Tuesday, 22 June 2021


'Used your mon key eye 👁 to look up the butt hole of
human it.  
Give it a poke with the golden pointy finger'


your bating me for a trigger ' Don't need to Ren, you're a fucking idiot anyway up

Seed planted'  I'm laughing my ass of now 🤣


Fuck off with them I brows... 'I already know u want to!!

I give you 20 mins till you warm to my eye dear' 🤣




Shits n giggles 🤣 'go on...  boop the poop 💩,


Then duck n run for cover'




No... not that clean up!!!

'Back up?'  Spiritual constipation?


'There full of shit bitch... go on.  Boop it'


'One down...double dip'  I duno 🤔 ❓

Look up...the mon-key pyramid??


Asshole above???


We've taken you to inner earth 🌎 Ren


 Lol mirror 🤣  'Why we always poking eyes'


This ones a chocolate starfish...  'Go on your fast'


Pfff where will it land 🤔 'Did bitch you danced it  to the ground last year'


Go on then   🖕  'GL..  just think of England 🤣'


Golden finger up ya bum...??




'Duck bitch'




Oh... prostatitis full of their own shit? 'Wait n see?'


Kk I'm standing clear though🤣


'Now another good time to hide inside me'


Hahaha 🤣 shit umbrella? 


Oh man..  'Duck n cover... just Don't look up Now'


Lol 😆 its still coming down..  'Its their bed too bitch'


Ooofff....  Why me........   🙄


Inka ..'you might be predicable bitch...  I egg you on,

No ones expecting it to speed shit/shift this fast'



'Just watch...  from a safe distance'   😆


'Ride on time?'  Mouse in times pocket...

Crazy squeaky with keys to a cock??


What is going on?  You both worked at the Neptune..


Yeh but..


Hahaha oh 🤣


I was at the drift wood first! 

She was at the pinnacles as a bingo caller!!


To silly...  'Watch & sea witch'



Mmmmmm  'Relentless Curiosity!'  Pfffff  IKR


Hummm I'm Ocupied with black and white at 00.01  ??  Hummm Oh One I  pie 
I'd been with Inka I was singing I'd crashed my car into a bridge..  

'We were stupid'  Pied   Hahah  lol The Pie fight

Oh Hahah the Magpie!! 😆
'DW Ren, your Still a colourful clown.... Your tricky like that' 


WTF have I done now!! 

Open - Reach have been here all week??  

Laying new under the ground.

'Infer structure'  Yeh..   'I told you that this morning' 

The upgraded pole & Wires I saw in the sky.
Wires and underground.

'More robust Circuitry needed'

Oh... Ooofff my head the wires & weirs

And the 'Cheese?!'  lol Yehhhh  

'Stupid Mouse'  Hahahaha
'Wana play?'  Pffffff In for a penny in for a pound. 
Suppose I've fucked it now....

Hahaha you fed me a chocolate button!! 

'Monster who ate darkness... It's squeezing bk out now'  🙄

Owls...  WHO who... 
Takes two to make the call.
They call to one and other!

'Nearly 101 come for a hug'
lol..  Sorry, Kaylo....   TY!

Inka told me.... Seeds have been planted some wild and some
just stupid?  'Stupid' 
Haha I forgot that!!
I'm sorry I love you all... I am a bit wild

Oh Fay said to me yday.. You have hitchhiker's thumbs??
I didn't know it was a thing..  It bends odd.
but !!!  I don't even have a car to crash!!

'Or a boat Idiot'

Hitchhiker's guide to a silly galaxy. I didn't read it

Hahah oops
I'm more of a busker...

Guess I'm a hopeless roman tic too!  'Want a bug squash?'  Hahah yeh, go on!

'Stupid parasite'  💗 lol Sorry 🕷

'Wana clean up?'  Yeh I got a stupid messy Aquarian space here again (The food fight didn't help!)
'Start with the Laundry you forgot to get out'  Oh...  X 2!!  'MMMmmmm' 
Oh Hahah I was in the bath and this was the other half of that wash... The plumbing flood issues too.

I'd said I wish it would stop raining and Kaylo said 'Ask Nicely'   Hahah.
I wish it would stop raining please!  And it did 😆

'Come on then Stupid bitch...........'
I keep having this wyrd dream??    
'Tell me about it...!'    Hahahah  💗💜💙💜💗 🤪

Now what?? 
'Heart Hook?'  lol What's the catch?  '🤪'  Pahahahah 'You like fish too Squeaky' 
This is so stupid!!! 

'You can't help yourself stupid mirror witch, you're to easily amusable'   IKR!!

