Saturday, 6 March 2021

Looking for things.

When I first wake I'd been a sheepdog and the herd, I was the wolf in the herd and the herd in the wolf...    Oh Last year same date.. a sheepdog and sheep...

Next up a long dream in it's one of them places that isn't buildings as such just different level platforms outside.  Wide staircases between them.

It had a learning vibe, I was with 2 males, and we had gone up to a surgical clean up room.   We are at a silver table and there is a pile of used surgical instruments and blood and grease stained old fashioned surgical drapes... Bits of tissue, blood, teeth and all sorts are mixed in with the surgical kits and we were sorting them to clean them and chatting.

I realised I'd lost one of my silver gate bracelets.. The one that was my mothers.

I was thinking blugh as one of the guys had already dumped stuff in the clinical waste and I knew I was going to have to fish threw it to see if it was there... So I'd gone to find some disposable gloves to put on. 

I was mildly annoyed but knew it must be close as I'd taken it of and put it down prior to sorting the surgical kits, the guys were helping me look but more and more used surgical equipment kept arriving.

My recalls odd, I know we were chatting about cheep mind control and surgical outcomes, there were many older people too 70+.

I'd not found the bracelet so had gone to this lost property thing where there are many other silver gates??? 

I was surprised as they are not so common, some were engraved with the owners name - there were some antique ones and also cheep ones made of plated metal. 


I was also in the woods here, a friend is also here too, she has left a small bag of belongings next to a tree.  It's a little orange rucksack and I know it's magic or ritual stuff that she will collect.   I was walking back and forth with a large potted plant like a small tree with blue star shaped flowers a little like borage flowers I suppose.... Again there are 2 guys there.

Next dream... A school world change, so much was gone, it was just ruins.  Weeds and plants were taking over I was in a stairwell were weeds were growing.  

A guy was talking porridge - I wasn't sure if it was an old style reference to incarceration or the cereal :P  

I'd been dreaming with Inka at his hub with the portals.. We were looking for something then I'm seeing images flick fast like archetypal images... I see a male in grey and hear Zeus/Norse God??


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