Thursday, 8 April 2021

Symbolic Violence Rendered threw a Dream Minds Eye

Now?  'How much lower you think you can go mouse?'  
What kinda question is that? 

'You know the roles you agree to in sleep?'   Mate? 

'Don't answer now Ren'  Inka?    

It's been a long day mate.... You know me, present this shit straight...

Plx?  'Ren.  What ever else, you are me'   Go bk and look..

Pfffff   wtf Dreams....

So much violence! 👀 I'd forgotten that I'd left into lower astral out of the window here at the start of the night which may explain the different vibe.


He's also asked me something yday but told me not to answer right away...


Anyhoo start of the night Inka had come here, we'd left onto astral but our formes were so big... Felt like we must be around 10ft.. the trees seemed too small and we felt to big.   We moved fast to part walking part bink/teleporting...

I duno what we did, oh we headed North up to the punch bowl.


Then the dreams 😲 crazy violence. 

The first one felt like a room in a vessel or boat, my bro was there, had punched me in the face and was slamming my head on a wall my ears were ringing like fuck before I blacked out. 
There was loads of people in this scrap, it wasn't even obvious if there were sides or non.  Had just dissolved into a free for all.

There were scanners that read thoughts and a plane was leaving too..... a part reupholstered sofa in an old warehouse.

A crazy building in a mess and we were now the tenants.
Trying to sort out the strange tangled energy.


2 boys, young teens a suicide pact I was floating above they couldn't hear or see me.

First, they'd tried something high, it was like we were on a tower or pylon...
One was hanging over the side with the other clinging on.   Neither would let go.


Then they wanted to drown and the sea came in and rose. 

Higher and higher till they were clinging to the top trying to get somewhere drier.


Then 2 dogs in a boat one was rowing, the boat had a hole.  They were caught on the ebbing tide, I'd offered to drag them back to shore but they didn't want to come so I watched them float off.


Next a carpark for a castle, it was dirt ground and small a winding stone stare case to the castle on a rock above.  The Castle was sandstone, old-style but the setting was modern as I was waiting for a white transit van.


I'd been asked to wait there a furniture delivery, I think a chest of draws... the receiver didn't want to miss it.

While I'm hanging about waiting Inka had arrived and decided to attack me... lol more mindless violence.


I don't know why I didn't fight back 'You usually do!' lol I know.
I was on the deck getting a kicking when Malico arrived and ported me out with him back to the hunter's room.


Inka arrived back once more its clear from his confusion he has no recall.

He meet her eyes mentaly asking to merge into her feeling and pain,
needing to experiencing what he had inflicted.

He silently weeps... Ren holds his head watching tears fall, then presses her forehead to him opening  Full recall...

They lay together crying and confused sharing in the shock of the violence and abuse.


...There was more too....??


Main dream area... the old stone walls.
Stables and and old field and shed..
Kelly had moved on, 
The care of some horses and donkeys had been passed along.


A horse had died needlessly- the larger stable had been negligent in its care.


From my round house, up the street a horse was giving me a lift to the school.


The female rider was intolerance.
Few people she liked.. while she didn't like me she put up with my shit.


I was standing on one strip.  My head by the horses face, it was warm chestnut shire.

She dropped me at the corner by the graveyard where the joker/jester card was on the floor.

A tiny donkey and a puppy running up the road.


Before the horse died there was an issue in the energy.
One needed to move on...

Inka told me 'NO!   Go back inside and untangle before it starts'


Then I'm deep in a crystal volcano the lava is blood??
Thick hot and bubbling it bleeds and flows. 


'You killed me mouse 🐁'


You needed it? I remember I offered... You looked like shit.  'True that' 😏



Why did I kill you?... 'Its been a while Ren, you still owe me 1 more death...' 🤣


I killed you here? Under the tree too... 


'You were supposed to stab my heart Ren but could get threw my chest'  Last night was freaking rough... You helped me find your kidney?


'You did the rest'  oh I..  so much blood... But bright red arterial,  that was the flow & bubbles?  I bled oil and you bleed blood.....

Oh the kidney...  a Ren too.... O.o

You beat me in the house too....  Yet didn't recall...  'I needed your emotion Ren'  I'm trying to understand...  

The Red & Black, White and Yellow/Gold.. the playing cardsMed Wheel N S E W?

Your showing me a brain?   Energy flow.  Fuck man it was brutal... 'Think symbols Ren....Want more recall?'   Sure lets go there.....

Leon left, turned away...   Malico stopped you from killing me?  '2 times Ren'

2 x Ren ??   2 kidneys   Kid n eyes??  Oh... The dreams with the kids with one eye too?? 


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