'Come on?.... I'll teach you how to fish, You're a Fisherman's Daughter' 

Seals can fish?? 
'Ok We can share a beer, I'll teach you how to steer?  We taught you how to swim in the Ocean after all'
lol  Oh go on then.... 
 'Boo!'  Phahahahah  Cat Jump scare!!  

I bent down to put some recycling in and as I'd Agreed Scribble leapt threw the cat flap!! 

So I had a bath, sorted some washing, brushed and Fed all the cats and went back to bed.
My head hurts...  
'It's full of shit!!!'  Hahahha  IKR!!! 💚

'Want a hand?'  Not a clap or round of apple sauce?? 'Nah, I'll hold hand's too Idiot'  Hahah Nice 'Mice' 

My Energy body MAN! 
'Hahaha I'm sorry we just Patted you on the head ;)!!!'  lol  😂  💜 Bullshit!!  💜

Rock Key & Bull Win-Key?

'At least you remembered not to look up!!'  Hahaha💓

'Come back mouse' 

I was in the story in my head… they are almost all awake!!

lol Orwell's Boot??
'Or Wellies?'   Hahaha   'Grab a pitch fork Ren, lets muck out?' 

Hahahahahah   You silly!!  'Idiot'  Hahahah
'You’re a vet nurse Ren, at home in Animal shit ;)'  Hahah tru that…

Comes with the territory Oh   lol!! 
Last year  <3  'Yeh'   The guy dance…   time loops

Pffff I like dancing??   'Mmmm it's cool, We know how to play you stupid!' 

I'm so confused again!!! 

What is going on this is 😲  The Hook & Crook And Poky Fork!! 
That was the See/sea Shepheard sign I saw…   Not the net one….  I saw diffrent here.

'GG Ren, Chill your Stupid Northern Head in another Burn!'  hahaha 

'You haven't got a Roman nose, you've got Roman toes!!' 

Ahahah lol   could you stop pulling it?  'Say Please?'   Please

Next Ian wakes feeling wyrd

I'd told him it's just his fear..
He asked why dose he do it to himself

I suggested he asked his heart,

See what that says.

Zak charges in who's had a nightmare.
I give him Woodhog nose to boop and that makes him giggle.

We go bk to sleep with Zak in the middle

TY that was funny

I was a gooffball golf ball!!  Inka came with a golf club shaped like an upside down cross!!

Forship 😆 

Hahahahah Inka!!  The Shaman's Bananas and Fish!!  'Keep up bitch?'   lol 😍

'Haha, you told me a ring on a planet is no bad thing!' 😆 'You got an ear ring!

Lol Laughing cow!!!  'With half a brain!!!'   Jajajaja  😆 lol  This egg is cracking from inside out!!!


Plx stop?   💙 I can't stop laughing..  'Clown'... Yeh…  Tag team, your 'IT'  💙

Fay's Friend Sophie?  Dreams like me, loves Horror!!
 'Yep Ripples n patterns want to stop the crap??'

I duno how too? 
'Shut up then I DO 😈'

lol Mmmm ok?  I'm watching.

'Listening too'   Hah  

Who's got the bell that's ringing?

It's Belle  Bell!!  The kitten!!

All the big Ass cats were watching!!

Oh hahaha this time the bell is attached to a squeaker!!!


'You just put the blue toy mouse under your pillow!!'
hahah Yeh...

'Silly witch' 

💓  Hahah it's 555

She's playing with her big Bro Derpy!!

'Learning bite control??'  Hahha  May BEE???

'Now YOU know why a mouse bites a LION' 

Ahahhaah  Haha nothing ventured nothing gained 😏

'Sneaky Fuckers'  Greedy Bastards 🤣

Hahaha ok I'll be good…
'No change Ren, it’s not in your nature! It's why I gave you a tail/tale and pitch fork'  Hahahah  fair/fare/fear enough I don't mind clean up!! :P

Ohh  Haha lol

Oh Shadow has the Squeaker now…  he was reminding me that the Rats have been here.  I called them Mary and Agnes after the Scilly Isles St Mary & St Agnes.. 

'Told you you’re a Silly Witch' 

So I Sea 😆

Fight the fun stop the steal
Stealers Wheel?  '

Hiding the SUN.... 

I build walls Ren, you hop over & under..

I was trying to bury the mouse for the bugs.. Now I realise it was laying around.
I couldn't find the spade ;)
Going round and round the garden.

Kaylo told me last night.
Round and Round the garden like a teddy bare

One step 2 step tickly under there!! 

The spade is the upside down Anke that I started digging with..
Unable to find it wandering round and round,
I realise this is for my pink blossom May Tree Arc
In the greenhouse Inka tells me Use the Kerip and that is also your next clue mouse!
Oh...   Ok, India the sacred cow that just patted my head?

