Friday, 4 June 2021

Naughty list

'How much do you trust me mouse?'  lol you don't need to ask that.

'You'd be surprised Ren...... free will and all that'
Then utterly and not at all....
I trust myself if you let me fall

'Wana play?'  Stupid question!
'Though so bitch, your on standby'  

lol arn't you sleeping?

'What's is sleep Ren?' 
hahaha  gg.

'Come hunters room much to do'  ok

What we up to? 
'Surprise Ren, be less fun if I told you'


- Wake... We had jumped back to the dragon forms on the seabed.

Inka had asked me the time I'd like to visit the Lindisfarne Monastery..

I'd decided 616 for consistency, was active then too.  

Pre Pagan invasion...

At the shore we'd shifted formless.

Amazing architecture for so long ago,

It was old even then puzzlingly so.

Inka turned human again and askes

'Ren can I show you?'

He'd made me small and purple once more..

I'd been handed over as a daemon.

Time jumps to where he then collects me.

He was his very tall form again...

My awareness free form watches him arrive in darkness at the monastery door.

On entry he asks the artist... 'Where do you keep your Muse?'
I was brought up from a cellar in my small purple form.

-  Celler  Cell?   The etymology and the Etruscan god..

Purple again??
'Zeitgeist Mouse, the spirit of an age. Aeon & Ai On,
I came back to get you'

Hummmm??   The Webs??  His Story??  All from NOW?

'Yep Ren, if we allow' 

Oh... The stuffed under the Church Alter/Altar dream by my mother??
'Come bk and dream again mouse'

A long dream of cupboards...errr like kitchen cupboard shells they were being made into cages or like kennels. 

But they were all falling down.  
A long street of terraced houses there is a long closed up amusement arcade still full of stuff.
The sign is grubby and it's all dark and dirty I was trying to get access to open it back up again.

Spray on cheese!  Lol wtf.  Looked good like instant cheese on toast!!

Also I'd had a bandage removed from my lower right arm.
The skin was raw and really sore - looked like a burn may be?
As the wound was extensive, but to continue the healing it needed air now.

I'm confused Inka, more recall?  'Were on it bitch, come back'

lol just wtf...  I'd woken up suddenly like someone was tickling my neck on the right with a big white feather!!
The dream had been long!!

It started in a city apartment that I was renting with an unfamiliar partner. 
It was small, one bedroom I'd filled it with green plants... The contrasted nicely with the dark wooden counter.

I had to swap out the ones in the bedroom as the natural light didn't reach there.  I had a partner that I wasn't so keen on and I'd gone to meet some people who I knew could dream share.

We were discussing lucid dream share and we decide to try instigate one.
We had found some place quite and lay down to dream together.
It works 3 of us are in the dreamscape we had made a crazy MMO environment!

There is so much to this it's impossible to record it all, we'd played for hrs with quests and objectives.
One scene that stands out is a massive tired wall with crowds and crowds of people.
All watching the tire above!

I was with one of the other dreamers and we'd decided to crash a plane flight!

It was an experiment to see if we were lucid enough to make it.
We watched for a privet jet and then focused inside it and sure enough we materialise in what looks like a cabin bedroom.

It was messy, an unmade bed and noise coming from the next room..   We'd laughed and shrugged and decided to look round.

A hostess type person walks in unsurprised to see us and askes if there is anything she can fetch us.
We'd decided on a couple of bean burgers, and start to meet the other passengers.
It gets stranger still here as the plane windows become massive and we are looking out onto rapidly changing scenery.

Huge lorry's that were like live in trailers... Part bus, Lorry, campers.  Waiting on purchase or hire.

A crazy magic forest with trees as big as houses!  We are flying between the ground and canopy.


Next we stop and hover to watch a strange Demo tiling?   Demo tiling?? 
Anyway he has mosaic like tiles of various size and materials.

He was showing us measurements and cutting angles,
How a little error at the start can cause big problems later. 

