Monday, 7 June 2021

Wild Seeds and Crazy Eggs

What's with the ash? 'Will show come dream soon' 
It's the tree!! Hahah one just introduced it's self!... World tree.   Sheesh. 

I wake first still early a long dream I wasn't sure if it was with Inka or Darth dad as I'd jumped to him first. 
He'd read my intention as soon as I'd landed, while not pleased he had appreciated my directness.


He said thanks to my frankness he'd make no attempt to stall us.
For now we could fuck off with his blessing 😆   Were all aware we are seeding trouble.

The dream was... Errrr Inka??  'It's Moon-Day mouse... Go with it'   Hahah

Ok umm..  I'm in a race, game comp.   
I'm a hunter, I have white glowing  arrows and I don't miss a target.   

I'm stalling something from convening on a location and as I fire and they stumble more and more bodies are pile up creating a roadblock.

But then I'm also the one picking up the fallen..  One dudes pelvis was so very broken - I could see inside the bodies no problem at all.
Triaging them for patching up while warning them they were out of the race for now.
The world had needed some resistance...
I don't recall objectives, sides or the chases target.
Just that I was both a hunter and a healer.

Ah... A His story book again??   But I was hearing in the reading of a fable of old??

'Ian's in bed now Ren... Move to change your dreaming'  lol oh yeh.. Kk
Hahah it's 101
😛  'Mmmmm'

I get up n shift down to the sofa.

Loci had jumped Inka and me back to Greenland..I needed to shatter for more perspective and we had chatted how make it happen.

I'd recalled the Carol Church Yard.  Inka reminded me of the night before and then I'm just everywhere at once again.

I'm seeing the landmass we are on moving north from the centre of the planet where it was born, different plates splitting and joining.


Inka reminds me of Christmas, Virgins, Virgo and Sunder Land.
Oh lol my main dream space to and North Sunder Land...

Eggs too the laying of eggs... Bright white the shells are soft and slimy. 

The egg dreams last year, some with clear snakes in?

Also the ones laying on a beach as we were going to crash an economy??

Last weeks Hens with Black & White eggs....  Oh and the purple crystal dragon?  
'You'll let me be the lightning?'  lol Inka??
He's showing me the purple lighting from the Dragon awakening dream & from the floor in the 'Gaia awaken project'

'You think in pics Ren, jump back here'  

Why are the eggs white what am I seeing? 

I can't find the very old dream 2006 time a female dragon needed help to take her eggs underground to sacred sites??? 🤔

'Come here ffs Ren, sleep!'  Haha

.... Fucking hell!!
👀  'Not quite yet'  Hahah Inka 🤣

Amazing energy flow, all up left side from my toes and soul up to heart space...  My dream dust fractures to illuminated Celtic knotwork I'm seeing incredible complicated images.

Glowing and breathing.... And gallery's worth of images!! 

Then the same flow this time right side... Body trembling now.


'Bk, squeak lay down n shhh' 

Long dream

Vlaris Valaris?? -- Wow... That's odd given the nights dreaming's!!! 





The dream was a school full of unhinged delinquents lol and a fair few werewolves...

Again it was lay out as mirror building but a little more complexed and more fractal.  
A band too, music... We were going to play somewhere Cuba or California, Mexico?
A Halloween party oh it was at a Sun Day School.  

All kids dressed up, more werewolf.

Oh it was our local church.  Michel the vet was there he had showed me it on a photo.
He'd asked 'This is where you grew up?'   I'd nodded and pointed to a model of a fishing boat and told him 'that was the fidelis'


I was trying to find a male in the fractal building as I'd said I'd help with something on a bouncy castle 😆

These dreams were jumbled, Ian came and work me to see where I'd got too.

Next wake.... 

3 x Seahorses like 3x3x3 they looked like curly numbers or tiny dragons.. Oh it's 333!!  Hahaha
'Obviously...'  Blue centre ewwwwww 'Incoming Ren'  lol  Oh yeh!!

I'd gone underground now with Inka, Loci too - who'd arrived earlier to help to hold me. 
I'd been a massive dragon 😆   Inka too, but I'd needed to split and fracture.

I'd found our location, then I just piggy backed in Inka...
We'd become one with the earth at first moving threw it -

We'd been deep below the surface and found the lava flow and Inka asked me to make it purple.

I wasn't sure how... But I'd just needed to lay down and merge with it... It would then change and become one with me.  

Eggs into Lava too, they could hatch there. 

Oh the seahorses were also Loci, Me and Inka!! 

We'd been dreaming, fighting playing in so many places... Errr oh the male seahorse gives birth hu? 
'Yeh mouse'     cool, so many amazing images.

Under the sea but also these amazing purple lava flows.

Next up like a clock face with nails for numbers, a weaving and winding in various patterns.
Was like a massive starshaped fabric blanket.

Kids will be pressured to vaccinate for their teachers and family's?  Emotional manipulation 'Blackmail bitch, call it out'  lol

What else?? We were in lava and water?? How dose that work?? 
'💜 Come here' 

Oh, the seahorses are also the twisty serpents??  Are they something in brain structure too?  

Hippo campus?  The sea goat??
I forget now 'Come mouse we teach and play'

You showing me so much stuff... 'Yeh Ren.  Told you your owning and landing much this cycle'

Hahaha that was fun!! 

An astral book study club.

We'd picked a story that made a puzzle.

Were we the plot or the gaps in the middle?? 

A friend was joking I was trouble either way that they'd still need to report me to the book authorities.

We were looking at the book and starting to discuss it, we had shapes that could change we had to make 21 into something.

We'd landed in the story expecting to be alone there.

When we realise the world is already inhabited.  Lol

I'd suddenly realised I was about to be hunted,
and called mentally to the others to look for cover.

I'd jumped into long grass to try and hide there but I know it's kind of pointless.
I'd made to much sound and I wake just before I'm about to be grabbed.

515  'Get up and write mouse, busy Monday.  Time to DL' lol  Ok..


Well shit!

So I'm underground dreaming in the Atlantic Ocean watching land masses change... fucking with lava - and planting crazy seeds and eggs to cause trouble......

Ians dream.. He's flying over north east Canada in a plane, watching the land below getting destroyed and corrupted. lol.... and that was with me moving downstairs!!!

Hummm Last August.. 

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