Saturday, 17 April 2021

Witch, White Stag, Lion but no Wadrobe

I'm already talking to you on so many layers.
'You too Ren, entity we are all a hub you just access what you need'
First a hug,'You didn't ask nicely lol ok, I'm up fro some fightly'
'Good Ren, Malico needs you to fight him'  
Oh yeh I'd forgotten 'No surprise there'

I am to hunt him? 'He asked you agreed'  lol a contract on Jupiter?
'Go go bug, keep on excelling you'll soon earn some wings for your tail'
lol 'You know my wings Ren and Loci's too'
You have 2 kinds? 'As do you'
'Scoot bitch, he needs to die and your fast and effective'
errrr WTF is that in my eye?  'Bugged Ren .... DW it will just help your aim'  
Thats feels fucking creepy!
'Hosting you feels the same ;)'   lol   kk..... I'm fucking insane! 😆😆😆

Odd sensation under and in right eye, like wiggling!

Stop laughing Inka! 'Fuck off and contract Ren, I'll get you soon mouse'  pffff

I jump to Leon in the house... Where he laughs at me tells me 'Ren on the island  I'm way more sympathetic to your pleas'

He asks my permission with a glance of his eye and we materialise again under his Islands bright blue skies.
He hugs me and tells me 'Ren, you have done this before, just zoom out to the perspective where you see more of the whole'
I feel silly now for asking but the hunt is still on, last time Inka took me to the place where we fought.

I was angry and twisted then and my rage was high, yet tonight I have no desire to fight.

'Find him Ren. Inka will come and collect you, you owe him your help, just do what you can do'  Kill and hunt?

'Yeh bitch, suck it up... your no fucking angel!'  😜

'Not him Ren, save your anger for me....   I'm waiting to fight you but not to give in' 
Malico why?

'Come find me and fight?' kk

Seen as I'm at the Island It makes sense to jump to the station, In the time going back to the space where I met him.
I don't form as Ren, and I don't want to kill him.. I'm recalling the time he saved us all from caged stasis'

I swap to the white Queen and head to his pod,
Back to the space where he's magically disarmed.
I'm meeting him again in astral but this time not just as Ren, with the fuller recall of the time when I was his white crystal queen.

Inka? 'Bitch, he's told you what he needs, you owe him... just provide a quick death'   ffs kk...   'Just do it Ren?'
We don't hold back when you ask for the same.

Sheesh ok....  Inka, I have not technique?
'Ren, just invite him into deaths sleep?'   Oh!
'Yeh bitch, you don't have to stab him.... just open the doorway and act as a passage'    Oh, lol I forgot.
Is death always so forgetful?  'Good question Ren, sort this then we talk stasis'


Inka?  'Yeh Ren, we danced to the edge of the night and back again....accept that when you're with me you're outside of time.. It's a perspective to help you to decide'

I saw the clubs card?  Black like the flur du lese?? 'Not a bad attempt fr your dyslexic head'

I still need to kill Malico? 'Yup off you go'   lol ok.

'Your hectic on chaos Ren, even I struggle to keep up.  You can fuck shit up fast without trying to hard'  
lol I'll find Malico.  'Good call, you did already btw... Scoot bitch, it goes ok'

-Wake for a bit as my Recal was all over.

I jump to Malico, he watches me with dark eyes asks matter of factly.
'Where should we fight?'
I'd said my main dream space and he reaches for my arm saying
'Interesting choice, I shall port us there if I may?'
Nodding he jumped us and I'd looked around..
Oh we're here?!?
'Yes Ren, you picked the space and I picked the venue'
It's east of the castle where I was last night.
Where the sea meets the sand and a white deer is painted on the rocks.

'Stag Rock Ren Now shall we fight?'

I'd left the body then and am observing in the air above...

Sensing her reluctance he'd openes for her,
Hitting her hard and sending her spawling.
Then glowing with hatred, his malic is obvious.

Her instinct is to bite him and before she pounces her form flickers to the form of wolf,
Only this time its teeth are crystal and it's fur is like ice...

The battle is a blur of day vs night.

She reforms back to Ren to watch him die, welcoming his being back inside.
The blood from the sand covers her hands and she walks to the white stag and rubs the stain into it's back.

Leaving the body she's heading out to sea when Inka intercepts her anchoring her to him.

Inka??   👀
That was so much orange?  Where has he gone and what's going on?
'Shhhh Ren, it's all symbolic'
My energy bodys crazy..
'IK Ren, I'm on it'
Orange centre front and back and my right hip are all buzzing like mad.
'Still Ren, mudra plx, I'll dream with you soon just process this first'

I ask Inka for Leon and he appears at my left, I feel him at my hip and the energy changes side..
After a while, it balances again and flows up my spine...  till the back of my heart and head are fizzing and wild.

'Yeh Ren, We dream very soon... it's almost dawn'

Errr Inak wtf? 👀😳😶
'Symbols Ren, chill bitch it's cool.. you can see the geometric layers underneath'

It was incredible, I was in the interlocking bubbles with rainbow light flowing thew... But WTF is Leon doing! 😳
'Ren, we are weaving dreams' Then Leon told me... 'Apologies Ren, that was deeply symbolic, Uranus took one for the team' !!! lol.... Sheesh....... I'm not sure mapping reality into my body was my greatest idea!!!  😆😂😂😆

lol Why did I kill Malico??   Oh there had been another dream too.... our astral forms were still all laying on the beach, Malicos dead body bleeding into the sand.

The dream was like a documentary on finding the 4 best male childhood actors? It was funny and fun, I knew them all... we were revising roles and stories and shows.

Then I was in and out of strange dreams buying someone breakfast our table was a revolving dome in a restaurant was covered but for 2 holes... I'd removed the cover completely to make it less obscure.


The stag in the Lion, Witch and the Wadrobe???  I was being the Witch???

It was this area here... Justice/Fortune/Devil - Inka helped me after and then I asked for Leon too... he appeared on my other side and then the energy moved back central and up my spine again to where Uranus and Pluto sit

It's certainly an interesting way to learn the planets Archetypes and the kabbalistic tree of life 😆

Oh yeh.... It was symbolic of child abuse too...... as he's has a father energy!

I'd agreed to it in other dreams, I'd also done it to help a child heal.
It must be another aspect of me.
I was asked in dream then taken in another very lucid dream, a child was being rapped in a bathtub by her father... it was hergrandaughter that took me there and asked me to help her. I'd gone into the child body and pushed her awareness out... I suppose causing her to dissociate while the violence and rape occurred.

It helped the child to heal... Then I proceed that inside me on another day here. With the group supporting me.

Yeh... that was just over one year ago.
I must be back in that energy.

I didn't process the physical energy till a few months later. It's like I'm orchestrating all my other dreams from now... stuff is rippling out 

It was to do with the violet flame.... it was the first time I'd heard of it or used it

Wow... This is more confusing and complicating than I realised.

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