'Mmmm'  kk.
I'm holding it and Inka tells me don't bring it back to life,
I say I can't do that... He tells me don't be so sure!
He shows me the alligator!  Oh  War-Lock

Time now. 
The divides in the mind.
Oh the kerpi looks like a sickle

The sickle and the hammer? 

Pfffffff   The d war f ??  Hummmm
d war off!!
Ok... I tickle the sacred cow next!! 
She jumped over the moon :D
I duno anyone in India...
Oh with Kaylo in the story, I met all you guys there to in different guises!!
'Just B4 the overseers shipped you off'  WOWOWOOW!!
To a breeding program!   Squeak!!!  

This shit is getting fast!!  

'You're a mouse covered in catnip Ren with a bell on your tail!!'
The chase is on!!   'Hahahhaha'   OMG!!  'Squeak!' 

'Sort your work then DL fast... Or you'll vom' 

Roasted sunflower seed*

SQUEAK!!  'Jump mouse jump!'  Hahaha 
'Stop Spaces now, down tools!'   :P

Wowow  Nut revolt!! 'Mmmmm'  SQUEAK


How about I feed my Pantheon some cheesy dreamies??


Snorlax...  Hahaha  comic con! 
'Take an umbrella too!' 

Cloudy with a chance of Meat balls!!!
 'We all tried to tell you!' 


Food fight?? ---  Shipping forecast?? 

'One jump at a time mouse'

lol ok... I give up
 'Fuck your dumb'  Hahahha   IKR!!!

Stupid bread!  '
🍏'  Hahah 🍐  'STOP you Idiot'  I might need arrested or squashed again.   'Inc' 

Oh the dish ran away with the spoon....      
Yes, and you're welcome'  TY.... 

'Shipping forecast'  TY!!  

  Oh Ian's glass of water Dot's Bath!!  'Mmmmmmm'  WOW  

Dish and Spoon... Zak, the spoon this morning.  

Reflect upside down, moon....  This is how I tickle the cow?  Lol Eh?? Oh Thursdays Supermoon??   That I ordered..  I'm going to puck. 

'Then stop chucking food n stick to fish seal!!'  Hahahaha  OK!!! 

I thought you were squashing me... 
'You're a bouncy bug ball!'  SO I SEE

Ahhh Zak's school bad, a black dragon and a white seal....  He needs a Rainbow?  He is a rainbow..

Oh Rainbow Moon Bow??   Bow Tie??   -  Hahah Yes...  

Good plan!!!   I'm lost!!! 💜

Ooooo That tickles...

'Time Now' Fairy's trying to set their hair on fire...'Powerful magic shit bitch, now shhhhh keep talking and you have a pie rat tooth…'  hahahah   IKR 

You're a Pie Rat now Ren & A Si Ren'  On that's another gaming toon....   She was the

Oh.... I need to move my Dragon Hunter  to the Pale tree,  Disarmer her

Living World Return: peds of Truth 
and Point of No Retu n 
World vs. World No Downed State

Wow... Hall of Memories!!   In the Mist war!!  🖤🤎❤🧡💛💚💙💜💕💞💗💓🤍

The Chamber Ren...  Oh the What I did last night with Ian..   'Go them Jump!'  Hahah 

I was in the Winter Dragons Guild 😲   'What wern't you In Ren?' 

WOW  👀  Hahha...   


Sorrowl 'Eélirse Sanc ruary 



I made a lot of Aler/Altars...  'No Shit Mad Bitch!'  hahah  
I'm a parrot &
'Prat' 💚

What was SiRen   She's In WOW... To late NOW
💗  Oh  I don't have an account.

Minecraft with Zak...   Pfffff  

Back to Last night and DL...' We got NOW for now'
💜 Hahahaha 

lol Why do I play with myself!   'Mastication's wrong😈'  Oh I can turn inside out!
lol Auto correct wtf...  What have I done!! 
I need a hug. 
 'Come here'  Now.   'Yeh Just lay down' 

Hahahah  lol  I fed sausage to my Star too! 
💜  Capting Pug Wash!!  HAHAHA  :D

The Curry Wren.. Curry Shark  Shart??

WOWOW   -- This is so silly now…  😆   I know who so many are!!!! 

'Shipping forecast Mouse... Now take a cat nap!'  Oooofff

💚  I'm So freaking loved up!!  


Up your bum on the second shelf 💥
🧡🧡  🍑🍑


I re'Member soooo much!! 😲

Adam Mann?? 


I'm going down laughing... I might need a resuce!!! 😜

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