Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Stupid & Messy

Inka? 'Squeaky, I'm not going away. I've been bugging you all day mouse, the game is yours to play'


Help, please?  

'Then tell me what you need? What is it we are going to seed?'


Kids a better future, humans not slaves, working stupid jobs for a shitty wage... more music, more fun!

We need to weave together, to make this better for our kids a world a future planet where it's good for them to live.

'Who's good little mouse, let's get this clear, you're a powerful dreamer in your realities ear'

I want them to be nourished with every chance to grow.

Fun and magic we start to play along....


'Instant karma Witch?' lol for them that want or need 😜


'Come jump in hot water bitch, lets see what you think is real' lol


72... Take it slow. ....Hu?? 👀  Not odd at all given yesterday.


'Gates and patterns Ren, I've shown you the eyes one in the forehead another between the thighs'    lol one way in! 


I was errr with Inka not sure where but he appeared and threw the re-ed uniform at me...
Told me to get dressed... he'd cut a hole for my tail
Hahaha we jumped to Kaylo in the hut.  

Kaylo didn't wana to know... but agreed after a bit to dream share as 3. Awake after a mad crazy layered dream..


Oh! lol late? 'Or early.  If you sort your shit' lol 


A woman disabled - So many layers to this.
A lake.

A station a train,
it was getting late.


The train as leaving, no one wanted to help the disabled woman they were going to leave her in the rain.   

There were some people, fucking crazy... 


In fact I was one who could make a team with what we had, Me another woman, a guy, a couple then there would be others. 

We had to convince the railway that we could help move the chair... big and electric up the iron stair.


The tracks were like music, 

A love story some bits gay.... 

Packing up and leaving too I had so much fucking mess 😲


Trying to empty and pack it all so we can catch this last train.


I was sleeping on a bus to. On the top deck hiding under a duvet dreaming shit as we went..


A fucking crazy oven, small, gas with lots of knobs and a knife that I had, the top bit swaps.

Green handle, with lots of blades and tools.. 

I was learning how to swap them it wasn't just for food.


A food hall by the station, outside was wind and hail.

Kids in uniform getting food before the train.

A massive lake, with junk, floating and dumped..

A prison bathroom, wet uniforms and old soap...

Lots of odd socks, and josh in a bath

It was such a tangly mess that I had to help sort out O.o


Inka? 'Fraid so, come here'  


lol a gay guy plus 2 more...

The disabled woman was lesbian....

All my mess on the floor O.o


Oh an amazing music stream!! It was a massive kids band, the kids all learning music and how to jam.


A twitch like vid, streaming all around the world, 

Mixing shit that had not been blended it sounded fucking dope!


lol Oh it's 616! 😆 

'Forever forever... '


There was so much going on at once, A guy in a club, he was a singer like the lead of Sued he was telling me of his first gay experience with these 2 mates.
The woman in the wheelchair was well switched on, we couldn't leaver her in the rain... she had to come along.   

That oven thing to, 2 different tanks of gas.. Pressure valves and stuff?? 
The concert... So much music equipment, a stage but back stage was vast....


So confused.. my heads all snotty 😶
'Snooze Ren come here, will help un pack, jump back to Kaylo too, we need him at the mo'


Wake again.... lol Inak?? The kids TV show? Iggle Piggle in a boat?? :D 'You're relaxed now Ren, just stay afloat 😏' lol


Pancake day too?? Oh that's the easter shit? Was the day b4 Zak's bday.

'Just keep dreaming it' I was supposed to stay away from you during lent?  

'Yeh stupid.... we know how well that went!'  😆


lol.... 'Go bk to Leon Ren, let us help sort this mess'  


Oh he burnt an eye onto my thigh this time and kissed me on the head?
Like in the other dream where I'd fucked something up? Linked to the announcements? I was Haha all of the roles??

'Mmmm mouse jump bk there' Blugh my throat n head..

'Jump bk to Leon, b4 you have to get out of bed' lol 


That was no less wyrd!! 'Your the odd one mouse ;)'   


lol yeh I figured... Back in that church.. 'Mmmm' Sheesh.. we crashed a service and Leon gave me to you..... Hahah  'Symbols Ren.. Keep playing attention :P' 


'Links & weave Ren... IMA keep bugging you again today you need to dl as you go' lol  great..... Trolling me with tunes too it seems too 😆


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