Sunday, 21 March 2021

Elevator Race

A building with an elevator - 2 shafts running side by side... I was with Em and we were errr playing hiding from each other going up and down. There are 6 floors. It's fun :)

Oh I had a key... amazing key, it had been lost for ages and people didn't think they would ever find it. Nore did they know I had it.

I had it though - it's not like any key I'd ever seen... it was square and made from corrugated metal.

Credit card size or smaller, half a cm thick..and it interlocked like a puzzle, you had to know the puzzle first to use it as a key to unlock. Stupid cat woke me before I got to find out what it opened!

I knew it was an odd metal unit on a path in a large flat area with no trees. 

A long dream I'm in the back of a car the seats are light fake leather or leather I duno.. was a fancy car though, the outside was royal blue. 

A mag/publication is there it's in small fine blueprint. 

An insert and the main mag.

Reading the articles - A man had been removed, he'd been a contributor to a group.  

I could understand his articles, he'd come to close to an uncomfortable truth. Images and text, I could see his data and working out threw the articles.  

I could visualise geometric shapes of light like plans or instructions for something. 

It's unclear what had happened to him. There was concern for his safety. Then 2 huge fish tanks, in one is a large aggressive catfish, it's a bit freaky tbh. 

A moody female is talking about the tanks.  

New shoes.. lol blue dom had bought them for me. I was wearing them but I didn't like them. 

Then I was wondering why I was wearing them when I didn't like them.

They were blue trainers Hahah -  I had a feeling they were Adidas court shoes and they were lol I know nothing about trainers wtf :P  

Then I was on a beach, the drop-down to the sea is extreme. The difference between low and high tide crazy.

The beach had been used for mining... and errr there was a think plastic red wax that had been pored onto the sand and set hard.    It was like a giantly plasticy wax slide.

In this are 3 groves were waste from the mining facility had run into the sea. Now the beach is full of people. I was floating and sliding down the wax bit as it was kinda fun, other than that I just seemed to be watching. The tide came in very quickly. It's 808....

I'd been dreaming most of the night in the library in Malicos house by the fire, at some point Leon jumped us to the hunter room to dream share and Inka had appeared for a little while towards the end of the night.  

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