Friday, 23 April 2021

Flipping shit!!

Ty...  'yw, stupid'

'Let go of Holly and welcome Oak...  and if you want it to get warmer that is a demand not suggestion..... '


'Your hugging the fence bitch'    ok kick me off....  


'Good call Ren nothing grow for long reaching only down'


'We told you Ren, you are growing 2 ways....  Inka will not leave you if you want to play his games...just let me balance you both ok? '


Thanks Leon...   'Its debt either way Mouse'   Hahaha kk


Hahaha that was funny.. I was astral Zoomies allover'



Lots of sun tadpoles swimming into my body..


Inka placates me to much? 'Whilst also fuelling your Fire Ren... seasons and symbols...  temperature warmer?


Errrrrr supposed so..  'good Ren, I am your teacher like it or not I provide what you need too'


'Glare at me mouse...  more I dare you'  Leon?


'Ren a good teacher knows where its student needs leading'


I'm not your bitch and I don't ware a collar...  'but As you have been told it is safer for you both to let Inka call the shots'  


'Games in games Ren accept you're a ball' 


So are you Leon so are we all


..'well observed squeaky, now will you do as your told?'  


By who?  'Its whom Ren, you have you have us all on your case'


Really.... why ffs?


'Ren your in game, chaotic as fuck...   if you let us control you we can flip stuff well up'


Yeh ok...   I love the ๐ŸŒž...  budging over welcome on bored 'Good mouse'  


Keep pushing Leon  ๐Ÿ‘ฟ rodents have deep n dirty denture.


'You're a Wren now Ren ....  they are still flighty and flighty....but no teeth but a beak you need to learn to burn without biting'

You are immune to my poison????
'As you are to us... its better we work together as one'


Love??  'Is always the answer Ren whatever the question'


'Way shower Ren, like Elen'...  ' that is the term for impatient ass hats like you who either in a rush or fast asleep ๐Ÿ˜ด and dreaming'



Leon Raping me.    Then my shitting my pants - that is another loop with the key and abuse?   'Yes'

Here......  Cipher Text and Giants ๐Ÿคจ


We play to win???  'Dam straight bitch'   -  lol  kk


Who's Rog, Red hair kids... I need more info on the collective consciousness plx. 

'Ok Ren, expect incoming'


'You're supposed to be behaving??'   I can still up the game, I'm kinda listening ๐Ÿ˜‰

This you showed me....??  With the butterfly Monach ??   

'Ren Flip it.....  '

Ohhhhhh!!!  OoOoooooooooo!!!  ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿค“


I SEEEEE... Gnostic Mirror Vission

'Yes.... Now, plx??? '  I'm so behaving right now ๐Ÿ˜

This links to the Church and Alice!  And the Rabbits and the 'Tangly mess you keep weaving?' lol  Mmmm!!!

I'm like a cosmic Kama Dump??? ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ   'Your just a little shit  Ren it's ok'    Hahahahaha ๐Ÿ˜‚  'You could not keep upping the game?'  Meh I'm already insane ๐Ÿ˜œ  Also, best thing is all I need to do is dream! ๐Ÿ’œ   


'You get special dispensation, as a web spinner and a dream weaver'  Hu??? 'DW Ren, Just play and sleep early'

Latin hu?? 
'Look it up'   Offer or request?  'Up to you Ren, how do you wish to take it?'   lol Hahahahaha  'Yeh Ren, just keep them thoughts to your self?'  You were the one who randomly fucked my ass ๐Ÿ™„

'Now like then Ren, it's an open playing field'    kk Then

'Ren look up the fucking word!'
   Who asked you???  


'Humpty dumpty all over again'  Hahahahahah ๐Ÿคฃ


dispensation (n.) 
late 14c_, dispensacioun: "power to dispose of," also "'act of dispensing or dealing out," also "a relaxation of 
the law in some particular case: " from Old French despensacion (12c_, Modern French dispensation) and 
directly from Latin dispensationem (nominative dispensatio) "management, charge," noun of action from 
past-participle stem of dispensare " disburse: administer: distribute (by weight)" (see dispense). Related: 
Disp ensational 
Theological sense "method or scheme by which God has developed his purposes and revealed himselfto 
man" (late 14c_) is from the use of the Latin word to translate Greek oikonomoia "'office: method of 
administration" (see economy). Hence "'particular period during which a religious system has prevailed" 
(1640s): with Patriarchal, Mosaic, Christian, etc _ Also "a particular distribution (for good or ill) by divine 
providence" (1650s).

Humph....    How do you do that????    'Just shhhhh and dream Ren, you just need to DL ๐Ÿ˜'   

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