Saturday, 17 July 2021

What am I waiting for?

Duck n cover….  Find a brother.

Watch a fall, take a curtain call.

Back stage.

The costumes hanging on disused rails.

Time is halted,


Held apart by intervals.

Popcorn tread on a carpet deep red.

Dirty bottles opened, left in forgotten corners.


Up in the rigging, a PieRat is a swinging.

Playing light filters, while narratives are splitting.

Watching the shadows threw the spots,

Holes in the story,

Spoiling old plots.


Eyes to the stage, where all life is a play,

Reality gamers,

Chasing story enders.

Weaving in dreaming's,

and hunting believers.

‘Squeaky?’. I wana go go go.. Can you windy windy a mouse?  

‘Intention Ren, I’ll see what I can find you to do’.  TY,  IOU find a balance too?

‘Bossy witch’.

Don’t mind the shit shift ;)

‘IK Ren.. ‘. I need but I need ‘Trajectory’.

Yes….  Ok….  I wana be busy with my own fun.  Turn the magic up, plug me into the what n the when… lets get this shit show on the road again


Oh plantery root issues??


They need a cosmic car rot moment….  Hummm.  I’ll dream thy, ty.


Avicii…. Wake me up!!!    ‘Snooze bugged mouse’.  Lol love you… what did I head butt?

‘Will remind squeaky’. Was it you? ‘Mirrors Ren… your not scared to test them’. Oh. Haha



Jump scare n back door raiders 😳 but they r 😸 kittens n cat flap


No room in bed... Zak kicks me out so move to the sofa with the cats.

I wake at 03.30 Inka had been with me... the errr Norad Santa tracker?? :P  

Hum... The Santa dreams.. Or where I was Santa?
I was bouncing through Memories the night I was taken handcuffed in the Ambulance but they didn't work... the Catflap bins they use - So many big Red Buttons!   I was seeing it as a shape-sorter too.

Them kids toy busses with cutouts and shapes to shove through.

444 the kittens wake me again playing on me.
Dawn comes early for them in high places,
I'm dreaming in the valley on the ground.

I'd been astral here Loci and I back in the woods where we were solstice morning where that NW Sheperd dogo checked me out.

We'd been sitting on the ground in the mud we'd made the mud blue/purple we were changing it's consistancy it was like obleck but more specialised as we could form things with it.

We'd made the mud blue/purple it was like from this dream with lol the
Dark curse 😂💜💩

Loci was helping with the recall and how all the dreams and lessons fit now.
It was in the dream too where we crashed a gold coach into a river... That time I'd called  it a missing element.  Inka and me were made from it when we swapped hearts.

Leon and Kaylo a vivid golden light but Leon is happy being grey too.  
Everything was going on at once and I could just focus or tune my attention to what I wished to experience.   We then put all the colours into me changing the form and colours of the mud as we played and shared.

We were biding out time...  Biden the president  Hummmm..
more Polo -tic's
I was aware I was waiting on the next 'jump address'

Inka was with bugs... The Nephilim portal I'd helped with when the bugs asked bk in 2011.

I always go down first, root to grow.  
Recycling, eating, connecting weaving...
The bugs n plants inbetween us.
Golden light the air threw bug eyes.
All the colours of air and sight,
fractal patterns between what it there and isn't
What we think we see is not the space where we reach.

I'd suddenly missed Malico but it was bright and time to get up n Run... I recalled the fabric he gave me twice a blanket that was like the folded night sky... I remember Jupiter is due bk in Aquarius soon.  

Another me had been dreaming in my main dream area.
A long dream Jude & Jims guest house had been filled with kids they were all over standing in halls and rooms.  

I was passing through with lots of second-hand fabric... 

old blankets and clothes are all well worn.

All plane colours or things with occasional stripes - no patterns 

I was moving sorting weaving... the kids were guests.  

I was moving the fabric to where it might be needed.

A sense of waiting... our crew are all waiting ready to play again.
A stillness while things catch up again.   
I go play fiction! 'No Such think Ren, we told you that this time last year'  
Leon!!  Heya..  'Write Ren, I will help'   kk sounds good!

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