Thursday, 17 June 2021

I Spy with my Three eyes!!

Inka... WTF am I?  'You're trouble Ren, come here now with me for a chat' 


It's 10.00 I've only been asleep 10mins??  'Bitch?  Just come I'll take you to the others' 

Dream..  I'd been in an old static caravan with Inka...  

Oh, lots of tracks ID's & DJ's
I'd listened to them all at once so I could see what was needed.

Track list?  'Mmmmm, I'll leave you for now Ren & Find you later' 


Next wake with so much blue... Feels like my throat is full of spiders!  'Go see Malico Ren get ready to blast off'  🤣  Oh??   'Yep, go go' 

Wake at 222...

I'd been massive again, I was in all the stories, all the music art threw the ages.... 
Well fractured!!  Inka had left me with Malico (My Jupiter aspect)
Looking connecting what was needed.
Mr's Frisbee & The rats of NIMH  I was revisiting

'You've let Inka kick you into some crazy places Ren, you ready?' 


Give me a mo.... My heads all fuzzy.  'OFC' 

A very long crazy dream.... Felt like it was in a Ca - KA park.

A windmill ride!! 💜

People singing hymn's


2 females arguing their religious shit....

One 'New Age' the other 'Christian' 
They were arguing about a demonic snake.
 A rack on the wall for a hosepipe real,

It was made out of 2 red and white S shaped snakes.

They kept sticking out their tongs and winking at me!! 😜

I was trying to show the females that the snake is DNA

The story's all the same!!!

Singing in a station... Only the platforms are multi layered.  


Each has 6 lined up bus bays -

Different schools were starting

With different games to play

It was still empty atm,
I was there singing.

A fancy dress selfie booth,
A guy who was with me wanted to take a pic of him dressed as Julius Caesar???

There is a really old one looking out to sea at Seahouses...


LightHouse, I'd bounced back to that dream.
A windmill again...
Grotbag's and her Croc

Haha the Big Pink Windmill!!  lol.... Air go round???

Mind games? 💜 

lol The Chakras up and down the Lighthouse... 


'Sort of Ren.....'

2 towers and the lighthouse in the middle??

The Celtic is the Spiral Chakra System... Celtic Cross

Tree of life nodes...  

2 Windmill Dreams...  In one I could set the speed

The other was S&R one of our meetings...

'Water mill's too Ren'    lol Loci!  Don't further confuse me!


Time and cycles..  Wheels and Chakras..  The Chakras are wheels??


Keep stuff moving?   So earth nodes chakras too??


Can you show plx I'm confused.

'Dream with Inka and I Ren'
kk  -  (We were at the Hunters room now)

Hummmmm, shall we go outside?

The beach ?? Oh...   Lets go to Monks house!
Where that dream where my Bro turned into a wolf.

You told me Monk End Terrace too.
Where the Lewis Carol & other Nana..
I forget the name of that church now..

2 Grandads with Keys...
The Nana's offer blood lines?
Vampire a sign of strong matriarch inside??
May tree, thorns and berries...
Swords, Blood... DNA recall.

Oh Proteins and also Antibodies

Anti - Bodies?? 

Humm they pass threw the gut wall

A semipermeable membrane

Like the reality bleed threws!


Gears... I'm seeing inside windmills

Watermills...  Cogs, Gears.


Oh I could set the speed!!


Hamlets Mill   Ham - Let  lol  sheesh 😂


The Axis's Mondi  - Speeds, Spirals DNAmusical Keys!

'See Mouse?'   Yeh...   👀
Royal Dutch Shell...  Dutch.. Many WindMills


Flat & Windy.

Various Sea levels... 

Was that another of the tower dreams!!

The flat swampy place with the empty Elf tower.

At the other side was an abandoned dwarf mine.

'Find later, Come back here now' 

Can we jump to HolyWood please?? 

Where is Malico I want Oak tree input!
'Here Ren'  Malico can I blend with your awareness plx? 
'Of Course Ren, I'll come to you'


Malico Joins my awareness on the beach and I look down at the freshwater stream.


It comes from Inland where I'd watched a Phoenix burn!
Runs each side of Monks House....
The water runs Red, it stains the sand... 
The St Cuthbert's ducks and Ducklings come in for a drink...

More Iron... Mars?? 

Also not far from the Stag Rock's Where Malico asked me to kill him!!
All the red blood on my hands and in the sand
And Leon... F'd My Arse ???

What is Ingram... WTF  2 burns one is Em's home now.  Was her wedding Anniversary yday
The spelling mistake I'd made to Joel - Shore/Shaw 

Class hope??  👀
The other runs from Burton Quarry... Phoenix Burnt



---Pffff  ok (Head Pop) 

I'd asked Loci to jump us to HolyWood next to the stone ring again, where I'd been with our kids, Lorna & Alexander.
'Oak too Ren'  Haha  ok... Lets go.   I'd stood looking round...  Holly,   Oak  king wood... The Ancient Stone ring.

Should I leave one of them Egg balls here too?   Do they make like game node save points??  
'You know you left clues Ren as you've already found them!'   
Yes... Hahaha I told myself too, that it's hard to tell it's me that left them.
'Good! Keep planting crazy seeds and laying crazy eggs then 😉' 

Hahahaha   OK!  Inka was just sitting on a rock smoking and laughing!!
I left another of them iridescent egg shell balls
😂  Loci jumped below and planted..

