Sunday, 28 March 2021

Purple Star

'Astral recall, defective unit... Dipshit Ren'  FU Inka 😜'Reeling you in mouse 😈' Why?  'Cause your annoying in the house!' lol

I think we all see the same, part of this game... are we bugs in box's or loci in gods mind?

'Does it matter?'   

I think it likely dose as what I've learnt is as below so above. So for me it hardly matters but for my kids I give a shit... I will game.

Interesting contrast?  'Outside or in your mind?'  

Inka you can... 'I know witch, you are putty in my hand

I could kick you far aside and you'd still dance back'

I fought you hard at first mate...?  'Yes mouse you did, you needed to trust me..... I showed you what you hid'..


Oh from inside?  'The bits you didn't want to know'

So why now Inak am I so scared to let you go?

'It's not fear mouse, your love is strong..swapped hearts is strong by side we belong'   errr. 'You can come here witch'  

Eyes are tired... 'Come in witch..'     'REN!!!!'   Hu?  ok too sleepy...

'Ground you? I'd not even try. Different seasons Witch.  We going to kick you round the sky! A tour of the god mind, then if your still in need of grounding, I'll gladly drag you in 😏' 

Em / Me... We are on the green chatting about future and probable futures.... a child with a screwed up family another me, lots we were talking about.  How to organise a society??

We had an old fashioned cassette tape, the tape had snapped.

Someone had been in an abandoned loft space.
They had found a banner with Christmas trees and another for a 21st birthday they had got tangled up..... old fashioned paper images strung on red ribbon.   Oh the winter solstice 'No Shit 😏'

Last night I was broken again.... Inka commented...

'Bloody hell Ren, it's like teaming with Humpty fucking dumpty' As Malico put me bk together again 😆😂

Oh... lol I was fighing with Inka and Leon before you guys chucked me out the library and knocked me out! 😆

After that dream re-entries... I was standing to sleep.  

Inka was holding my arm as I was wobbling.

I went in and out of dreams and visions... 

The medicament tape dream..?
'Yeh, and the recorder from the other dream?'
This strange big clunky one?  

The tape? how?

'Magnetic, just lay down for now' kk

The transcription devise, 'Inscription - Transcription' copy into diffrent layer? 'Yes sleep more'  

Hard with pain... 'I know, try'  

The transcription is DNA..   

'Recall Ren, your memory in DNA multidimentional. Humans do not know how to use it well yet'

The tellus? Telomeres? 'Lay still' EH? Did a tree just bend and kiss my head? 'Beech tree, yes lay still'

Transcription and Tellomeres Ren.. Gates and Portals...

What's with you blowing smoke at me! 'Relax I'm showing you DNA shapes' Mmm 'Good, Sleep more'  

Inka kept blowing smoke at me as I stood wobbling around.  

Cell copying? The Geo Cell that night? 

'Joining tails Ren, the Mutations, the Donations'
The boggart dream yeh... I'm? 'Keep Dling' Multidimensional, collateral damage taken.

The Valhalla night with the stolen creation.  

'The key round your neck Ren? The Key Box Shop

The box in the jungle that was filled with art'

Oh it's the key for that box!! at the start of the blog....

The crime threw time, that errrrr   - 

The blue then the purple??? 

'Yes, all different layers, the dryads too but they have trees not tails'  

The snake down the temples? The snakes inside, DNA recalls.. ripples in time..

The star of David is the interlocking tails...... then end of the spinal cord,  It goes up to the brain??

'Gates and portals Ren, you are playing with fate.. sheep herding
bo-peep just waits'  

The shepherd takes to market??

'The gate will separate...'

The portals were open??

'For as long as it takes'

All the time they need to grow?


WTF am I Inka?

'Trouble bitch 😈' Hahah

'Come here little minions... come sit by me'

Again we make the devil card the number 3.

3 points in each tail end, 3 aspects that we split..

Triangulation! It's our multi-D   -  GPS!! 😆

'Yeh Witch, the triangle with the eye'

The Elen - The vaccine?!?!

'All you Ren, there isn't much you don't see'


'I told you it's your dream!' Errrrr wtf?

'Yep bitch... you're now stuck to me' lol Oh well 😂


Yellow furball... 'Yep inc, you're thinking big'  Haha great... 

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