Sunday, 20 June 2021

OOPS!! Happy Fathers Day!

   Squeak? .... The frequency's you hear in your head want to play defuse now. 

Morse code..  'TIME NOW - Mouse code'  Hahahah yeh plx.

It will help the? 'Yeh Ren, you were just crazy enough to hunt the catholic church'  church mouse?? 

Tag team?  'Come Ren, you have already helped few loose ends'  

I've not been to Ireland 'You'd be surprised mouse... Jump to me, I'm your tour guide'  lol kk but you? 'Invasive to bitch, I just recall 😏'  Hahahha  lol  I come back too   'Yeh when you feel like it!'  😋

'Were not going alone, tag team of 4 atm' 

I was between all the frequency's Inka was trying to help me tune them out. 
lol we built a phone box. All around.
Square blue one
💜  A turd is!!

Seemed the best eye deer
seen as we are fending shit from here!!   Lol

Next I remember it's easy.

Put down the crap bags & make it simple.

Play and go back to b4 the knots at the start.

lol Astral Mr Tickle!!
'Works for you Ren and you're supper squiggly'
Hahah ok... I've done this before?

'Ripples Mouse, your in the ripples of your many now's'
Can I have Loci help plx?  'Inc' 

'Yeh Ren inc'   so we?  Oh...   The noise stopped??

'Yeh was irritating'  Hahahaha

So how do I??? 

'Upside down Ren, go inside out'  Oh....
Last time I turned inside out I was a tube... Lol now I'm a ball?? 

Can we go to the May Tree Arch?
'Yeh mouse the one in your space and we dream as 5 now'

Errrrrr  Kaylo, Inka, me, Loci and darth dad??

'Yes Ren, it's to late now'  lol... Kk whatever......

I need to stuff my head in the BURN!   A bit... Lol sheesh... See you all there.

What is the other burn called??

Phahahhaa!!   You fuckers!!
Engine Burn & Swinhoe Burn!!
Into AnnStead?? 


The one from Em's lol!!

This is some crazy dreaming....

'Listen... Ren, I'm El, your fucking with.... But your funny & fucking nuts'

Fucking el? 
😛 lol  What Darth dad is Anu??   - duno what they are...


Pffff what ever happy fathers day 'No problem, wild crazy northern bird' 

Hahah   - I see all the Skua dreams... 

The parasitic 
jaeger, also known 
as the Arctic skua, 
Arctic jaeger or parasitic skua, is d 
seabird in the skua family Stercorariidae_ 
The word "jaeger" is derived from the 
German word Jäger, meaning "hunter". 
The English "skua" comes from the 
Faroese name skügvur sklkvuer] for the 
great skua, with the island of Sküvoy 
known for its colony of that


The arctic skua is d large seabird about the size of d common gull. Arctic skuas are 
pirates: chasing other seabirds, such as puffins and terns, and stealing the fish they have 
caught. It can often be seen flying low and fast over the waves in pursuit of prey and only 
comes to land to breed.


The Parasitic jaeger......  
 'Yeh YOU are relentless!' 

😍 Oh well happy fathers day!  'Idiot' 

I'm seeing the globe...
 'Wana go to the pole?'.. Lol Santa?  Yeh... Eh?? Hahaha

Sure.. Let me pee.

I'm seeing a globe with candy cane north pole twisting like a barbers sign
Fly to the top...Lol Santa?  Yeh... Eh?? Hahaha  wtf is going on

'DW crazy just let us show'

Oh haha the pie, the pole the eye's and holes!!

So so many dreams...  Hahah  way to much recall!!  Story's & games
Like Hell & Polestar and dog star??  'Bitch Star?'  Hahah  Cat & Dog!  'And mouse'

Hahaha Squeak!!!!

'Drag me down Ren?'  Ohhh....    This??? 

Pie 4+20 4  or 204 42 errrrr

Black birds baked in a pie??

'You're never going to quit Ren 😏'  Hahaha  value fulfilment😏

'Pie filling?'  Hahahah   He El - She Ra??
Oh Dan El Miche El  'Lost boys and crazy Bo peep!'

Hahahah..Hunting inside to the pull of a brother and jumping inside.. Till they are one and other??

'Find later... '   Your using me to DL?  'Yeh... Mouse code, stay still'  Hahahah  my recalls insane!!! 

'I know stay still'  :P  ADHD ;)

The Ai the Mirror Robots? 
'Yeh Ren, your Trouble'  hahaha  Ripples??  'Mmmmmm'

Pahaha  OMG  Blue ted!!
💙   My Mam & Dad won him at a fair!! 
My Teddy wasn't a replacement mother it was a replacement brother!!