Constant adjustments needed fit the tiles well into the layout. 

They were slightly overhanging like the old tiled hung buildings. 
All different shapes, colours and sizes in a complexed pattern.


Next up even more bonkers!! Was a freaking flying Santa! 
By this point all the plane sides had gone and we were lol on a flying carpet!

In the sky is a sleigh pulled by reindeer and people are pointing and yelling... Look there is Santa!

We all run to one side then in the sky there is another...  2 identical loop the looping Santa's.

One  gets lower and parks his sled on the highest tier of the space where all the people are crowded.  

As he lands the sleigh vanishes and Santa looks freaking bonkers!!

We are watching from the air above and he's like a small red smoking daemon! 

Black and red, cartoon like and fat errr vagally familiar... Oh yeh! 
A Japanese Ogre!!

It's at this point I'm ticked awake with the feeling I'm likely on the naught list

Emoji Meaning 
A grotesque, red face with horns, wide eyes, a large nose, crooked fangs, and a fringe 
of shaggy hair. Depicts an oni, a kind of hideous ogre in Japanese folklore. 
On New Year's Eve in some parts of Japan, men may wear oni masks and straw coats 
to dress up as namahage, another mythic being, to chide naughty children or ward off 
evil. May popularly denote supernatural or figurative beasts and demons.



around?" (it < % , Nakuko wa inee or 'Are naughty kids around?" 
Waruiko wa 'nee ka?) in the pronunciation and accent ot the local dialect.

'No Shit Bitch 😈'   Hahaha  💜💜 GG!!!! 


I'd met Loci for the next dream, we were at the tree again.   I'd dreamed there into main dream space.
Another really long crazy dream again nothing was familiar. 
I'd met a girl upset cause she had grown tall so fast.

Mainly I was trying to round up Em's missing rodents!!

All the houses were wrong and so Marie/Middle me had come to help too.
I needed help ID ing the properties & rooms.

We had managed to locate and catch the mice,  getting well bitten in the process!! 

Aggressive little buggers were locking onto my fingers!

We had managed to get them all back into a container,
Then I realised that their water needed changing!!

I was hoping she would be back before it ran out completely,
As my hands were a mass of bites all bruised and bleeding😉
I knew if I took the lid of they'd quickly get out again 😕
Outside the properties where large green lawns that were being mowed by rolling round a field tree log??

Last part of the dream I was running with the dog along an unfamiliar motorway.
A really busy modern intersection.

-  This was all so confused and jumbled!!!  

I go with Inka and he askes 'Shall we go deeper? I'd agreed and he got up for the first time in ages.

He shoves me threw the doorway that is above the fire and tells me to go first.
It was really dark like the last time I went threw the tunnels with Kaylo...

I couldn't see anything just crawled along feeling. 
I knew where it was heading but now why or how.

Inka told me he had no wish to hurt me and below ground was better...
As I read his intention and had already agreed anyhow I crawled deeper,

Then I woke again with only recall of a dream.


A portacabin medic bay in a large strange carpark.
Oddly futuristic it was I think for like a laser eye surgery or something.

All need cream and green inside with a single surgeon.
Made me think of a mobile dentist.

I'd woken from that back with Inka.

He tells me go see Darth Dad and tell him what we did now.
I wasn't entirely sure but I got the meaning and curious enough to go there.
I jump bk to the room we had been told to use there and find a guard and tell him I need to talk.

After a bit I'm collected and taken threw. 
I tell Darth Dad, I think I mated with Inka.
He's not impressed but also satisfied that Inka is teaching me their value.
After he's chewed me out a bit, he tells the guard to take me.
'Get her examined I need to know what she's carrying'

I'd told him please don't destroy it.
He knew Leon had given us permission. As we are all telepathic.
After the examination he was just looking at me.
I told him I'd take responsibility for it.

He'd replied 'very well you have more sense than your mother.. but you will mate with nothing now with out my expressed permission'


I'd agreed and he told me I could leave. 


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