIME.

The ferry and a prize,
Tiny iridescent pink gems like tears.
I'd been playing a huge puzzle game,
it's finish was 3am.
I'd waited till the DEAD-LINE to complete,
and was first to win.

People were telling me I'd turned male while playing.
I told them that is cause you can't see from the eyes of a child.
Child ren see more than you understand.
Not all could even see the tiny crystal tears that were the prize.  
The puzzles were colours, green beans and a pink & cream striped cuddly toy were my final clues.

I gave the gems away,
but they'd soon be lost back to the game.
As few had eyes that could see the patterns in-between,
That form the clues to play and weave.

I'd got annoyed and hurt and I didn't care I'd won.
I just wanted to move on.

I'd pissed off 2 of the 3 game creators,
but my completion was not in question.
The younger two did not like my method.
The elder designer understood my motives.
I'd come here to complete my own way.

I'd met my bro with the game creators, he approved of my playstyle and was pleased that part was over.  
This was a meeting in astral, was good to catch up... but was lost soon to dreams once more.  

As 2 females wanted me to unlock a door.
I was telling them it was fucking pointless.
The keys we'd been given and the locks were just a distraction.

The doors didn't open from their side,
Yet they wouldn't quick bugging me.
I'd tried quickly to show what I mean,
Then had a go for wasting everyone's time.

The last part of the dream was the ferries laundry.
I was washing out my stuff before we got to port as I would be disembarking.

The laundry lady kept giving me sewing machines in cases with keys.
Telling me the cleaning capacity of various machines.
I didn't care I was in a hurry,
Just chuck them in a mix and get a bit of the dirt out.

Leon in the morning as he helps me with recall.
Shows me the Golden Snitch from Harry Potter...
Tells me over Dulce Et Decorum est
Golden Snitch, I was their golden bug ball.
Willful and Wild I play my own way.

I plan the crap out of my incarnations,
and tire fast of others bullshit.
It's why they find n guide me as
I'm their in-game ass hat asset.

Planetary stabilising asshat
When I get too lucid my patients run's out fast till I need squashing or jumping...
A storms Daughter and a Sovereign creator,
I don't stay long in any port or harbour.
I keep on moving with increasing consciousness...
Wow the poem 'Least we forget Ren'  
YEH D War off...   Dwarf off
Time now no need to fight as the battles and the front lines are only ever the mind.

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