I'd wake up with crazy messy hair!! My Mam would ask what were you doing!!

'Blue Ted did it!!'    'Dragon licking your head!'  Hahahah  GG!!!

Little boy blue, come blow your horn
The sheep's in the Meadow the Cow's in the corn!!
Where is the boy who looks after the sheep 😋
Under the haystack half asleep!!


'Half a brain dipshit!'  Hahaha  Horns of RA!! 
So many horns!!
 'Brumm Brumm Beep Beep!!' 
lol so many snoots to boop! '
This is so silly!! 

Oh Zak!!  Lol I know
👀 'Yeh, together you spilled the beans!' 

Haha the human beans... The crazy bean explosion!!
Last year when you were pin ponging between me n him 
Lol He spilled beans then you jumped back and told me 

 'Quick!! Bean explosion' Hahah 'I duno the date, will find as need'

Wow... SO much crazy....  

💜  OOPPS!!

OMG the Frequencys were more beep beep bop bop!! 💙💜💙💜

Haha if your going to kill me plx don't kill me slow!!!   
I'll die laughing again and again!  It's why my humptydumpty head got so smashed up 😆

DJ god FTW!!

Ooofff... 👀

I'm going there?!

'Dw mouse, your doing this for a reason'

Yeh but I'm an idiot 🙃

'Its why we're helping'

'People need to remember what they are capable of before they blow the shit show up'

Hahaha kk  

I'm seeing that visually 🤣 OFC


Wolf in sleeps clothing??...  the wolf eating red riding hood?  


How about the wolf inside bo-peep? 


Hahaha 🤣  ok that's good.


'Told you bitch we're smarter n faster than your dumb ass' Hahaha


I'll just stand as a tree it worked for sneaking into the fairy place!!


Discord..    194??


Haha.... I was so tired up since 4am.. I tell Fay.  I'm going to nap.  

She tells me Naps r 4 babies 😅   I think.. yeh I didn't really grow UP.

Wowowowow  the lower Octave!!

Heart Hooked?  'Fish out of water??'  lol  High & Dry 😆

We DL the Selkie Program??? 
'Go on then... Sleep Witch' 

Wowowowow  the lower Octave!!


Low Key, a grand Father.. 'Yeh sorry Ren, we took yours out early.  We didn't really leave you'

lol WOW!!  

💚TIME NOW  'Yeh, your awake again'    hahahah didn't have much choice dogs barking and kids knocking 😜


Low Key, a GrandFather.. 'Yeh sorry Ren, we took yours out early.  We didn't really leave you'

lol WOW!!  

Oh!! The SUN the clouds have broken!   'Bouncy mouse' 


Come for a walk? 

Haha  your on! 

'We had a pillow fight Ren?'  Pie fight next??  

'Up to YOU'   Hahahaha   pfffff  yeh go on..  I can't look much more stupid at this POINT ;)

'GG Idiot, come hug the trees'  I do miss the sea!!   'Yeh... 2 worlds Witch 💚  you never left it' 

Wow!!  The kid at the door rocked up with a 5 leaf clover!!!  


'Magic Bitch, we just bugged Ireland '  Hhahahah 404!! 🤣 'Bk at your door' 

Kill your god n life you of your knee's? Road on Knees them trews from here. 


Hooks Ren??? '& Highest's'


You have a colourful family 'Hahaha'


A slinger lifts trains...with a hook  🤣

Lol and I broke my Dad's gift from his dad of a self winding clock 🤣


'Heist bitch.. lifting a timeline'


Lol in His Story 🤣


GG again ... 


Chinese food for Father's Day Ren... we are heading bk to Asia...


We are? 'Argue?'  Lol don't temp me to a pie fight 🤣


DO I want to how many varieties of bitch I've been??   'Not Yet Ren...  Just play the game'  Hahahah


'DW mouse, people will find you as they need too..   Just keep squeaking'


