Thursday, 11 March 2021

Soggy Ceiling and Loci Dragon

Stormy 💜  'Mmmm Come here Ren'   Recall plx?  'Yeh, though you'll need to one of the others too, you just stick to me like glue at the moment'
I noticed :P  Why?   'You were supposed to move on mouse'  I know, but I didn't like it...  'You still got to see me'   Mmmm felt odd though as I wasn't whole 'Your not' lol  'Come here'.

Blue and pink 5 pointed flowers like stars... Same as the Borage like flower that has been in a few dreams but this time bigger with pink and blue petals.... I was in them was them.
Oh yeh, I was dreaming with Inka too.... It's 1.11.
I was inside his awareness... I'd jumped to the others and we all went to my space - Inka was playing the role of control in the dream too, but wasn't really.  Leon, and Malico were there too dream sharing. 

I was formless as I was inside Inak, and Loci was just floating about like he often doses.
When I wake again it's 2.22 Inka kicked me out told me he'd be bk later, The dreams had been geometry, shapes and forms.
It was Loci I was dreaming with next, he told me I could merge with him as I'd been formless all night, I think it's the first time I've done this. 

First, we revisited dreams similar to the night before that I didn't write up. (I'd been a dental nurse in a strange floating white space)  On this night my Mam was asking me if I knew a dentist... I'd told her no.  It was just a telepathic exchange.
After this I kept waking and going back into the same dream with slight variations depending on who I was using as an ego recall.
It's a victorian house similar to Mortimer road in London, the upstairs was very different.
I lived in the house with others, but it was leaking badly! I wasn't sure if it was pipes or the roof but the ceilings and walls were wet and getting worse.... I was heading home for Christmas - A long train journey why Christmas again??

I was hoping the place wouldn't be too wet when I got back. 
At one part I'd been squeezing spots but what was coming out of them were long hairs, like soft cat fur, it was oddly satisfying 😆 - The house had cats and rodents too I was leaving food for them.
There are 2 soldiers and dead young birds too, they don't have feathers and are laying around - the soldiers are dressed like tin soldiers or the queen's ones or something... all red n blue.  They were going to bury the birds.
I wake it's now 404...
The train journey next.  I forget who I was dreaming with for this, I think meby all 4 of us... my writing is too messy:P

I'm right at the front of the train.
I can see into where the driver is and the train has like an autopilot... there were no stations or windows either.   It was like being in a round metal tube.  The conductor and driver are in the space I'm in.. I was chatting with them it was to do with creation too... and telling them about the leak in the house as we head north. 
I'd woken but gone back a 3rd time into the same dream.   I'm back in the house again, with Loci now and at one point we are on the top of a cliff in bright sun, a dog has jumped down, the drop is huge.  I'd climbed down to get it (vertigo!) I pass it up to Loci then he helped me bk up too. 

In the house the leak is worse, everything is so wet.  I'd put a big towel down to try and soak up some water but as I stand on the floor it gives way... I slow the motion of me and the ceiling into the room below were we land softly in a pile of plaster and light fittings and I realise I need to contact the landlord.
Loci has turned into a gold and gree dragon now, he lives with us down a stairwell going below ground.
It's where the soldiers buried the bird, but Loci has eaten the tin soldiers and all that remains is a bad smell and 2 modern army Comando hats on the stairwell. 
I'd chucked him another dead bird to eat and asked if he wanted to come to find the landlord with me and he did.  
We'd wandered threw the unfamiliar city, he was floating beside me... long and snake-like, we were chatting telepathically, just small talk as we looked into cafes and shop windows.   It seemed perfectly normal to be mind talking to a flying dragon 😆
The landlord was an Indian guy, we'd been in his property so long he'd forgotten about us, I was asking if he wanted to see the damage,  have a company he wanted to fix it or should we just sort it.  
He had a company who serviced his properties who he would get to contact us and we headed back to the house, I was aware that there are baby dragons in the place now too.

The leaking rooms reminded me of these 2 dreams together the Dec before this one.... and errr that bathroom dream recently where my Mam appeared and I was annoyed with her.

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