The News Agent's where I'd dreamed the flood was.  It was after a broken promise...

My Aunty n Uncle - Cuthbertson's   Cuthbert's Suns... Son's  hummmmm

What are Saints??  Lol St Clements day is Pagan..

Archetypes..  Clement was Black Smith.. Anvil - Storm 

You said last night, Storms Daughter...
Oh Nimrod too thing too?? 
Another Tower..

'Juggle Ren, look for patterns' 

The flood at Cuthbertson's..... A broken promise?

The Cuthbert's - Cuddy ducks.    

What the duck is going on
😛  🤣

News Media....   Real Media! 
Eider the Rider,  Hider...

Cuddy is a Northern word? 
'Look up'  Mmmmmmm

'Dream now'  kk


Lol Thanks Inka!!  'NP Bitch'  Haha 💙

Inka had jumped me to Inner Farne & showed me the seals and puffins..

We sat on the tiny chapel roof there.  
'You're in shit Ren😈'  Hahahaha 💜

Oh the Seals.  
The Sealy's!! The old Neptune Owners!!!
They sold it on to Dobson I was trying to recall this yesterday.

Hahaha  Dob Sons!!   The Matriarch that got me chucked out of the village!!!
Dob is to tell.... Narc  
🤣  She reported me to the police! 
'For being a bad influence'  Strictly speaking... I was more of an enabler 🤣

But I'd dropped and 'Kicked the Can' by then!!!   

'Another Node and ReSet Ren'    Wowowowow!!!

'She's not the first to report you Mouse' 
Hahaha IKR it doesn't seem to stop me!

Seal's Sealy's the regicide in the temple?  Solomon Solo man?

Temple....  Oh head n eyes?? 

Real life moves threw the middle of it's temples

Humanity travels round!!

Lucid in the Dream.   Neptune?? 


3 prong attack??  3 eye feed?? 


'Come and dream trouble'  😆

Hummmm the regicide in the mind??

'Not Now please Ren, I'm still in here'  Haha  💜 Malico!!


'Ren sleep'   lol IMA wake... 
'Still Sleep'  Oh....   Lol   'Yes bitch, now... Come'  Hahahaha Shit 😛

Inka asked me... Want to go bk to the Temple.

 Meaning Soloman's... Solo Man!

Hahah - That Track!! 
'Try and stay on point Ren, your mind is all-over' 

Hah, sorry Malico
Wendy Archetype... I'd Ditched my Lost boys, kicked out by the Matriarch 

'Wendy and a Mad Bo-Peep!!!'

We jumped to Solomon's temple. 
This time we are stood right in the middle.  

He looks at me and asks me

'Arc of the??'  Covenant 'That we broke Squeaky?'

Yes... You told me that. 
'I also told you, You brake many things, Including yourself Humpty Dumpty' 
He'd attacked me first, made me apologise again like here.
Then picked me up and kissed my 3rd eye and asked with a shrug...
'So you wana do it?'

Hahahah  I Spy with my 3 eyes????

Inka..   I keep getting heart hooked 🤣


'Cause your stupid enough to take the bate every time' lol  will you throw me bk?

'Hahaha Ren, I will throw you somewhere, that of give you to Malico to serve up 😏' 🤣😆🤣


Not much meat on a mouse 'No Ren, but I cook soul to perfection' 😅🤣😅

Your killing me 🤣


OMG the equation's Fay just gave me!! 

Why you looking at me like that?
 'You know Ren, now please behave?' lol  OK... 

The blacksmith... Shirly the fallen goddess from last summer I was in her fire looking out?
The MS and the rejection of the physical vessel??

Her hubby that walked out was a blacksmith...    The Blacksmiths Apprentice!!  The Anvil in the Ice ......   Why were the archetypes made into Saints ...The red nose too...

 'I'm Helping Mouse but last night first plx?  Or you'll be weaving a knot in your web 😏' 



Hahaha 1221 - 

I recalled dancing with all the guys barefoot as they danced there shit into the earth


This year im sitting on a church roof next to a lighthouse covered in bird shit thats name comes from the Incan language with Inka!! 

🤣😂🤣 who makes this shit up!! 


GG game guys....'YW stupid dreamer'  😆



Get almost home and there is a fox on the path in front of me territory marking!



People singing Hymns. Hy men ... lol Hi! Man!!

hymn ....  Sheet


Inka...  when you said 'you ARE religion bitch?'   Don't just fucking laugh 🤣


'Every Aeon seeds the one before it mouse, and after if you must know'


Ripples .     Lol wtf have I done now 🤯

Inka...  Soloman.. Haha the temple..


'Now?' Hahahah😆


'It's ok Ren...' We are fucking stupid????  Hhahaha, allover the show.  Just seed it ok?'  I love you guys... 'We know, you're a crazy asshole'

...........  👀
Border line in the human mind....   Unicorn!!  We just poked the 3rd eye spy!!  😆

You gave me a

Ok....  another egg at Holy Island    'Like it mouse?'  Hahah  Yeh... it's fun. 


Last night....  OOPSSS!!

Well shit!!

There is it...

I knew it was buzzing!!

Dreaming as the Sea...   lol  😆

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