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
For other uses, see Veritas (disambiguation). 
In Roman mythology, Veritas (Classical Latin: meaning truth, is 
the goddess ot truth, a daughter ot Saturn (called Cronus by the Greeks, the 
Titan ot Time, perhaps first by Plutarch), and the mother ot Virtus_ She is also 
sometimes considered the daughter ot Jupiter (called Zeus by the 
or a creation ot The elusive goddess is said to nave hidden 
in the bottom ot a holy She is depicted both as a virgin dressed in 
white and as the "naked truth" (nuda verttas) holding a hand 
Veritas is also the name given to the Roman virtue ot truthfulness, which was 
considered one ot the main virtues any good Roman should possess. The 
Greek goddess ot truth is Aletheia (Ancient Greek: AÅh8ela)_ The German 
philosopher Martin Heidegger argues that the truth represented by aletneia 
(which essentially means "'unconcealment") is different trom that represented 
by veritas, which is linked to a Roman understanding ot rightness and finally 
to a Nietzschean sense ot justice and a will to 
In Western culture, the word may also serve as a motto. 
Contents [hide] 
Goddess ot truth 
Veritas depicted on the monument to Pope 
Alexander Vll 
See also 
External links 
Greek equivalent 
Mottos [edit] 
This Latin word "verttas" now appears in the mottos ot many colleges, universities 
and other diverse organizations. It is typically capitalized in mottoes (as "VeritaS') 
tor being an ideal (such as: Truth, Kindness and Beauty). Verttas is the motto ot 
Harvard University, Hutchesons' Grammar School, The University ot Western 
Ontario, Drake University, Knox College (Illinois), Silkent University, the University 
ot California - Hastings College ot the Law, as well as the Dominican Order ot the 
Roman Catholic Church, and Providence College and Molloy College which is run 
by the Dominicans. 'Veritas" is also the motto ot Loyola College, Ibadan in Nigeria. 
Loyola College was established by the Roman Catholic Church and named tor St. 
Ignatius ot Loyola. Additionally, the word appears in mottoes that are phrases, or 
lists e.g. the auckley School ot the City ot New York employs the phrase Honor et 
Veritas, the University ot Indonesia's motto is 'Veritas, Probitas, lustitia", the 
University ot Cape Coast in Ghana's motto is 'Veritas Nobis Lumen", the University 
ot Michigan's motto is: 'Artes, Scientia, Veritas"_ Doshisna University in Kyoto, 
Japan's motto is 'Veritas Liberabit Vos"_ 'Veritas vos liberabit" ('The Truth Will Set 
You Free") is the motto ot The Johns Hopkins University and St Thomas' College 
(Autonomous), Thrissur, the first Catholic college in Kerala. 
Caldwell College in Caldwell, New Jersey issues a 'Veritas Award" each year in 
honor ot the Dominican Sisters who founded and administer the college. 'Veritas"


'Read Mouse... Symbols... Your shit spelling is a gift'  Hahaha  😆 

Inka what is going on?? 'Storms daughter Ren they didn't BANK on you being HERE'   Eh?? 

'Just keeping you out of trouble'  lol 


Eh....  Hahah Iron Fe-male... I was thinking this today..  I didn't know that was the Punch n Judy day!! 
I errrrr You gave me a different nut to fuck!!  'Mmmm'   Hahahah

Pull the bin bag out for rubbish day and it's all crawling with maggots... 

'Don't freak bitch, I'm testing you.... They are baby's..
Pick them up gently, you can love a fly can you love a maggot'

Inka I've had to remove them from live animals...  But go on....

'Good...they transform too and help clean up'  Mmm

Oh the Image today   'Asia next Ren ok?'   Yes <3  TY

Skellig??  'Check the order number' 

OMG... I'm about to order.  'Yup' 

Mind blown...  'Both directions Ren -  and round and round!'  Hahah


nervous, as his new baby sister was born earlier than expected and may not live because ot a 
heart condition. When Michael goes into the garage, he finds a strange emaciated creature 
hidden amid all the boxes, debris and dead insects. Michael assumes that he is a homeless 
person, but decides to look atter him and gives him food. The man is crotchety and arthritic, 
demanding aspirin, Chinese food menu order numbers 27 and 53 and brown ale. Michael nears



Themes [edit] 
Skelltg is deliberately ambiguous about its title Almond has provided public answers to some frequent 
questions trom his school visits. The names "SkeIIig" and "'Michael" are derived trom the Skellig Islands off the coast 
of County Kerry, One ot them is Skellig Michael Island; St Michael is also the name ot an archangel. 
Almond has acknowledged the influence ot "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings", a snort story by Gabriel Garcia 
Marquez Paul Latham compares the works in a research article, "'Magical Realism and the Child Reader: The Case

Ireland again!!

This morning is tripping me out. I'm a Celt, cork clan, Ireland 50/50 Irish 
English, part of my journey lead me to a website that sells artifacts found. 
The past 2 years of chaos became so clear after receiving this ancient sola 
cross worn by my ancestors. Not instantly but progressively like a pattern.


Anw.'ay I'm of to sit in worship this morning with my grandmother for the 
first time since I was a child. I send love to all

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